HomeMy WebLinkAbout17945 Hinckley AveCITY OF LAKEVILLE CERTIFICATION OF GRADING AND FINAL PLACEMENT OF IRON MONUMENTS Building Permit #: LA222624 Legal Description: Lot 2 Block 5 Subdivision: Address: n I hereby certify that on 4rh day of October 2024 an inspection of this property was conducted by me or under my direct supervision and that the as -built grades, elevations and drainage patterns of the site and building are in conformance with the grading plan approved by the City Engineer or amendments previously approved by the City Engineer. In addition, all property corner monuments are in place as of this date. I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Print Name: Mark A. Schwarz �p Signature: �` a fi Date: 10i9i2024 MN License #: NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY SHOWING ALL AS - BUILT GRADES, ELEVATIONS AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS Approved subdivision grading plans should be obtained from the property owner or developer. General questions relating to the building permit should be directed to the Building Inspections Department at 952-985-4440. Questions relating to grading should be directed to the Engineering Department at 952-985-4500. Prior to release of the Grading Security, this document shall be filed with: City of Lakeville Engineering Department 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 RECEIVED By Alanna Sobottka at 9:53 am, Oct 11, 2024 II III I II II � II I � ^ II II 1— J n "V I II I _ 1�1 n II I I II II II 11 I II I I I I A I II NNQ �A D 1 ON 41 �aN DO N „I GENERAL NOTES: Nde'� eg �y;i° EM 9 �5g°k1�53° 1ch°a° }+0q>ll used to 3,� «-- N�e90 x1�p1J___ 134N1'3 LL' —_—x �ye____x___N ____e1e XN�4 kN�e by SGorey does not Pectsu to show, improvements 6 } g p y p last dated May proposed elevations shown �1 1 _ _ 2. oriscroasurymenu Improvements N '� aa� Nd,3 Nd'N. or Encroachments m except sas upervision as surveyed N I tWs N }N LN'.177 1 Y P n I ^ � � cN N x ° E51951371 3. No specific soil investigation has been performed on kN '� s-46 etl is not the 9, 13 this lot bythe surveyor. The suitability of soils to tgyy �i� N 1— 1d�'- suppor[the specific house proposed x N 5---T--- responsibility ofthe surveyor. _ _10 All n'.1779iL3J '1 v — :5� m / 4. This certificate does not purport to show easements `y other than those shown on the recorded platelse . N r } N6h }Nay. ip6�ggb I p FP+ p53 5. Bearings shown are based on the Final Plat. 5� /2 i 3e g?x }'. fi. Site address is 11945 Hinckley Avenue, Lakeville, Q�..�..��s NIP ,_r WALKOUT '�9 x' W MN ssoaa mpnpn�� - 1. House/Baseent type. ley EN11 McKinC3-Right- sCPLEwFEET OR I k[ps ay i Morning Room - Walkout Na 0)e1 8. Topographic survey was completed on October 4, v 1794�HIRCNOyAW o � x N� ' 2024 DRIVEWAY/ k ex , o.°, O DWI O 6.6%SLOPES I t Z GARAGE O BENCHMARK: riao µ I �N> O,ch MARK A scHWANz w I �xv/ g04 1`1 x ` T tleop n hydra E quadrant of 1�__1x I 12 p3e16 .T' Elevation T103803 feetINC AND veewnAvenue. DOCUMENT WRITTEN CONSENT C.PIEDOR/ Y g CAI THI 0 — 30 _�r xTED CCPCC., — PROJECT m �� Nay NN�-- '�Nd' Nd' HOUSE ELEVATIONS: Propose tl/As-Bui It 1 � --1�,s — 9 S89°13'41q'W 130.00� � ak,owl° ,� Ga�geFloor = os 9/106e1 LENNAR -- ,N X e }Ne kN�y. }NcFi NI`Ngt '� Top ofFountlatmn= 1068 2/1068 3 CORPORATION #N`�- cm O N051#NPN� }N�N3N Neat Lowe Lowest Opening= 10er 60.2 CASLANO - X I LOT 2, BLOCK 5 IAIP�LLE MINNESOTA Flj /- Ati •-, LEGEND Existing Building Transformer PROJECT NO 11 SM.3 GAS FILENAME 25303 TO 95 GAS ® Utility Pedestal CROWNS' TOM --- --- Sanitary Line DESIONEORY nc Air Conditioner ---I--- Water Line ORGINALIGHLEDATE EM Electric Meter CLIENT PROJECT NO --- a� --- Storm Line ern Gas Meter E Landscape Edge Deciduous Tree GRADING ® cum stop 0 AS -BUILT yI Existing spot Elevation Q Cleanout f`— SURVEY --- Surface Drainage Direction p Lawn Sprinkler Box (a Iron Monument Found 3K Lawn Sprinkler Head RLS 45811 ET 7 of ,