HomeMy WebLinkAbout20162 Gallifrey WayCITY OF LAKEVILLE CERTIFICATION OF GRADING AND FINAL PLACEMENT OF IRON MONUMENTS Building Permit #: LA217567 Legal Description: Lot 9, Block 7 Subdivision: Cedar Hills 3r1 Addition Address: 20162 Gallifrey Way I hereby certify that on 26th day of August, 2024 an inspection of this property was conducted by me or under my direct supervision and that the as -built grades, elevations and drainage patterns of the site and building are in conformance with the grading plan approved by the City Engineer or amendments previously approved by the City Engineer. In addition, all property corner monuments are in place as of this date. I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Print Name: MathewJ. Welinski Signature: Date: August 27"', 2024 MN License #: 53596 NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY SHOWING ALL AS - BUILT GRADES, ELEVATIONS AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS Approved subdivision grading plans should be obtained from the property owner or developer. General questions relating to the building permit should be directed to the Building Inspections Department at 952-985-4440. Questions relating to grading should be directed to the Engineering Department at 952-985-4500. Prior to release of the Grading Security, this document shall be filed with: City of Lakeville Engineering Department 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 RECEIVED By Alanna Sobottka at 11:51 am, Oct 15, 2024 C:\Date\Drew\GRADING\Certif cetim� of Grading -odocc 5 6 M goy \ T+ 1028.6 1030.8 + �ri�eoseoo \ VV l L.V l V 1030.9 •Wovo�. G4V, z1p1' cE�HgFose\ \ L.V J l Hi�'�eor 1031. NyP�q� oil f� �31 z ,s0''ti3 oW" m b�7Tv0'k r�2� \ Be eo \ '4+' / 70, 'o C spOO \ N�, \ 1 1032q * 1031.7 + \ 11 o z e h' Rdv 1032.3 d ��y LOT 9 x ikse Hou�s k W5 Florentine EV2F, Elee F3S 10322 031 ' YI/ 96 Walkout \ /1 } � Lowest Floor Ele¢=(1032J3) yA� 104a.z y x Garage i es � jp32� 10p, ei� 1l bq b� 1039.9 1034 r� 1039.E b' Porch � x1039 , Er�s(ue r -,vr 1036 / 527579.38 E 61342.34 N \75EI E / / r 1 n LVI l V Property Description Lot9 Block7 CEDARH7LLS3RDADD/T/ON, according to the recomedplat thereof Dakota County, Minnesota Address- 20762 Gallifrey Way Garage Floor Elev. = (1040.40)(at overhead door) Top of foundation Wall Elev. = (1040.73) Lowest Floor Elev. = (1032.73) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONS Lot area = 5,700 sq. ft House area = 2,471 sq. ft. Porch area = 193 sq. ft Driveway and Sidewalk = 354 sq. ft. Impervious area 3,018 sq. ft / 53.0% of total of lot area Benchmark- Minnesota Department of Transportation Control Point -1914 H", Elevation = 959. 11 (N.A. V.D. 1988), not graphically shown. I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duty Licensed Land Surveyor under the taws of the State of Minnesota. 0812712024 Mathew J. Welinski Date Minnesota License No. 53596 14 matt welinski@westwoodpScom General Notes I) Curb &gutterand utilities are existing 2) Building dimensions do not reflectbdcck facing 3) Grading Plan by Westwood Professional Services Inc initialsubmina/date 02/06/20 4) Buildzyshown rej7ects Florentine foundation plan, sheetA2. 7F, datedO670112023. LEGEND Qry CABLE TV BOX OT TELEPHONE BOX NATURAL GAS METER X GATE VALVE j STREETLIGHT HYDRANT 0 ELECTRICBOX WATER METER 0 ELECTRICMETER ® CURB STOP BOX ®s SANITARYMANHOLE ® HARED END SECTION co SEWER CLEANOUT MN SANITARYSEWER ® CATCH BASIN sTo STORM SEWER ® STORM MANHOLE wnT WATERMAIN • Denotes iron monument found 0 Denotes iron monument set x XXX.x Denotes existing elevation x (JooLJoc) Denotes proposed elevation 811 or c,1181 l.com W1111-11dAH1111 NW Quarter, Section 27, Township 114, Range 20 D,sFohx: PREPARED FOR: Lennar Cedar Hills Lakeville, Minnesota Westwood Grading Asbuilt PROJECT NUMBER: 0028880.01 CHECXED: MHI eN^^e nhe:91515u 12701WF,hralerDnw,S,,1 0LD F® ("he)99.2 M.... W,F; MN SOQ TMBM (DID ..75150 WYbgp41tQ0111 WalxvotlrEolmbrW=YM. D.EI DMN FIELD CNEw: