HomeMy WebLinkAbout20198 Gambrel PathCITY OF LAKEVILLE CERTIFICATION OF GRADING AND FINAL PLACEMENT OF IRON MONUMENTS Building Permit #: LA204826 Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 4 Subdivision: Cedar Hills 2nd Addition Address: 20198 Gambrel Path I hereby certify that on 25th day of July, 2024 an inspection of this property was conducted by me or under my direct supervision and that the as -built grades, elevations and drainage patterns of the site and building are in conformance with the grading plan approved by the City Engineer or amendments previously approved by the City Engineer. In addition, all property corner monuments are in place as of this date. I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Print Name: Mathew J.'W,e�Jlinnss`kkiii Signature: �v Date: July 25, 2024 MN License #: 53596 NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY SHOWING ALL AS - BUILT GRADES, ELEVATIONS AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS Approved subdivision grading plans should be obtained from the property owner or developer. General questions relating to the building permit should be directed to the Building Inspections Department at 952-985-4440. Questions relating to grading should be directed to the Engineering Department at 952-985-4500. Prior to release of the Grading Security, this document shall be filed with: City of Lakeville Engineering Department 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 RECEIVED By Alanna Sobottka at 11:25 am, Oct 15, 2024 N:\0025850.01\Aocs\Survey\Catif cetim� of Gredmg -o. docx 11x17 z z z qq F ° 3 z z sro o sro sro 811 or ca11811.com rc GAMB EL PATH Property Description BAN . sRN MN N 0.00 fant Public Right of Way Lot7, 81ock4 CEDARHlLLS2NDADDlTlON, according to the nmordedp/at thereof, Dakota County, Mnnesota Address-XI79BGambrelPath Garage Floor flee = (1033. 10)(at overhead door) tiB. rt M'�yMb , y Top of Poured Foundation Wall Elev.= (1033.43) 1p3o. �yb X,o3 ,o3ti Lowest Floor Elev. = (102543) — Top of Foundation Wall o _ ;Y Lookout Elev. = (1028.60) x 1032.5 N - nm 81 Porch 21.eo I'll (1033.10) 8 032Z 1033.301033.1 H ssz l^ Garage y n I - I pI L o. 3^ LOT 1 a Existing House Buckingham E/04, Elev. A2W s Lookout Lowest Eloar Elev.=(1025.43) p q0� Top of oundahon Lookout Elez=(1028.W) 102B0 rzm 102Z9 8 Corered o�u n5= n ' 02) 9J 9l yA' IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONS +poy Lot area = 4,750 sq. k House area = 2,418 sq. fL Porch area = 164 sq. k Covered Deck area = 123 sq. k n v Driveway and Sidewalk = 250 sq. 2 x Impervious area 2,955 sq. ft. / (J 62.2% of total of lot area tp- 00 3 uminN8957'15"ESO.�2�T'- ,p'663 out 1026 / rtT 4 r) 1026 L. 70239 y 1024— Dra to-r BRY x xoN aRolf Lot 12,E 4per the platof 10Z,�A CEDARHILLS 2NDADDITION 6r195.52N 526542.8B E rOlr : sm —,nf� Existing Trail ra V 202ND STREET W 100.00 foot Public Right of Way I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duty Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. /40 0712512024 Mathew J. Welinski Date Minnesota License No. 53596 matt welinski0westwoodps.com General Notes LEGEND 0 CABLE BOX NATURAL GAS METER 'j STREET LIGHT 0 ELECTRIC BOX E, ELECTRIC METER ®s SANHARYMANHOLE Om SEWER CLEANOUT ® CATCH BASIN ® STORM MANHOLE OT TELEPHONE BOX X GATEVALVE HYDRANT s]v WATERMETER cs CURB STOP BOX ® HARED END SECTION S1N SANHARYSEWER sm STORM SEWER . WATERMAIN x XXXX Denotes existing elevation x Ioiii") Denotes proposed elevation • Denotes iron monument found o Denotes iron monument set Benchmark- Minnesota Department of Transportation Control Point "1914 H-, Elevation = 959. 11 INA. V.D. 1988), not graphically shown. 7) Curb &gutter and utilities are existing 2) Building dimensions do notigi%wt brick facing X 3) Grading Plan by WeslwoodPmfessional Services/nc. initial submittal date OZ,06/20. 4) Building shown mliects Buckingham foundation plan, sheetA2 dated66,V7/2022 0' 20' 40' SHEET NUMBER: C.H.Ea M. Lennar Grading Asbuilt 1 OF GMK I8521 B07-51 50 , oimaa R. 18881B37515Q :�5 s Cedar Hills I � LakeNlle, Minnesota DATE: 0]/0]/2022 PROJECT NUMBER: 0028880.01