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DECEMBER 17, 1997
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Sindt, Holberg and Mayor Zaun.
Absent: Councilmembers Mulvihill and Johnson.
Also present: R. Erickson, City Administrator; D. Feller, Finance Director; D. `Volk,
Director of Operations and Maintenance; T. Ryan, Councilmember-elect; L.
Gustafson, Deputy Clerk.
97.239 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to approve the consent agenda items
as follows:
a. Resolution No. 97-282 adopting theposition classification and pay plan for
exempt and non-exempt positions and setting forth the policy for
administration of the pay plan.
b. Resolution No. 97-283 establishing wage schedule for seasonal employees.
c. Resolution No. 97-284 approving 1998 Schedule ofFees.
d. Resolution No, 97-285 adopting the non-exempt liquor stores' position salary
e. Resolution No. 97-286 authorizing car allowances.
f. Resolution No. 97-287 repealing Resolution No. 87-164 authorizing
contribution of liquor fund profits to school district's chemical awareness
g. Resolution No. 97-288 amending the 1997 General Fund Budget.
h. Resolution No. 97-289 amending the 1997 Employee Benefit Fund Budget.
i. Resolution No. 97-290 amending the 1997 Oak Wilt Suppression Grant Fund
j. City Administrator's employment agreement.
k. (Removed from consent agenda).
DECEMBER 17, 1997
. PAGE 2
1. Revised Safety and Health Policy.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Holberg, Zaun.
ITEM 3k Lease purchase agreement with Federal Signal Corp. fora 1998 Ford LT
8513 and Vactor 2100.
Councilmember-elect Ryan recommended that the City retain the old Vactor for
cleaning sanitary sewer lines and outsource the cleaning of storm sewer catch-basins.
However, if the City is to clean storm sewer catch basins utilizing City personnel and
equipment, then the proposed equipment lease is the correct. decision. In addition,
Councilmember-elect Ryan recommended that the City specifications be revised such
that future subdivisions are designed whereby more than one catch-basin will drain to
one storm sewer sump in order to reduce the maintenance costs. Mr. Ryan also
recommended that a letter be sent to Dakota County requesting that they pay their fair
share of catch basin cleaning on County roads.
Mayor Zaun stated that Mr. Ryan's recommendations are the type of issues that are
• typically discussed at work sessions.
City Administrator, Robert Erickson stated that our current practice involves cleaning.
all sanitary sewer laterals once every five years. The current Vactor has over 3,000
hours of operations which is more than double that of comparable equipment in
neighboring communities. Lakeville is more aggressive at cleaning sanitary and storm
sewers than neighboring communities in spite of the fact that it has fewer employees
per capita.
97.240 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to approve the lease purchase
agreement with Federal Signal Corp. fora 1998 Ford LT 8513 and Vactor 2100.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Holberg, Zaun, Sindt.
Mayor. Zaun stated Mr. Feller, had given a detailed presentation of the proposed 1998
Budget at the City Council meeting on December 15, 1997. There were no questions
or comments from the audience.
97.241 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Sindt to approve the following budget
• Resolution No. 97-291 adopting the 1998 General Fund Budget.
DECEMBER 17, 1997
• PAGE 3
• Resolution No. 97-292 adopting the 1998 Cable TV Fund Budget.
• ..Resolution No. 97-293 adopting the 1998 Environmental Recycling Fund
• Resolution No. 97-294 adopting the 1998 Drug Enforcement Fund Budget.
• Resolution No, 97-295 adopting the 1998 Employee Benefit Fund Budget.
• .Resolution No. 97-296 adopting the 1998 GIS Fund Budget.
• .Resolution No. 97-297 adopting the 1998 Motor Vehicle Fund Budget.
• .Resolution No. 97-298 adopting the 1998 Storm Water Management Utility
Fund Budget.
• Resolution No. 97-299 adopting the 1998 Oak Wilt Suppression Grant Fund
• Resolution No. 97-300 ado tin the 1998 Enhanced 911 Fund Bud et.
p g g
• Resolution No. 97-301 adopting the 1998 Economic Development Revolving
Loan Fund Budget.
• Resolution No. 97-302 adopting the 1998 Municipal Reserves Fund Budget.
• Resolution No. 97-303 adopting the 1998 Equipment Fund Budget.
• Resolution No. 97-304 adopting the 1998 Building Fund Budget.
• .Resolution No. 97-305 adopting the 1998 Park Dedication Fund Budget.
• Resolution No. 97-306 adopting the 1998 Liquor Fund Budget.
• Resolution No. 97-307 adopting the 1998 Water Operating Fund Budget.
• Resolution No. 97-308 adopting the 1998 Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Holberg.
DECEMBER 17, 1997
• PAGE 4
97.242 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to approve Resolution No. 97-309
adopting the 1998 Tax Levy.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Holberg, Zaun.
Mayor Zaun announced that the City Council. will hold a joint meeting with School
District 194 representatives on December 29, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. at the new Water
Treatment Plant.
There being no further business, Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
e e Gustafson, Deputy erk
Du a Zaun, Mayor