HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-2024 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 7,2024-6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to order, moment of silence and flag pledge Mayor Hellier called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Members Present: Mayor Hellier, Council Members Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Staff Present: Justin Miller, City Administrator; Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney; Julie Stahl, Finance Director; Joe Masiarchin, Parks & Recreation Director; Allyn Kuennen, Assistant City Administrator; Ann Orlofsky, City Clerk; Brad Paulson, Police Chief; Mike Meyer, Fire Chief; Zach Johnson, City Engineer; Paul Oehme, Public Works Director; Tina Goodroad, Community Development Director 3. Citizen Comments None 4. Additional agenda information None 5. Presentations/Introductions a. PubGc Works Quarterly Report Public Works Director Paul Oehme presented the Quarterly Report. 6. Consent Agenda Motion was made by Bermel, seconded by Lee, to approve the following: Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter a. Check Register Summary b. Minutes of the 09/16/2024 City Council Meeting c. Minutes of the 09/23/2024 Special Meeting d. Minutes of the 09/23/2024 Work Session e. Joint Powers Agreement with Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization and Dakota County, and Supplemental Agreement for Professional Services with Kimley-Horn for Launch Park Wetland Restoration f. Proposal from St. Croix Recreation, Inc. for Kenmore Park Playground Equipment City Council Meeting Minutes October 7, 2024 Page 2 g. Youth Advisory Commission Appointments h. Accepting Donation from Lakeville Public Safety Foundation i. Resolution Calling Public Hearing- Special Service Dist No.l j. Agreement with Xcel Energy for Street Light Replacement on Ideal Way k. Joint Powers Agreement Regarding Internet Crimes Against Children 1. Professional Services Agreement with Action Target m. Supplemental Agreement for Professional Services with WSB for FiRST Center n. Resolution of Support for Draft 2025-2029 Dakota County Capital Improvement Program o. Approve Change Order for Citywide Trail Gap Improvements (City Project 23-06) p. Resolution Setting Dates of Regular City Council Meetings and Work Sessions for 2025 q. Ritter Meadows Second Addition Final Plat r. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Staffmg for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Acceptance s. Contract for Fa112024 Tree Planting under the 2023 Shade Tree Program Bonding Grant t. Master Agreement with Lakeville Baseball Association for Facility Use and Sponsorships 7. Action Items a. Public Hearing for the Proposed 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan and Street Reconstruction Plan and the Intent to Issue General Obligation Street Reconstruction Bonds and General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds Finance Director Julie Stahl and City Engineer Zach Johnson presented the proposed 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Project. Stahl explained that there are three resolutions to approve tonight after the public hearing. Approval of these motions will result in adoption of the 2025-2029 CIP and Street Reconstruction Plan and provide the City the flexibility to issue bonds for the projects listed in the resolution. There have been no changes to the CIP since the August work session. The Internal Revenue Service has issued Treasury Reg. 1.150-2, which provides that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met. To meet these requirements, the City should annually declare its intent to bond for certain projects. The resolution includes projects that may use bonds as a funding source. An estimate for bonding for water facility and infrastructure improvements and equipment acquisition is included in the resolution. Approval of the declaration of intent to bond resolution does not approve the sale of bonds or the projects. This declaration does not obligate the City to issue bonds for the projects either. City Engineer Zach Johnson presented the specific projects that the CIP will support. City Council Meeting Minutes October 7, 2024 Page 3 Mayor Hellier opened the public hearing at 6:32 p.m. There were no comments from the public. Motion was made by Volk, seconded by Bermel, to close the public hearing at 6:33 p.m. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Motion was made by Bermel, seconded by Volk, to approve Resolution 24-104 Adopting the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan(2025-2029) and Approving the Issuance of General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter The motion was made by Wolter, seconded by Lee, to approve Resolution 24-106 Adopting the 5-Year Street Reconstruction Plan(2025-2029) and Approving the Issuance of General Obligation Street Reconstruction Bonds. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Motion was made by Lee, seconded by Bermel, to approve Resolution 24-108 Declaring the Official Intent of the City of Lakeville to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of Bonds to be Issued by the City. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter b. Cedar Hills North Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendments Steve Troskey of Lennar is requesting a comprehensive plan amendment from to guide property from Medium/High-Density Residential and Low/Medium Density Residential to Medium/High-Density Residential and Low-Density Residential and a zoning map amendment from RM-3, Medium Density Residential District to RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District and from RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District to RM-3, Medium Density Residential District. The requests are part of the proposed Cedar Hills North preliminary plat, which proposes the development of single- family homes and attached townhomes on about 75 acres of land located north of 200th Street(CR 64), between Cedar Avenue(CSAH 23) and the city boundary with Farmington. The Community Development Director provided information from the staff report and added that the Planning Commission held a hearing on September 9, 2024, and there was no public comment. The Planning Commission recommended unanimous approval. Motion was made by Bermel, seconded by Wolter, to approve Resolution 24-102 amending the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Map, and an ordinance amending the Zoning Map and adoption of findings of fact for Cedar Hills North. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter 8. Unfmished Business None 9. New Business None City Council Meeting Minutes October 7, 2024 Page 4 10. Announcements a. Next City Council Meeting October 21, 2024 b. Next Work Session Monday, October 28, 2024 11. Adjourn Motion was made by Wolter, seconded by Volk, to adjourn. Voice vote was taken on the motion. Ayes - Hellier, Bermel, Lee, Volk, Wolter Respectfully Submitted, �. 1 Ann Orlo sky, Ci y lerk uke M. Heller, Mayor