This form must be completed and submitted with all new residential permit applications.
New residential building permits WILL NOT be issued without this completed form.
Project Site Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Primary Contact: _________________________________________________________________________
Phone # (24 hr Contact): ______________________ Email: ______________________________________
Description of Land Disturbing Activity: _____________________________________________________
NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit # C000 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ or # SUB00 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
If you are not covered under a NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit administered by the MPCA, an
erosion and sediment control plan MUST be submitted with the residential building permit application.
“The permittee(s) shall ensure that the individuals are trained by local, state, federal agencies, professional organizations or other entities
in erosion prevention, sediment control, permanent Stormwater management and the Minnesota NPDES/SDS Construction Stormwater
Permit.” (NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit, MPCA)
“The permittee(s) must ensure that a trained person (as identified in Part III.A.3.a) will routinely inspect the entire construction site at least
once every seven (7) days during active construction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours.”
(NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit, MPCA)
Contact information of person CERTIFIED to provide weekly onsite erosion and sediment control
inspections and corrective actions:
Name of Person: ________________________________Company: _______________________________
Phone # (24 hr Contact): ______________________ Email: ______________________________________
Entity that Provided Training: ________________________ Certification Expiration Date: ____________
NOTE: Prior to any land-disturbing activity, all erosion and sediment controls must be installed on the project site and on individual lots.
No land disturbing activity may begin until a residential building permit has been issued.
I understand, the above information to be true and I will have read, understood, and accepted all terms and conditions of the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit (MN R 100001). The City of Lakeville may issue a STOP WORK ORDER;
withhold building inspections; or, draw on securities/escrows to bring the site into compliance with the NPDES Construction Stormwater
Permit (MN R 100001) or erosion and sediment control plan.
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date:_________________________
Contact the City of Lakeville with questions at erosion@lakevillemn.gov or 952-985-4500