HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-97 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCFL MEETING JULY 7, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Johnson, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg and Mayor Zaun. Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Morey, Planner; J. Perron, Liquor Manager; J. Hennen, Administrative Assistant; C. Friedges, City Clerk. MINUTES The minutes of the June 16, 1997, City Council meeting were approved as presented. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTORNEY: Mr. Knutson provided copies of a revised Encroachment Agreement with Benjamin and Martha Sue Dieken, consent agenda item 7j. Mr. Knutson asked the Council to consider, under New Business, a resolution authorizing condemnation of property for. park purposes. If approved, he recommended the City Council discuss the pending condemnation in an executive session immediately following the City Council meeting. ENGINEER: None. ADMINISTRATOR: None. DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Mr. Volk was absent from the Council meeting and will present the June monthly report on July 21st . PRESENTATIONS/INTRODUCTIONS Councilmember Holberg, a member of the Stop Sign Policy Committee, presented an Achievement Award .plaque which was presented by the League of Minnesota Cities to the City of Lakeville in recognition of its all-way stop control policy project. Councilmember Holberg introduced members of the Committee and presented certificates of appreciation to resident U CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1997 PAGE 2 • members Robin Brown, Ron Nystuen and Greg Doyle. Resident member Steve Pecho was not present. DARE Officer Tim Knutson explained that each year the Dakota County Attorney's Office sponsors a poster contest for DARE students. Ms. Diane Anderson, Community Relations Director, presented the winning posters and recognized four Lakeville students who were among the 12 poster contest winners. Those recognized were Megan Johnson (1st place), Kristin Glab, (4th place), Kevan Soderberg., (8th place) and Adam Davis (11th place). CITIZENS' COMMENTS Ms. Martha Sue Dieken asked about the City Attorney's proposed amendment to the Encroachment Agreement under Consent. Agenda item. 7j. Mr. Knutson briefly met with the Diekens and reported to the Council that the Diekens concur with the proposed amendment. CONSENT AGENDA e 97.119. Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Holberg to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment. b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: Ames Ice Arena Committee, June 25, 1997 Economic Development Commission, June 24, 1997 Planning Commission, June 19, 1997 Parks & Recreation Committee, June 18, 1997 Environmental Affairs Committee, June 17, 1997 c. ALF Ambulance 1998 budget. d. Resolution No. 97-137 receiving bids and awarding contract for 205th Street trail, Improvement Project 96-8. e. Agreement with Dakota County for temporary signal installation at 170th Street and Pilot Knob Road, Improvement Project 95-4. f. .Preliminary Engineering and Right-of-Way Preacquisition Agreement with Dakota County for Improvement Project 97-8 and Improvement Project 97-19. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1997 PAGE 3 • g. Affidavit by Tushie Montgomery Associates, Inc. h. Change Order No. 1 with Northwest Asphalt for District 2B sealcoating, Improvement Project 97-2. i. Special assessment agreement with Jason and Jennifer Hopp, 8855 Upper 209th Street West. j. Encroachment Agreement with Benjamin and Martha Dieken, 18795 Highview Avenue. k. Resolution No. 97-152 receiving bids and awarding contract for Independence Park playground. I. Real Estate Purchase Agreement with Jack L. and Margaret Jo Wilkie, 16639 Klamath Trail m. Appointment of Sharon Kot to the Planning Commission for a term which • will expire on January 1, 2000. n. Set a special Council meeting for September 9, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. to consider 1998 preliminary budgets and tax levy. o. Cigarette license for Crystal Lake Golf Club, 16725 Innsbrook Drive. p. Authorize receipt of park dedication fees from Lakeville Commerce Center for various outlots. q. Resolution No. 97-153 authorizing execution of sub-grant agreement with the Minnesota Division of Emergency Management. r. Special assessment agreement with Jeffrey and Kari Sakariason, 8865 Upper 209th Street. 9. Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit for Greg Foster, 19198 Judicial Road. 10. Resolution No. 97-155 approving the final plat of Tarry Creek, and Resolution No. 97-156 vacating street, drainage and utility easements. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1997 PAGE 4 • Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg. ITEM 8 Ms. Laurie Johnson, representing Mesenbrink Construction & Engineering, Inc., requested Council approval of the preliminary and final plat of Crystal Lake Fairways. Mr. Morey presented the preliminary and final plat of Crystal Lake Fairways, which consists of 18 single family lots on land located south of Interlachen Boulevard and west of Highview Avenue. He explained that the platting of Crystal Lake Fairways represents the last piece of the development puzzle in this area. Interlachen Glen and Hypointe Crossing 6th Addition are tied with this development for street and utility connections. Mr. Morey explained that due to the plat's proximity to Crystal Lake Golf Course, staff had requested that the developer work with the golf course .owners to review any potential conflicts. As a result, the developer has. agreed to install five eight-foot tall spruce trees adjacent to the Hole #2 tee boxes for additional safety screening. The developer has also agreed to install a split rail fence at the rear of Lots 1-10, Block 2, along the golf course boundary. The developer has submitted protective covenants that are similar to the Crystal Lake Golf Estates protective covenants. The Planning Commission held a public hearing and unanimously recommended approval of the preliminary and final .plat, subject to nine stipulations as listed in the June 13, 1997, planning report. Staff recommends approval Councilmember Johnson asked who would be responsible for maintenance of the split rail fence. Mr. Morey stated the homeowners are responsible. Mayor Zaun asked if the City has received comments from School District 194 regarding the potential impact this plat may have on the District. Mr. Morey indicated that School District 194 officials are not concerned about this plat because it is relatively small, having only 18 single family lots, and it is not located in the Cherryview Elementary boundary, which is the only elementary school in the district that exceeds capacity. 97.120 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution • No. 97-154 approving the preliminary and final plat of Crystal Lake Fairways. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1997 PAGE 5 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg, Johnson. ITEM 11 Keith Nelson presented the City of Lakeville Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for 1997-2001. He explained that the five year CIP contains approximately 60 projects for a total of $40,840,000, all of which can be financed by the City without incurring any additional debt. Mr. Nelson highlighted the following projects scheduled for 1997 construction: • District 2B sealcoating • Glacier Path extension. and trail on east side of Cedar Avenue • 175th Street extension • Griffon Trail extension • Traffic signals on C.R. 46 and Kenrick Ave. and C.R. 46 and. Ipava Ave. • Klamath Trail utilities and street • 179th Street reconstruction • Trunk watermain and Well No. 12 • Trail on west side of Ipava Avenue from .CSAH 50 to High School • 205th Street Trail, Kansas to Jacquard • Town Square project, 1st phase and extension of 201st Street • .207th Street mill & overlay • Trunk watermain on Holyoke Avenue and County Road 70 Construction projects scheduled for 1998 are as follows: • Crack sealing - Sealcoat District 3 • Reconstruction of Pilot Knob Road, 170th to Farmington • Reconstruction of CSAH 5, Klamath Trail to C.R. 46 • Overlay of Ipava Avenue from Innsbrook Drive to 165th Street • Paradise Hills -extension of Ipava Avenue to 192nd Street • Lift station rehabilitation Construction projects scheduled for 1999 are as follows: • sealcoating, Lake Marion area • Lift station rehabilitation • Well #13 • Extension of Kensington Parkway to 205th Street • • Cedar Avenue, Dodd Blvd. to south corporate limits CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1997 PAGE 6 • • C.R. 46 from Pilot Knob to Rosemount city limits Construction projects scheduled for the year 2000 are as follows: • 202nd Street from City Hall to Cedar Avenue • Ipava Avenue Parkway extension • Lift station maintenance Construction projects scheduled for the year 2001 are as follows: • Well No. 6 • County Road 70 bridge widening and relocation of frontage roads - (pending State approval) Mr. Feller identified the funding sources available for the capital improvement program as follows: • Special assessments • Public Works Reserve Fund • Trunk Storm Sewer Fund • Trunk Watermain Fund • Water Operating Fund • Trunk Sanitary Sewer Fund • Trails Fund Mr. Feller explained that the five-year CIP contains some non-programmed projects that are considered for potential improvement in the future, but for which no financial resources have been allocated. These projects are development driven and will not be undertaken unless the CIP is revised by the City Council Councilmember Sindt asked if the County plans to upgrade Dodd Boulevard from Cedar Avenue to Highway 50. Mr. Nelson indicated that the County has identified this project in its CIP as anon-programmed project. Mayor Zaun asked if the 1-35 entrance and exit ramps on County Road 70 would need to be reconstructed when the bridge is expanded in the year 2001. He pointed out that the ramps are currently being upgraded by Mn/DOT, and questioned whether the State is willing to participate in the cost of a future reconstruction project. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1997 PAGE 7 • Mr. Nelson stated that when and if the bridge is upgraded in the future, the ramps will have to be relocated, and MnDOT will be asked to participate in the cost. Mr. Erickson indicated that at a recent meeting of the I-35 Solutions Alliance, the group unanimously approved the County Road 70 bridge project as a priority in their legislative program. 97.121 .Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No. 97-457 adopting the Capital Improvement Program for 1997-2001. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg, Johnson, Zaun. ITEM 12 Liquor Manager Judy Perron introduced Jim Perras and Derek Cooper. of Bossardt Corporation, construction managers for the Liquor. Store No. 4 project. • Mr. Perras and Mr. Cooper presented Bid Package No. 2, which was opened on June 24, 1997, and recommended the City Council award the following contracts: Site Demolition/Earthwork- Friedges, Inc. $35,295 Landscaping/Irrigation -Friedges, Inc. $21,500 Paving/Curb and Gutter -McNamara Contracting $56,690 Concrete & Masonry -Crosstown Masonry $209,600 Roofing -Innovative Building Concepts $58,945 Hollow Metal/Doors/Hardware - K & K Sales $10,946 Storefronts/Windows/Entrances - Empirehouse $41,389 Cooler - Southtown Refrigeration $116,580 Electrical/Lighting Systems -Burnsville Electric $73,800 It was further recommended that the Carpentry and Millwork Contract 2.08 be rejected and rebid, with various components (i.e. dock levelers, door openers, wine racks., shelving, millwork and carpentry) bid separately. Mr. Perras stated they feel that with the exception of the Carpentry bid, all other components will come in under $25,000; therefore, these can be obtained by quotes rather than sealed bids. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1997 PAGE 8 Councilmember Johnson asked if Bossardt is planning a different strategy for the rebidding of carpentry and millwork. Mr. Perras explained that the combined package had been originally designed to create an attractive bidding package. However, it actually created some confusion for bidders. Re-bidding each item separately will eliminate some unnecessary mark-ups on sub-contracts. 97.122 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Johnson to approve Resolution No. 97-158 awarding contracts, rejecting bids and authorizing the rebidding of Contract 2.08 for Lakeville Liquor Store No. 4, Bid Package No. 2. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Holberg, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt. ITEM 13 97.123 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Mulvihill to set a Council work session on Monday, July 21, 1997, at 5:30 p.m. at the Water Treatment Plant. • Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Holberg, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill UNFINISHED BUSINESS 97.124 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Holberg to appoint Cheryl Bonn to the Parks & Recreation Committee for a term which will expire on January 1, 1999. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg. NEW .BUSINESS 97.125 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Sindt to approve Resolution No. 97-159 authorizing acquisition of real property for public park purposes. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill Holberg, Johnson. The City Attorney asked the City Council to meet in an executive session following adjournment of the Council meeting to discuss the condemnation proceedings associated .with Resolution No. 97-159. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1997 PAGE 9 ANNQUNCEMENTS: Next regular Council meeting, July 21, 1997. Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, s Charlene Friedges, i y Clerk Duane Zaun, Ma • •