HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 11579 _ _ w v ?4iarch 26 , ,19 $ City of~~akevuile-- „T rc ~~.5'79 HEATING PERIUIIT ~ ~~,sQ Permtt Fee ReCel rt State Surcharge .50 TOTAL FEE PAID ~eQ ~ 7Q .Permission is hereby granted to ilronen' S ~~eatin~IO1-Ber~ ~onstructton Building on Lot No. ~ Block ~ Subdivision Dn~i~l Pninta ~nA Ariditi+Cltt Parcel #>`22-2t7$61-090-0'? Plat. In the CITY OF LAKEVILLE to be used as hermit to install. heating in new construction This permit is issued on the express condition that the ~[~RECTION -~4LTERATION -REPAIRS ~ ENLARGEMENT -JIAOVING -DEMOLITION respects to the statements certified to in the application for such permit, and that all work shall be done in accordance with the Ordinance of LAKEVILLE, Minnesota'and the State of Minnesota pertaining to the construction of buildings. street Address 161Q$ Uiadc~ :Lane Glenn A. Langord Director, License and Inspection Attention is particularly called to the cutting up of streets, making main sewer connections, driuewaysand curbs. Obtain permit forsuch construction from the CITY r' OF LAKEVILLE.lnspectionDepartmentNotResponsibleForAnyDamagestoPublic By ' Utilities: r - - ~ - - - `f_ ~ v DATE J~~~~ CITY OF LAKc'~/ILLJE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT - (612) 469-4431 APQl.ICATiON FOR HEATING PErZMIT Site Address : ~~1/rJ ~~~t~ Alter Repair Legal: Lot Block Addition Install Replace MAKE t~2r3~~`c TYPE OF SYSTEM SIZE ~`,C>11f~ Warm Air Plants CONN. LOAD ~ Gravity FUEL ~~T, ~/r'-~' Mechanical FLUE DIA. Air Conditioning SUPPf_`{ GPENINGS ~l Vent Srstere RETURN OPENINGS ~ Heating or Power Pfant INPUT ~~,L~~~ Steam OUTPUT ~ll~ Hot Water EDR Radiation CFM Wood-busing Stove: ~ommercial• Wood-burning Fireplarx: 'Ian No. Date st. Comp. Date Est. Cost S Heating Permit fee State Surcharge Total Permit Fees ~I Owner's Name ~ Address ~/`?y'~_~ - ~i~~C E G~ i I'IHeating Controctor,L~ff'~/1lE/r~``'~ .~Tv~. Tel. G~ Address c~~`~D ~l'ESil~i~o0!-~ ~ City ~Uc•'~ ~'~'i~/~~~E" Zip ~ S_3s~.f~' Heating, Air Conditioninq, Ventitation $ Refrigeration Permit Fee for single family residence in- + .50 surcharge stallation ~ 39_SO-----------~-~------------------------------$-- Alterotion or Repair Min. Fee_S~~•~~ ~ •50__s_u_zc_?~_a_rge~_____________________g Non Residential Fee shall be computed at 1 0 of the contract up to $10,000; ~9: for balance over $10,000 + :50 surcharge. Minimum=$24.50+.50_-__________$ (GAS PIPING INCLUDED) Send applicaiian and heat loss calculation with check for Permits to: C3TY OF LAKL'~/ILLE Glenn A. (Barney) Langord Iaspectian Department Notice: Plumbing & Heating Inspector Box 957 Call for inspection whey Lakeville, MN 55044 work is completed.