HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo10722 Ir .1 a.1'. 'i ~ ~ .ti. r City of Lakeville Feb~tarv 2~, ~~6 ~ d7~~ INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 'SEWER AND WATER PERMIT Permit Fee........... ss.50 AND RECEIPT stole surcharge so TOTAL FEE PAID . 44.00 i Permission is hereby grortted to 01-$er&? Con~truCt{on Building on Lot No. 9 Slock Subdivision Dodd Pnin P 2nd Addition ParcN,~22-ZOfi61-090-03 Ptat in he CITY OF LAKEVtLLE to be used as Permit to connect to city water and sewer s~st~m This permit is issued on the express condition that the ..-,.ERECTION ,ALTERATION REPAIRS iNSTALLMfNT .-MOVING.. ~DEMOLITION`respects to the statements certified to in the application for such permit, and' that all work shalt be done in aecardancewith the Ordinance of LAKEVtLLE, Minnesota and the State of Minnesota pertaining to the construction of buildings. Street Address.. 6.108 Dodd anP g>3n ~ _?,anaeicd Attention's partlculertj caMad tothe butting upof Streets, making main sewer connections, driveways and Director, 4ttanss and Inspection orbs. Obtain permft'farsuchcpn8tructionlhom ttreClTy OF LAKEVILLE. Inspectwri Department Not Responsible For Any DwnageatoPubl~ U61i6e8. The permit holder understands end agrees th8t grarifinq this permit ~s not a warranty Or representation by the City that the project will be sere or satisfactory BY The permit holder understands and agree8 that the City shall have the.riyht to make periodic ihspectbn during construction. ff the permY'noklerdoe8 snot make arrangement for the inspedaan theCity may [um off the water until such Inspection has been metle. y.., 4 ~ i 5~~? u~• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF LAREVILLE ,SEWER AND WATER PERMIT APPLICATION ~ 5 - Da e ~ t Job Site Address ) )j Q~~i L,r~~-~ Legal : Lot ~ Block Addition ~ ~ ~ ~J7E ~ Owner or Builder ~ ~ ~ G~ r,1,$' Excavating Contractor ~ ~ ~ Tel . _ % ©~lr~ Address ~L` f ~ ~ sY ~ ,..r ~~T.~ Cit ~"c' Private Sewer System ($39.50 + .50) $ Private Sewer Repair ($19.50 + .50) $ City Sewer & Water Connections*(39.50 + .50). $ ` Inside Plumbing -Conversion (19.50 + .50) • $ Sewer Connection Only ($19.50 + .50) . $ ° Water Connection Only ($19.50 + .50). - $ Meter--($b0.00) &-Pressure Reducing Valve. $ b * Metro SAC Charge S/W Connection Units $ TOTAL CHARGES $ ~.0 Is Street Excavation necessary? Yes No Si ed Make checks payable to: City of Lakeville Send paymeat to: City of Lakeville ~ ~Glena A. .jBarney) Langord - Inspection Dept. Plumbing & Heating Inspect. I Box 957 Lakeville, MN 55044. Tel: (612) 469-4431