HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 12117 'C~'E~1~~' USED.+ $1.00 I _ ~2~_~.~' City of Lakeville January 23, ,s $7 HEATING PERMIT 39.50 8e F3eCel,pt Permit Fee State Surcharge .50 TOTAL FEE PAID 40 , 00 Wenzel Pleating/LaCxoix Builders, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to Building on Lot No. 2 Block 2 Subdivision Dodd PO into Parcel 2220£360-020-02 iniheCiTY OF LAKEVILLEtobeusedas permit to install heating in new construction This permit is issued on the express condition that the ERECTION ALTERATION -JiEPA1RS INSTALLATION -~AOVING ,DEMOLITION respects to the statements certified to in the application for such. permit, and that, ail work shah be done in accordance with the Ordinance of LAKEVI!!E, Minnesota and the Stale of Minnesota pertaining to the construction of buildings. street address 1607$ E~:eelsior Drive Glenn A. Langord Director, License and Inspection t ri CALL FOR, INSPECTION - 469-4431 ' By { r _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ 1 '.a _ . n ` ~ ~ y DATE / - a/- ~ 7 CITY OF LAKEVILLE APPLICATION FOR HEATING PERMIT Site Address: 100 78 ~k c ~ L ~ ~ d~ 1~;~,-=,L~ . ~r Legal: Lot ~ B/lock o~ Addition ?~o~p f T / Sr Owner' s Name : L A c ~ o x /,3L iJ,P.~!' Phone : o - '7G 7,S Address: City Zip Heating. Contractor: ~~'~Z-E L /~j~. Phone: j~~~-- 1SG Address : ~ ~ a ~F,y ~ 3 f c City ~R--~ Zip. `J~~l .2 ~ Nnw ec~+ustrnction: Install F~sisting structure: Alter Repair Install Replace MAKE ~L~.~ ~ TYPE OF SYSTEM: SIZE ~G J U ~6C a~ Warm Air Plant X CONN. LOAD Air Conditioning FUEL N/4`~ Vent System FLUE DIA. y Heating or Power Plant SUPPLY OPENINGS RETURN OFENINGS HEATING FEE RATES: ITT ~dao~ Residental: New. Construction: $40.00 OUTPUT 6 ~ o~j ($39.50 + .50 surcharge) EDR Minimum: $20.00 OFM ~ ~ ~ ($19.50 + .50 .surcharge) Commercial: S-b 1% of contract cost,. up to HEATING PERMIT FEE: $10,000 and over $10,000 SURCHARGE: ~ + .50 surcharge. Minimum of $24.50 + .50 surcharge($25.00). TOTAL PERMIT COST: Y"d_ ~ Commercial contract _ / . O-6 AMOUNT: o---e Send opplicotion and heal loss otc9ulation with-check for Permits to: CITY ~F LAK~/1LL~ Glenn A. (Barney) Langord Iaspectian Department Notice: Plumbing ~ Heating Inspector Box 957 Call for inspection when Lakeville, MN 55044 work is completed. 469-4431.