HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 11357 { ? S City of Lakeville` AP~11 7i is 87 1 ~ 357 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT SEWER AND WATER PERMIT Permit Fee..........- 3s.5o AND RECEf PT state surdw?ge .50 TOTAL FEE PAlD , 40'.00 Pbrmission is herbby gronteid to JQhnSOn'EXCavatiri~` i$uiidinq'on Lot No. ~ 81ock 1 Subdivision Dodd Patlnte Pareel ~>E22-20$60-070-01 Plat in the CITY OF LAKEVILLE to be used as pPrutit to connect to city water and sewer s~~ar.,gm This permit is issued on'the express condition that the -ERECTION -ALTERATION _RfF'Aff2S 'X INSTALLMENT ,_MOViNG -DEMOLITION respects to the statements certified to in the application for each permit, and that ail work shall' be done in accordance with the Ordinance of LAKEVILLE, Minnesota and the State of Minnesota pertaining to the construction of buildings. Street Address- 16115 Excelsior Drive Glenn A. LanQOrd Attentlon b partit:ulerty Celled to the cutting up Of streets. making main sewer connections driveways and DlrectOr, Litenst and Inspeetloe CU1bs. Main Permit. (orsui;h construction from dtfl CITY OF LAKEVILLE. lnspectart.Depariment Not nssporroible ForMy L)mnagea to Pubic UdNtles. The permM holder understands antl agrees that granting this permit is not a warrardy or representation by the City that the protect wiM be safe or satisfactory. B y ; ^ f ~ y r ThB pemdt hokfer uniieratands&end agrees that the City shall have the right to make periodic inspection dtxinp Conatructlon..Mlhe permitttoWerdoes not make arrangement to the inspection the City may tam - off the water untll such Inapectkm ties been made. i _T • ~ 4 ^ f 7r O DATE T ~ - ~ CITY OF LAKEVILLE APPLICATION FOR SEWER AND WATER PERMIT Site Address: ~ ~,~L~- l,,r i LC V ~ Legal: Lot Block Addition ~~~-~r,~ ~.r~/~-e- Owner o r B uilder : !~/w s Phone : ~.s' .7 - ~ Address : X02 ~ ~o ~c~ ~,~~i/ ~ ~ City : C 0 it~c.~.z.cre Zip : .S~S .~'~{y Excavating Contractor: ~'_(>~l n Solt .r,~c-«-v-e~//.~~ Phone: 41sv~` Address: ~D~'~'~. (/~~//.e~, ~lv~ City: ~.y-mot. r~v~-~~C.~ Zip ti ~"s 7175 Private Sewer System ($39.50 + .50). $ Private Sewer Repair ($19.50 + .50). $ City Sewer ~ Water Connection ($39.50 + .50). $ Inside Plumbing Conversion ($19.50 + .50). $ Sewer Connection Only ($19.50 + .50). Water Connection Only ($19.50 + .50). . Meter (3/4 in} - ($60.00). $ Pressure Reducing Valve ($42.75). Metro SAC Charge. . $ Sewer & Water Connection Units. Total Charges ~ ~ ~ Is Street Excavation necessary? Yes No MAKE C HECKS PAYABLE AND SEND PAYMENT TO: CITY OF LAKEVILLE Inspection Department P.0. Box 957 Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 Glenn A. (Barney) Langord Ca11 469-4431 to schedule inspections. Plumbing & Heating Inspector