HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo 11388 ' `T'a '!w.Yt~:'i, t~.. ~.:T,,,y r7pfi.. ,.,`:i~-yti ~4:~:. ~ r±}N. a~~e~„ y~,'.+: a4 ~,i~w . `7 A ~'6. ,fir: q. City of Lakeville April 23. N~ ~ ~ 388 .INSPECTION DEPARTMENT SEWER AND WATER PERMIT Permit Fee.......... ' ~4•so AND RECEIPT stutes~rchorge..... ~ .so TOTAL FEE PAID, 40..00 Permission is herby grontsd to Ieche Excayatin>? t3uiidiny on Lot No. ~ 81ock Subdivision Dodd. Pointy grid Addri Parcel ~~22-X0861-C~20-02 P?at in the CITY OF LAKEVILLE to be used as permit to connect to c ~ t~ water and aac~~r GrPm - This permit is issued ort the express condition that the -ERECTION ALTERATION -REPAIRS 'X tNSTALi_MENT _MOVING [DEMOLITION respects to the statements certified ~a in the application for 4 such permit, and that all work shall be done in accbrdancewi?h the Ordinance of LAKEVILLE, Minnesota and the State of Mint~esofa pertaining to the Construction of buildings. Street Address 162:39 Esge~sior Dr Glenn A Langord AttenGcn b p9tg6u19Ay called to th! Cutting up Of streets, making main sewer connections. driveways and DirlCtOr, Cities! and Inspletlon curers. Obtain pennk fM SuCh conaUUCtan hotn the CITY OF LAKEVILLE. Inspectwn Department Not Respottetae-FcrArryr.Demapes to PupHc UkYGes. -1 The permfl hOkler Undaratalld3 and agrees ttlat greeting this permit is not a warranty or representation by 1 ~l the City lhat the protect wabe sate or satisfactory. B y ~ ~ l . i~ ~'J ~1 Tha peratM ifOlder undaretitnds ettd agrees that the City shall have the right to make periodic inspection during corrakUCtbn::Bthapermit holder does not make arrangement for the inspection the Gty may Cum otf thewateruntll such irrepection has been made. ~t~ ~ e \ ~ ~ ` / f t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 0 DATE a" - CITY OF LAKEVILLE APPLICATION FOR SEWER ArID WATER PERMIT Site Address:_1 ~p ~ ~ g ~ ~ t y. Legal: Lot Block Addition -,I I~l t~ ~ Owner o r B uilder 6 `i~~ S' ~ ',~19L S ~ Phone Address: ~ City:~~ ZiPyt ~ V r Zip: Excavating Contractor:_~ ~ ~ L~. ~ ~ ~ e~ Phone: Address: ° City : ZiP ~ • Private Sewer System ($39.50 + .50). $ Private Sewer Repair ($19.50 + .50). $ City Sewer & Water Connection ($39.50 + .50). e~ ~ . y'~ Inside Plumbing Conversion ($19.50 + .50). $ Sewer Connection Only ($19.50 + .50). Water Connection Only ($19.50 + .50). Meter (3/4 in) - ($60.00). $ Pressure Reducing Valve ($42.75). Metro SAC Charge . . $ Sewer & Water Connection Units. Total Charges Is Street Excavation necessary? Yes No ~ .MAKE C HECKS PAYABLE AND SEND PAYMENT T0: CITY OF LAKEVILLE Inspection Department P.Q. Box 957 Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 Glenn A. (Barney) Langord Call 469-4431 to schedule inspections. Plumbing. & Heating Inspector