HomeMy WebLinkAboutLA107654 PERMIT City of Lakeville Permit Type: Plumbing 20195 Holyoke Ave Permit Number: LA107654 Lakeville, MN 55044 (952) 985-4440 * L R 1 PJ 7 6 5 4 www.ci.lakeville.mn.us Date Issued: 08/22/2008 Site Address: 16348 Elm Creek La Lot: 003 Block: OOl Addition: Fieldstone Creek 3rd Addition FID: 22-26702-059-18 Use: * 2 2- 2 6 71 ? J 2- P15 9 -18 Description: Sub Type: Water Softener Work Type: New Description: Meter Size Meter Tune Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments: Fee Summary Description Amount Revenue Code PL -Water Softener/Filtration $19.50 1000-4152. Surcharge (.50) $0.50 1000-2127 Total: $20.00 Contractor: -Applicant - Owner: Merles Water Corp DR Horton Inc MN 2200 East Highway 36 20860 Kenbridge Ct Ste 100 North St Paul MN 55109 Lakeville MN 55044 (651) 777-1349 I HEREBY AGREE THAT THIS WORK WILL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO: (1) THE APPROVED PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS; (2) THE APPLICABLE CITY. ORDINANCES & CODES; AND (3) THE MN STATE BUILDING CODE. Applicant/Permitee: Signature ~ - Issued By: Signature ' PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION office use only CITY OF LAKEVILLE ~ j Permit N~er ~ ~ BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ~ 20195 HOLYOKE AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Received By 952-985-4440 - ~ www.ci.lakeville.mn.us Date Received DATE ~ `T ~ G ~ YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS SITE ADDRESS ~ C ~ t TENANT e ~ T ~ SUITE NO. THE APPLICANT IS: ? RESIDENT OWNER CONTRACTOR NAME ,,~p` ~ t 'nl ale~C/V ADDRESS /~.S'~ ~S ~G°~`l ('~Z~~C ~L. RESIDENT OWNER -r- CITY G,~ ~ sTATE lzitt~~ c zIP DAYTIME PHONE # WHERE YOU CAN BE REACHED COMPANY NAME Merles Water Cora LICENSE # WI436 ADDRESS 2200 East Highway 36 CONTRACTOR CITY No St Paul STATE MN ZIP 55109 OFFICE PHONE # (6511777-1349 FAX # CONTACT NAME Dave Regnier PHONE 651-777-1349 COMMERCIAL ONLY RESIDENTIAL ONLY ? COMM PLMBG SYSTEM ? LAWN SPRINKLER ? INSIDE PLBG PERMIT TYPE ? COMM/MULTI-FAMILY WATER SOFTENER CONVERSION LAWN SPRINKLER ? WATER HEATER ? ADDN/REPAIR ? FIRE SPRINKLER ? MISC ? RPZ (Available on-line Residential Permits Available on-line 'SEW ? ADDITION ? ALTER /REMODEL TYPE OF WORK ~ ? REPAIR ? REPLACES` / / ? DEMOLITION JOB DESCRIPTION T~~ ~tI' ~k`'_ ..~/~%,$-~~x RESIDENTIAL FEES: Repairs/Remodel or Water Heater $40.00 (39.50 + .50 surcharge) Water Softener $20.00 (19.50 + .50 surcharge) COMMERCIAL FEES: JOB COST: $ Example: $12,000 Job Cost 1-1/2% of contract cost up to $10,000 and $10,000.00 x 1.5% _ $150.00 1% of cost above $10,000 plus surcharge. + $ 2,000.00 x 1% = 20.00 (Surcharge =Contract Cost x .0005) + $12,000 x .0005 = 6.00 TOTAL = TOTAL $176.00 Minimum of $40.00 (39.50 + .50 surcharge) NO.OF METERS SIZE OF METER LOCATION OF METER I hereby apply for a plumbing permit and I acknowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Lakeville and with the Minnesota Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a permit but only an application for a permit and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of all work which requires review and approval of~s. ~ NAME OF APPLICANT (Please Print) = ~pC'~ ~ ' " ~ ftL~~ Date ~ b SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: PLF,ASE NOTE: SEPARATE FERIV1ITS ARE REQ IRE FOR '1' BUILDING, 1~IECILANICAL & ELECTRICAL WORK