HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-05-06 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes i JANUARY 5, 2006 The January 5, 2006 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Swecker in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Flag pledge and roll call of members: Present: Pattee, Stolte, Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning. Absent: None. Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Jay Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Andrea Poehler, Assistant City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary. ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: The December 8, 2005 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as presented. ITEM 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Morey informed the Planning Commission that Associate Planner Erin Stwora has accepted another job offer with the City of Dayton, Minnesota. Mr. Morey reminded the Planning. Commission of the upcoming Planning for the. Future of Downtown Lakeville Community meeting on Monday, January 9~ at 6:30 to be held at the Lakeville Area Arts Center. Mr. Morey stated that there will be a joint City Council, Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission meeting on January 17~ at 5:30 p.m., which will provide an update on the Downtown Planning project. Chair Swecker asked for an update on our new ex-officio member. Mr. Morey indicated that Officer William Gerl has been appointed by the City ,Council as the new ex-officio member. ITEM 5. ELECTION OF 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION OFFICERS 06.01 Motion by Stolte, Second by Pattee to nominate Chair Swecker to the office of Chair for the year 2006, to nominate Commissioner Drotning to the office of Vice Chair for the year 2006, to nominate Commissioner Detjen to the office of Secretary for the year 2006, and to close nominations. Ayes: Pattee, Stolte, Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning. Nays: 0 Planning Commission Meeting January 5, 2005 Page 2 ITEM E. REHDER AND ASSOCIATES Chair Swecker opened the public hearing to consider the application of Rehder and Associates for the vacation of a public drainage and utility easement, located on Lot 13, Block 2, Stone Borough. Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code. Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the planning report. Mr. Morey explained the brief history of the Stone Borough Third Addition re-plat of five lots from the original Stone Borough plat. He stated that the surveyor has. determined that the re-plat requires the vacation of the blanket drainage .and utility easement over and across the common area lot (Lot 13, Black 2) in the original Stone Borough plat. Mr. Morey indicated that the blanket drainage and utility easement will be re- dedicated over the revised common. area lot (Lot 5, Block 1) when the Stone Borough Third Addition plat is recorded. Mr. Morey stated that Planning and Engineering staff recommends approval of the easement vacation, as presented. Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the public for comment. There were no comments from the audience. 06.02 Motion by Pattee, Second by Drotning to close the public hearing at 6:10 p.m. Ayes: Stolte, Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Pattee. Nays: 0 06.03 Motion by Drotning, Second by Detjen to recommend to City Council approval of the drainage and utility easement vacation, located on Lot. 13, Block 2, Stone Borough, as presented. Ayes: Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Pattee, Stolte. Nays: 0 ITEM 7. SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM Chair Swecker .opened the public hearing to consider the application of SBF Development Corp. for an amendment to the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Planned Unit Development, located north of 170 Street, east of Pilot Knob Road (C.R. 31), and • south of 160 Street (C.R. 46). Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the Planning Commission Meeting January 5, 2005 Page 3 i legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code. Rob Wachholz from Tradition Development. (SBF Development Corp.) was in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions that the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Wachholz indicated that the lot designations in Spirit. of Brandtjen Farm were established with: the preliminary plat/development stage PUD .and should have been re-evaluated prior to ..submission of the final plat/final stage PUD plans. Mr. Wachholz indicated that there are lot designation modifications proposed to 41 of the 172 lots in Spirit of Brandtjen Farm and Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 2nd Addition. Planning Director Daryl Morey presented the planning report. Mr. Morey. stated that the submittal of building permits for the first model homes in the Spirit. of Brandtjen Farm development brought this issue to light. Mr. Morey stated that staff has determined that a PUD amendment must be processed to re-designate the single family lot types for Spirit of Brandtjen Farm and Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 2nd Addition. Mr. More stated that Plannin De artment staff recommends a r v y g p pp o al of the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm PUD amendment, as presented. Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the public for. comment. There were no comments from the audience, 06.04 Motion by Drotning, Second by Pattee to close the public hearing at 6:15 p.m. Ayes: Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Pattee, Stolte, Swecker. Nays: 0 Commissioner Grenz confirmed with. staff that there are no changes to lot sizes, only to lot designations. Commissioner Drotning indicated that the mid-block trail connection that was approved with the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm final plat is not shown between Lots 19 and 28 on Exhibit C of the planning report. Mr. Wachholz stated that this exhibit incorporates the preliminary plat lot layout, not the final plat lot layout. which includes this .mid-block trail connection as recommend by the .Planning • Commission. Planning Commission Meeting January 5, 2005 Page 4 • 06.05 Motion by Detjen, Second by Pattee to recommend. to City Council approval of the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm PUD amendment, as presented, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated January 5, 2006. Ayes.. Grenz, Drotning, Pattee, Stolte, Swecker, Detjen. Nays: 0 ITEM 7. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Morey stated that .there were no scheduled regular. agenda items for the January 19~ Planning Commission meeting.. He stated that there is a work session item concerning a proposed condominium project east of the Chart House. The Planning Commission concluded that as long as the work session item was not a time sensitive issue, they would prefer to cancel the January 19~ meeting and have the work session after the regular February 2nd Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Morey stated that he would contact the applicant. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Penny B 'g, Recording Secre ry ATTEST: rrin Swecker, Chair