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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
OCTOBER 5, 2006
The October 5, 2006 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair
Swecker in the City Hall Council Chambers of 6:00 p.m.
Flag Pledge.
Present:. Pattee, Manikowski, Stolte, Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Ex-officio
Absent: None.
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Dennis Feller, Finance. Director;
Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Kris Jenson, Associate Planner; Jay Rubash,
Assistant City Engineer; Daniel Licht, Northwest Associated Consultants; Andrea
Poehler,;Assistant City Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary.
The September 7, 2006 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
Mr. Morey indicated .the following items were distributed to the Planning
Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting.
1. The October 4, 2006 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee:
meeting motions regarding the Cross Landing final plat, the Lakeville
Medical Addition preliminary and final plat, and the Fieldstone Creek 2nd
Addition preliminary and final plat.
2. Findings of Fact for Agenda Item 9 for the. proposed ice arena conditional
use permit and rezoning.
06.120 Motion .was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the
October 5, 2006 Planning Commission Consent Agenda as follows:
Approve the application of SBF Development Corporation for the final plat of 25
single family lots to be known as Spirit of Brandtjen .Farm 3rd Addition, located
north of 170 Street and east of Eagleview Drive.
Approve the application of GM Land Company for the final plat of 10 two-family
lots to be known as Cross Landing, located north of Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50) and
west of Ipava Avenue.
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October 5, 2006
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Ayes:. Pattee, Manikowski, Stolte, Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Chair .Swecker opened the public hearing to consider the application of Lennar
Corporation for the vacation of a drainage and utility easement in conjunction. with
a proposed lot line adjustment in Prairie Lake, located north of 1$5~ Street (CSAH
60) and west.. of Kenyon Avenue. Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the
legal notice had .been duly published in accordance with .State Statutes and City
Christine Cook, representing Lennar Corporation, presented an overview of their
Associate Planner Kris Jenson presented the planning report. Ms. Jenson stated
Lennar Corporation has submitted applications for the vacation of existing
drainage and utility easements along a common side property line at 18344 and
18360 Lafayette Way in order to provide a tot lot for .residents of Prairie Lake. She
indicated that the setback requirements of .the Zoning Ordinance will be met
following the proposed lot line adjustment.
Ms. Jenson stated that new five foot wide .drainage and utility easements will be
established along the new property line. She also stated that if the City Council
approves the vacation of the easements as proposed, staff will support an
administrative subdivision of the properties to re-adjust the shared lot line..
Ms. Jenson stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the easement vacation, Planning Department staff recommends
approval subject to the three stipulations listed in the September 28, 2006 planning
Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
06.121 Motion was made and seconded to close the public hearing at 6:06 p.m.
Ayes: 6 Nays: 0
Motion passed.
6.122 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of-the
vacation of a drainage and utility easement, located at 18344 and 18360 Lafayette
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October 5, 2006
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Way, subject to the three stipulations listed in the September 28, 2006 planning
Ayes: Manikowski, Stolte, Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Pattee.
Nays: 0
Chair Swecker opened the public hearing to consider the application of Diversified
Equity Investment, LLC for the following, located on the south side of 162nd Street
(CSAH 46) and north and east of Kenyon Avenue: A. Preliminary and final plat of
one commercial lot to be known as Lakeville Medical Addition. and B. Conditional
use permits to allow more than one principal building on a commercial. lot and
impervious surface `area greater than 25 % in the Shoreland Overlay District for Lee
Lake. Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had been duly
published. in accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Jennifer .Kaplan from Mohagen-Hansen Architectural Group presented an
overview of their request. Ms. Kaplan indicated that each of the three .proposed
buildings may have multiple tenants.
Associate Planner Frank bempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that representatives of Diversified Equity Investment, LLC have submitted
preliminary and final plat and conditional use permit applications for. the
development of a medical office campus on a single platted lot to be known as the
Lakeville Medical Addition, which will include 3, two-story office buildings. He
indicated 'that the property .consists of four metes and ,bounds parcels that will be
combined into a single platted parcel for the proposed medical office development.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the property is zoned C-3, General Commercial. District.
More than one principal building on a single lot is allowed in the C-3 District
subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. He also indicated that the
subject property is located.: in the Shoreland Overlay District of Lee Lake and is
within the Crystal Lake Watershed area. The Shoreland Overlay District for Lee
Lake allows impervious surface area up to 70% with the approval of a conditional
use permit.
Mr. Dempsey reviewed the relevant performance standards and criteria of the
Zoning Ordinance for the conditional use permit request. He indicated that the
_DNR has not expressed opposition to the conditional use permit..
Planning Commission Meeting
October 5, 2006
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Mr. Dempsey reviewed the site plan submitted with the preliminary and final plat
based on 'Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. He stated. that the
parking, site lighting, and building design and height all meet Zoning Ordinance
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission. recommend to the City
Council approval of the preliminary and final plat and the. conditional use permits,
Planning Department staff recommends approval subject to the 15 stipulations
listed in the September 26, 2006 planning report, and approval of the Findings of
Fact dated October 5, 2006.
.Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
06.123 Motion was made and seconded to close the public. hearing at 6:19 p.m.
Ayes: 6 Nays: 0
Motion passed.
Commissioner Stolte asked if there would be a .right turn lane and a left turn lane
into the site off of Kenrick Avenue. Mr. Dempsey confirmed this requirement.
Commissioner Stolte was impressed with the proposed use of the. site for medical
Chair Swecker. asked for clarification of the .proposed building entrances. Mr.
Dempsey. described the building elevations and accesses.
Commissioner Grenz felt that. there was too much impervious surface area
proposed. He thought that the developer was trying to put too much on the site.
Mr. Rubash indicated that the storm water basin was sized for the development.
He indicated. that it may be challenging during construction due to the grades on
the site, but once the site is stabilized, the storm water will :get to the storm water
There was a discussion between Commissioner Drotning and City staff regarding
the SRF traffic .study which was prepared in conjunction with this development.
Commissioner Drotning felt that the intersection of Buck Hill Road/Kenyon
Avenue and County. Road 46 definitely needs a traffic signal. He felt that there are
significant safety issues at this intersection. He .indicated thafi the issues are not
directly related to this project, but as additional land near this intersection
develops, there will be major traffic safety issues.
Planning Coxrunission Meeting
October 5, 2006
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Mr. Morey discussed the County's policies regarding access and traffic signal
spacing and installation. He indicated that the City is working with the County to
get them to be more- proactive with respect to traffic signal installation.
Commissioner Drotning discussed snow storage and felt that a stipulation should
be added to the Conditional Use Permit that states that all stalls shall be cleared of
snow in a reasonable amount of time. He stated that because the site does not have
any excess parking, parking stalls cannot be used for snow storage.
Chair Swecker asked who stipulates the number of handicapped parking stalls that
are required. Mr. Rubash indicated that State Statute determines the number of
handicapped parking stalls, but a private parking lot can have more stalls than is
mandated provided they are the correct size. In this case, it would result in a
decrease in the total number of stalls, which would. not work for this development
since they are currently proposing the exact amount of stalls required.
Commissioner Drotning asked about the area of the three building foundations.
Ms. Kaplan indicated that the building coverage is 13% of the site.
The Planning. Commission questioned only one driveway access proposed for the
site. .Barry Wagner from Clark Engineering explained that two entrances would
have required separate parking lots accessed separately from Kenyon Avenue due
to the grades on-site. Mr. Dempsey stated that staff was comfortable with one
access with connected parking lots.
The following stipulation was recommended to be added:
16. Snow storage shall not occur within parking stalls or drive aisles.
Snow shall be trucked off-site, if necessary, to comply with this
06.124 Motion was made and seconded #o recommend to City Council approval of the
Lakeville Medical Addition preliminary and final plat of one commercial lot, and
conditional use permits to allow more than one principal building on a commercial.
lot and impervious surface area greater than 25% in the Shoreland Overlay District
for Lee Lake, subject to the 15 stipulations listed in the September 26, 2006 planning
report, as amended, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated October 5, 2006.
Ayes: Stolte, Swecker, Detjen, Drotning, Pattee, Manikowski.
Nays: Grenz. Commissioner Grenz felt the use was too intense for the site.
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October 5, 2006
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Chair Swecker opened the public hearing to consider the application of D. R.
Horton, Inc. for the preliminary plat of 13 lots (84 townhome units) and the final plat
of six lots (24 townhome units) to be known as Fieldstone Creek 2nd Addition, located
in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31) and
Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal
notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Ron Mullenbach with. D. R. Horton presented an overview of their project. Mr.
Mullenbach displayed a colored rendering of the site and indicated that the three
southerly buildings (24 townhome units) are included in the first phase final plat.
Associate Planner Kris Jenson presented the planning report. Ms. Jenson stated
that the subject property is zoned RM-1, Medium Density Residential District. She
indicated that the preliminary plat proposes 84 slab-on-grade townhome units on
11 lots and two outlots. The final plat proposes 24 slab-on-grade townhome units
on .three lots and three outlots.
. Ms. Jenson stated that Lakeville, Apple Valley, and Dakota. County are currently
studying access and intersection design for the Pilot Knob Road corridor. Due to
the potential for cut-through traffic on Street A, if either of the Dodd
Boulevard/Pilot Knob Road or 165 Street/Pilot Knob Road intersections is
restricted in the future, staff had SRF study traffic impacts for Street A. Ms. Jenson
reviewed the ..plat design, specifically the street and sidewalk/trail connections, as
well as the subdivision and Zoning Ordinance performance standards for the RM-1
Ms. Jenson stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the preliminary and final plat, Planning. Department staff
recommends approval, subject to the. 13 stipulations listed in the September 28,
2006 planning report.
Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments. from the audience.
06.125 .Motion was made and seconded to close the public hearing at 7:07 p.rn.
Ayes: 6 Nays: 0
Motion passed.
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October 5, 2006
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Commissioner Drotning felt that additional overstory trees should be planted
within Outlot A as a buffer for the townhouse building on Lot 2, Block 1 of the final
06.126 Motion. was made .and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of the
Fieldstone Creek 2nd Addition preliminary plat of 84 townhome units and final plat
of 24 townhome units, located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Pilot
Knob Road (CSAH 31)-and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9), subject to the 13 stipulations
listed in the September 28, 2006 planning report.
Ayes: Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Pattee, Manikowski, Stolte.
Nays: 0
Chair Swecker .opened the public hearing to consider the application of the City of
Lakeville .and Independent School District 194 for the following, located north of
215 Street (CSAH 70) and east of Holyoke Avenue: A. An ordinance amending
Title 11 (the Zoning Ordinance) of the Lakeville City Codeto create a P-OS, Public -
Open Space District; B. Rezoning property from RM-1, Medium Density Residential
District to P-OS, Public -Open Space District; C. Conditional use permit to allow an
ice .arena in a P-OS, Public -Open Space District. Assistant City Attorney Poehler
attested that the legal notice .had been duly published in accordance with State
Statutes and City Code.
Planning Consultanf .Daniel Licht presented the planning reports. Mr. ,Licht
presented background information regarding the P-OS, Public-Open Space District.
Mr. Licht stated that the City Attorney's office recommended that the P-OS District
be established in the Zoning. Ordinance text to accompany the P-OS .Zoning
designation included on the Zoning Map with the 2000 Zoning Ordinance and Map
Mr. Licht reviewed the list of allowed uses and performance standards for the
proposed P-OS District, .which are described in detail in the September 27, 2006
planning report..
Mr. Licht stated that the City of Lakeville and Independent School. District 194 are
proposing to construct a hockey arena north of 215 Street (CSAH 70) and east of
Holyoke Avenue. The subject property is currently owned by the City of Lakeville
and ISD 194 .and is used for outdoor athletic fields. He indicated that the City is
Planning Commission Meeting
October 5, 2006
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proposing to rezone the RM-1 (school district) portion of the property on which the
arena is to be constructed to P-OS District and process a conditional use permit for
the facility. The City owned portion of the ice arena site is currently zoned P-OS.
An administrative subdivision will also need to be processed to adjust the lot. lines
between the City and ISD 194 properties for the proposed ice arena site.
Mr. Licht reviewed the performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance for public
.facilities developed within the proposed P-OS District, which are listed in detail in
the September 27, 2006 planning report.
Mr. Licht stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Zoning Ordinance amendment, rezoning, and conditional
use permit for the ice .arena, Planning Department staff recommends approval,
subject to the 9 stipulations listed in the September 27, 2006 planning report, and
approval of the Findings of Fact dated October 5, 2006.
Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
06.127 Motion was made and seconded to close the public hearing at 7:21 p.m.
Ayes: 6 Nays: 0
Motion passed.
The Planning: Commission requested that planning actions be considered in two
motions; one for the Zoning Ordinance amendment and one for the ice arena
rezoning and CUP.
The Planning Commission had a discussion regarding public regulated utility
buildings and whether they should be a permitted use for the City, but a CUP for
other government entities. Mr. Morey stated that the reason .City owned utility
buildings were listed as a permitted use is because the City Council is ultimately
responsible to its constituents, whereas other governmental units are less so or have
Mr. Morey stated that all of the uses included in the proposed P-OS District are also
listed in other zoning districts. He indicated that the City updates the ;
Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance every ten years and the P-OS District
can be revisited with the 2008 Update for any tweaks that may be needed.
Planning Commission Meeting
October 5, 2006
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Chair Swecker questioned maximum building height for structures within the. P-OS
District of 4 stores or 45 feet. Ms. Swecker thought it should be 3 stores and 35 feet,
similar to a commercial or residential district.
Mr. Licht :indicated that the proposed building height reflects the industrial zoning
districts. He stated that it could read 3 stories and 35 feet with a CUP required for
additional height as allowed in the commercial and residential districts.
Mr. Morey stated that the City is getting more requests for buildings in excess of 3
stories, especially in the freeway corridor. He indicated that the requirements
,should be re-examined in conjunctionwith the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update.
Commissioner Drotning stated that with the current cost of land and construction,
the City should consider allowing .taller buildings. Chair Swecker asked about the
height of the proposed ice arena.
Break at 7:54 p.rn.
Reconvened at 8:06 p.m.
Mr. Morey stated that the ice arena is under. 35 feet in height as defined by the
Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission discussed the wording for
"governmental and public regulated utility buildings" under Section 11-97-7F. The
'Planning Commission agreed to leave the wording as proposed but suggested a
change to the similar wording' under Section 11-97-3C to eliminate the word
Regarding the landscaping, Commissioner Drotning indicated that the landscaping
along CSAH 70 needs to be "enhanced."
Commissioner Gerl agreed with the gate requirement for the northern proposed
driveway, which would keep ice arena vehicles from using the McGuire and JFK
parking lots when not needed.
The Planning Commission had a .discussion regarding parking and if there would
be enough when activities at the ice arena, and McGuire and/or JFK are occurring
simultaneously. Mr. Morey stated that the school district must ensure that
significant events do not occur simultaneously at the ice arena, McGuire Middle
School and the JFK Elementary School He indicated that there are also
opportunities for the construction of additional parking on the :ice arena site if a
second sheet of ice is added in the future. Staff identified where the second sheet of
ice and additional parking would be located.
Planning Commission Meeting
October 5, 2006
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06.128 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval of an
ordinance amending Title 11 (the Zoning Ordinance) of the Lakeville City Code to
create a P-OS, Public -Open Space District, as amended.
Ayes: Detjen, Drotning, Pattee, Manikowski, Stolte, Swecker.
Nays: Grenz. "Quasi-public uses allow too much opportunity for mischief." .
06.129 Motion was made and seconded to recommend to City Council approval to rezone
property from RM-1 to P-OS and a conditional use permit to allow an ice .arena in a
P-OS District, subject to the 9 stipulations listed in the September 27, 2006 planning
report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated October 5, 2006.
Ayes: Grenz, Drotning, Pattee, Manikowski, Stolte, Swecker, Detjen.
Nays: 0
Mr. Morey indicated that the October 19~ Planning Commission meeting may only
have a consent item on the agenda `along with a possible work :session to discuss a
variance request from a resident on Lake Marion and a proposed Sign Ordinance
amendment. He asked if a 5:00 p.m. start time would work for the Planning
Commission members, with dinner provided at the work session. It was agreed
that a 5:00 p.m. start time would be fine.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Bre , Recording S . re ry
Kerrin Swecker, Chair