HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-143 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Date June 7, 1999 Resolution No. 99-143
Motion By Ryan Seconded By Mulvihill
WHEREAS, the Information System is vital to performing City functions; and
WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to establish Management Information
System Policies for the purpose of protecting the quality and the integrity of the City of
Lakeville's information systems; and
WHEREAS, the Management Information System Policies are designed to
strengthen the quality and integrity of its resources while minimizing the risks of the City's
Management Information Systems; and
WHEREAS, the City Council approved Resolution 97-108 on May 19, 1997
adopting the Management Information System Policy; and
WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to incorporate the Management Information
System Policies into the Employee Handbook and Liquor Store Employee Handbook; and
WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to expand the current Management
Information System to address Internet issues.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of
Lakeville, Minnesota:
1. Resolution 97-108 is hereby repealed.
2. The Lakeville Employee Handbook and the Liquor Store Employee Handbook are
amended by adding the "Management Information Systems" Policy attached
APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville,
Minnesota, this 7th day of June, 1999.
D ane Zaun, ay r
Charlene Friedges, City Cl
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City of Lakeville
Management Information System
Computer S~sttin ('~?iic; and (~uidclire5
• 1. Purpose
The purpose of these policies and guidelines is to protect the quality and integrity of the City of Lakeville's
information systems. This system is vital to performing city functions. Each item in this policy is designed
to strengthen the quality and integrity of this resource while minimizing risks to the City's information
The City's Management [nformation Systems division is responsible for developing procedures that best
serve these purposes. Achieving the policy's underlying goals is a task shared among management and all
system users. All employees are expected to read and comply with this policy.
2. Data management, integrity and protection
• Storage of data
• All data shalt be stored, (where available) on network servers. Also, the process of
reconfiguring workstations as the environment changes may at any Time result in the loss of
data stored on the workstation's hard drive. Therefore, storage of data on network servers and
workstation backup practices should be followed.
• Management of
• The storage capacity of the system is limited; therefore all users are responsible for deleting
outdated files.
• Portable files
• To facilitate off-site work, employees may copy appropriate files to and from diskettes.
• Appropriate files are word processing documents, electronic spreadsheets, presentation
graphic files and informational databases (examples include files created in Word for
WindowsT"", Excel, PowerPoint or G[S information). No other files or information may be
copied from or to City of Lakeville owned computers.
• Work product Ownership
• All information developed on a city computer system or introduced to a city computer system
is the property of the City of Lakeville, regardless of where it was created.
• Likewise, all information developed by a Lakeville employee on computers outside of the
City, if in conjunction with his or her employment with the City, is the property of the
City of Lakeville. Copies of all such files must be provided to the City, which has
exclusive rights to retain, maintain and modify these files.
• virus protection
• Users shall not change their system's configuration or take other steps to defeat virus
protection devices or systems. All files shall be scanned for virus infections BEFORE
installation onto aCity-owned computer.
• Backup of Data
• Each user not connected to a file server network shall be responsible for completing a backup
of all data stored on the local drive. The more frequent the backup the better the data is
protected, however, backup will be accomplished on a minimum of once a week.
Lakeville ;t~fanagement Information System page 2
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Computer S~~tem Polio <ui~ Gui~i~iin~,
• 3. Use of equipment
• Use
• The information system at the City of Lakeville shall be used to conduct City business.
• Users must log off the network (when applicable) and turn off their monitor (the CPU should
- be left on) before leaving work. Networked printers are left on at all times to serve the needs
of users who may be working during off-hours.
• Portable equipment
• Only portable equipment, i.e.. laptop computers, may be removed from City buildings.
Equipment must be checked out and may be used only for City business. Employees are
expected to provide appropriate, "common sense" protection against theft, accidental
breakage, environmental damage and other risks.
• Desktop computers and attached devices shall not be removed from City buildings.
4. Installation of hardware and software
• Installation
• All hardware and software shall be installed or downloaded only by Information System
division staff (or at the direction of Information System staff). Users who wish to run product
demonstrations or need to "download" software from bulletin boards or the Internet should
.contact the Information System division for assistance.
• • Configuration
• Users shall not change their system's setup files. Users who believe their setup files are not
configured correctly should contact Information System division staff for assistance.
• Licensed software
• The City of Lakeville complies with all software copyrights and terms of all software licenses.
City employees shall not duplicate licensed software or related documentation. Any such
duplication may subject employees and/or the City to both civil and criminal penalties under
the United States Copyright Act.
• Only software acquired by the City's acquisition process shall be used on Lakeville
computers. City-owned software shall not be loaded on external systems.
5. Electronic Mail (e-mail)
• Overview
• Electronic mail is one of the most used and useful facilities on computer networks. To ensure
maximum benefits from a-mail, a clear, defined balance between the need for open
communication and the protection of an organization's assets is critical
• The purpose of this policy is to encourage use of e-mail as an effective and efficient business
tool within the framework of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.
• Monitoring
• The City has software and systems in place that can monitor and record all E-mail usage and
the City reserves the right to do so at any time. No employee should have an expectation of
privacy as to his or her E-mail usage. City management may review E-mail activity to assure
• that City E-mail resources are devoted to maintaining the highest levels of productivity. The
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Computer System Police and Guidelines
City Administrator or his/her designee reserves the right to inspect any and all files stored on
• City property to assure compliance with policy.
• Data Privacy
• It is in the nature of most e-mail systems that the physical security of messages cannot be
guaranteed; therefore, we discourage the use of a-mail to transmit messages containing non-
public data.
• Also, when an a-mail message is created, that message is government data for the purpose of
the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. The contents of the message determine
whether the message is public or non-public. REMEMBER: Public data is accessible to the
• Retention Schedules
• Retention schedules for the content of messages are the same regardless of the medium-paper,
voice, electronic; i.e., treat a-mail messages as any other correspondence. The City's record
retention schedule will provide specific guidance on disposition of electronic messages.
• Personal messages such as "happy birthday" and "meet you for lunch" are not government
data and need not be retained.
• Printing E-mail records
• All a-mail messages that must be retained under the City's records retention system must be
printed out on paper for retention.
• • Appropriate Usage .
• E-mail is to be used for business purposes of the City. However, it is understood that a-mail
occasionally will be used for quasi-business announcements or personal messages. Use of e-
mail to increase timely and effective business communication is strongly encouraged.
• .Use good judgement in both the types of message created and in the tone and content of
messages. E-mail messages must be able to withstand public scrutiny without embarrassment
to the City, its citizens, or its employees if messages are forwarded beyond the intended
recipients, accessed, or inadvertently disclosed, subpoenaed in a legal action, or otherwise
made public. Use generally accepted standards of business conversation in your a-mail
• Use of E-mail that will not be tolerated include:
• Illegal activities
• Wagering, betting, or selling chances
• Harassment
• Solicitation, except for agency-sanctioned activities
• Commercial activities
• Promotion of
political or religiozrs positions or activities
• Unethical activities
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Cumpu~~r ~~;tcui P~ili~ti and (iuid~iirc>
6. Internet
• A) Manavement and Ad '
1. The City has software and systems in place that can monitor and record all Internet usage, and we
reserve the right to do so at any time. No employee should have an expectation of privacy as to his or
her Internet usa~~e. City Management may review Internet activity and analyze usage patterns, to assure
that City Internet resources are devoted to maintaining the highest levels of productivity.
2. The City Administrator or his designee reserves the right to inspect any and all files stored on City
property in order to assure compliance with policy.
3. Personnel utilizing the [nternet for City purchases must comply with the City's Purchasing Policy.
4. The display of any kind of sexually explicit image or document on any City system is a violation of our
policy on sexual harassment. In addition, sexually explicit material may not be archived, stored,
distributed, edited or recorded using our network or computing resources.
5. The City reserves the. right to obtain and use software to block inappropriate sites if it becomes
necessary. If an employee is connected incidentally to a site that contains sexually explicit or offensive
material, they must disconnect from that site immediately, regardless of whether that site had been
previously deemed acceptable by any screening or rating program, unless it is directly related to official
police department investigation duties.
6. The City's Internet facilities and computing resources must not be used knowingly to violate the laws
and regulations of the United States or any other nation, or the laws and regulations of any state or city
• in any material way. Use of any City resources for illegal activity is grounds for immediate dismissal,
and we will cooperate with any legitimate law enforcement activity.
7. Any software or files downloaded via the Internet into the City computers become the property of the
City. Any such files or software may be used only in ways that are consistent with their licenses or
8. No employee may use City facilities knowingly to download or distribute pirated software or data.
9. No employee may use the City's Internet facilities to deliberately propagate any virus, worm, Trojan
horse,. or trap-door program code.
10. No employee may use the City's Internet facilities knowingly to disable or overload any computer
system or network, or to circumvent any system intended to protect the privacy or security of another
11. Only those employees or officials who are duly authorized to speak to the media, to analysts or in
public gatherings on behalf of the City may speak/write in the name of the City to any new group or
chat room. Other employees may participate in news groups or chats in the course of business when
relevant to their duties, but they do so as individuals speaking only for themselves.
12. The City retains the copyright to any material posted to any forum, news group, chat or World Wide
Web page by any employee in the course of his or her duties.
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13. Employees are reminded that chats and news groups are public forums where it is inappropriate to
• reveal non-public City information, customer data, and any other material covered by existing City
policies and procedures. Employees releasing protected information via a news group or chat, whether
or not the release is inadvertent, will be subject to all penalties under existiny~ data security policies and
procedures, as well as state law governing government data practices:
14. Use of City Internet access facilities to commit infractions such as misuse of City assets or resources,
sexual harassment, unauthorized public speaking and misappropriation or theft of intellectual property
will be grounds for discipline.
15. The City will limit Internet access to those employees who demonstrate legitimate business need.
l6. In the interest of keeping the City well-informed, use of news briefing services like Pointcast is
17. The City will comply with reasonable requests from law enforcement and regulatory agencies for logs,
diaries and archives on individuals' Internet activities.
18. Employees with Internet access must take particular care to understand the copyright, trademark, libel,
slander and public speech control laws of all countries in which the City maintains a business presence,
so that our use of the Internet does not inadvertently violate any laws which might be enforceable
against us.
l9. Employees with Internet access may download only software with direct business use, and must arrange
to have such software properly licensed and. registered. Downloaded software must be used only under
the terms of its license.
20. Employees with Internet access may not upload any software licensed to the City or data owned or
• licensed by the City without explicit authorization from the MIS Coordinator responsible for the
software or data.
21. Employees with Internet access may not use the User [D and password for their City dial-up account at
.any other location, including their home.
B. Technical
1. User IDs and passwords help maintain individual accountability for Internet resource usage. Any
employee who obtains a password or ID for an Internet resource must keep that password confidential.
City policy prohibits the sharing of user IDs or passwords obtained for access to Internet sites.
2. Any file that is downloaded must be scanned for viruses before it is run or accessed.
C. Security
1. Any employee with Internet access who feels that their account is being used or accessed by another
individual without authorization should report their findings immediately to management.
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7. Security
• • Overview
• Electronic information is a signiticant asset of the City of Lakeville. The goal of information
security is to protect information from unauthorized or inappropriate access or modification.
• Control of Security
• Users shall not add additional security to their workstations or files. Users who believe they
have security needs that go beyond current Management Information Systems standards and
tools should contact the Management Information Systems coordinator.
• User access
• Computer users shall identify themselves to the system by signing on controls with their
assigned user name. Users shall never attempt to sign on to the system with any other user
name. All users shalt maintain passwords as required by Management Information Systems
standards. Passwords shall not be shared with anyone for any reason. If a user forgets the
password, .Management Information Systems staff will facilitate assigning a new password.
• Access to data
• The user's ability to view, add or modify information in network files or in mainframe data
systems is based on access rights configured by Management Information Systems staff.
These can be changed as needed. Contact Management Information Systems coordinator to
request changes to user access rights.
Lakeville Management Information System Page ~
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-City of Lakeville Management Information System Policy
I have received a written copy of the Management Information System
policy. I, fully understand the terms of this policy and agree to abide by
I realize that the City may record for management use the Internet address of
any site that I visit and keep a record of any network activity in which I
transmit or receive any kind of file.
I acknowledge that any message I send or receive will be recorded and
stored in an archive file for management use.
I know that any violation of this policy will lead to disciplinary action up to
and including dismissal or even criminal prosecution.
Employee Signature Date
Re~zi~.~ed by Date