HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-219 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION . Date September 14, 1999 Resolution 99-219 Motion By Mulvihill Seconded By Luick RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PRELIMINARY 2000 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, that the following Park Development Fund Budget. is hereby approved and adopted for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2000. 2000 Revenues Residential park fees (400 Units @ $1,325) $ 530,000 Commercial /Industrial fees 50,000 Northeast sector park grant 295,000 Kensington Park grant 28,000 Lakeville Softball Association (final payment in 2000) 2,782 Transfer from 1980 "C" Improvement Bonds 60,430 Interest revenue 39,534 Total Revenues 1,005,746 Expenditures Northeast Sector Park (community park reserve, $295,000 grant) 530,700 Planning and Design -General 25,000 Legal (acquisitions and easements) 10,000 Signage program (Kensington, Valley Lake Park, Greenridge) 10,000 Playground upgrades (Valley Lake Park and Bunker Hill Park) 100,000 Bleachers (retrofit existing) 7,000 Bleachers (new} 11,000 Security lights (Kensington, Greenridge, one yet to be determined) 6,000 STS project materials 15,000 STS labor (cost share with other cities) 9,500 Tree plantings 10,000 Picnic tables (10 new) 1,000 Taxes (property acquisitions) 5,000 Antlers shelter (electrical outlets) 2,000 Kensington Park Phase II (grant $28,000) Playground 55,000 Basketball court 3,000 Basketball standard /hoop 2,500 Park benches (4 @ $800) 3,200 Infield backstop 6,000 Team benches (2 @ $600) 1,200 Security light (1) 2,200 Electric power source 5,000 Landscaping (trail arborvitae, trees, sod) 10,000 • Engineering 26,430 114,530 (continued) RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PRELIMINARY 2000 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND BUDGET (continued) 2000 Greenridge Park Fine grading $ 6,000 Final seeding /sodding 8,000 Playground .55,000 Ballfield infield 4,500 Ballfield backstop 6,000 Team benches (2 @ $600) 1,200 20-car gravel parking lot 15,000 Signage ($250 -rules / $250 - ID) 500 Quarter-Court Basketball 6,000 Landscaping (trees, sod) 10,000 Security light 2,200 Electric power source 5,000 Bike rack 500 Engineering 35,970 155, 870 Trails: Engineering and surveys 25,000 192nd Street - 44' Urban (CR 50 -West line Paradise Hills) 15,000 192nd/195th 44' New alignment (West line Paradise Hills - 195th/Dodd) 35,000 Ipava: 192nd t0 Hlgh School (Paradise Hills phase II, both sides, incl lights) 33,700 Ipava Parkway: 192nd to new Jr. High School 79,000 97-1 Heritage Drive: Holyoke -Town Square (south) Lights 20,000 8' concrete sidewalk 23,000 Landscaping/trees/boulevard restoration 22,000 98-15 Complete 165th Street: Highview- 1,500' west 17,363 Zweber plat: access trail to Zweber woods 5,000 Marion Fields trail extension 6,000 Valley Lake Park trail connection (160th) and trail widening 25,000 Bond repayment - 1996 Improvement (CR 46) 13,665 Developer credits 126,502 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,458,830 Net increase/(decrease) (453,084). Fund Balance January 1 598,801 Fund Balance December 31 $ 145,717 (continued) RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PRELIMINARY 2000 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND BUDGET • (continued) APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, this 14th day of September, 1999. CITY OF L EVILLE BY: Duane Zaun, Ma o TEST: Charlene Friedg s, City C rk