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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
SEPTEMBER 22, 2005
The. September 22, 2005 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair
Swecker in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.
Flag pledge and roll call of members:
Present: Blee, Pattee, Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Ex-Officio Arvidson.
Absent: Stolte.
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner;
Erin Seeman, Associate Planner; Leif Hanson, Zoning Enforcement/Recycling
Coordinator; Jay Rubash, Assistant City Engineer; Andrea Poehler, Assistant City
Attorney; and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary.
The September 8, 2005 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
Mr. Morey indicated the following items were distributed to the Planning
Commission members and staff before tonight's meeting.
1. September 21, 2005 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting motions regarding the Sunrise Village
preliminary and final plat.
2. An addendum to the Spangler's conditional use permit application,
clarifying their intentions on the finishes of the detached accessory
3. Copy of Paul Reuvers' resignation letter from the Planning
Commission, effective immediately.
Chair Swecker asked Mr. Morey to summarize the Spangler handout. Mr. Morey
indicated that it explained the intentions of the Spangler's to modify the external
finishes of the detached accessory building to be the same material as those on the
planned structure, removing the left and center garage doors of the existing
detached accessory building, and paving the driveway to the remaining garage
Mr. Morey and Chair Swecker expressed their appreciation for Commissioner
• Reuvers' service on the Planning Commission.
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September 22, 2005
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Chair Swecker opened the public hearing to consider the application of Michael
and Beverly Spangler for a conditional use permit to allow a total accessory
building floor area grater than 1,500 square feet in the RS-2, Single Family
Residential District, located at 18664 Kenwood Trail. Assistant City Attorney
Poehler attested that the legal notice had been duly published in accordance with
State Statutes and City Code.
Michael and Beverly Spangler were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer
any questions that the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Spangler
presented an overview of the project.
Zoning Enforcement/ Recycling Coordinator Leif Hanson presented the planning
report. Mr. Hanson stated that the Spangler's are requesting approval of a
conditional use permit to allow them to construct an attached garage to their
existing home that, when combined with the floor area of their existing detached
accessory building, would exceed .the maximum of 1,500 square feet of accessory
building area that is allowed in the RS-2 District. He indicated the size of the
proposed attached garage and the existing accessory building on the property
would be 1,639 square feet.
Mr. Hanson indicated that the Spangler's are proposing to construct the proposed
garage for the purpose of storing motor vehicles and miscellaneous household
items. A foyer and mudroom will also be added to the house in conjunction with
the proposed garage.
Mr. Hanson explained that the Spangler's property is 84,813 square feet in size (1.95
acres) with the total proposed accessory building floor area of 1,639 square feet,
which represents less than 2 percent of the area of the Spangler's property. He
stated that the 1,500 square foot maximum accessory building area on a standard
15,000 square foot lot represents 10 percent of the lot area. Mr. Hanson indicated
that a stipulation of the conditional use permit is that if the Spangler's property was
ever subdivided, the resulting lot .area of the parent parcel must be at least 16,390
square feet or the existing accessory building must be removed.
Mr. Hanson described the exterior materials of the existing building and the
proposed garage. He indicated that the exterior building materials of the proposed
garage must be the same color and texture as the exterior building materials used
with the principal building.
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September 22, 2005
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Mr. Hanson stated that the left hand side and middle oversized doors of the
existing detached accessory building will be removed, per the Spangler's
addendum, and a paved driveway access to the accessory building must be
provided. He proposed that Stipulation #4 in the planning report be revised to
state that "A paved driveway access must be provided to the existing detached
accessory building and two of the oversized doors must be removed from the
detached accessory building. An escrow of $1,650 must be submitted to guarantee
that the driveway and detached accessory building improvements are completed
by July 1, 2006."
Mr. Hanson stated that the existing house and proposed garage are well within the
setback requirements for the RS-2 District.
Mr. Hanson indicated that there are a number of large .deciduous trees on the
property that provide screening from adjacent properties. He indicated -that the
Spangler's estimate that no more than 4 trees will need to be removed to
accommodate the construction of the proposed garage and when the construction is
complete, they are planning to install new trees around the house to replace the
trees that were removed.
Mr. Hanson stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Spangler conditional use permit, Planning Department
staff recommends approval, subject to the 5 stipulations listed in the September 15,
2005 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated September 22,
Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
05.101 Motion by Pattee, Second by Drotning to close the public hearing at 6:10 p.m.
Ayes: Blee, Pattee, Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Commissioner Drotning appreciated that the applicant embraced the requirements
of the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commissioners agreed with the revised
Stipulation #4.
05.102 Motion by Drotning, Second by Blee to recommend to City Council approval of the
Spangler conditional use permit to allow a total accessory building floor area
• greater than 1,500 square feet in the RS-2, Single Family Residential District, located
Planning Commission Meeting
September 22, 2005
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at 18664 Kenwood Trail, subject to the 5 stipulations listed in the September 15,
2005 planning report, as amended, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated
September 22, 2005.
Ayes: Pattee, Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Blee.
Nays: 0
Chair Swecker opened the public hearing to consider the application of R. L.
Janssen, Inc. for a preliminary and final plat of 16 townhome units to be known as
Sunrise Village, located in the southwest quadrant of Flagstaff Avenue and 160
Street (CSAH 46). Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the legal notice had
been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City Code.
Richard Janssen from R. L. Janssen, Inc. and Tim Hanson from James R. Hill were in
attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions that the Planning
Commission or public may have. Mr. Janssen presented an overview of the project.
Associate Planner Erin Seeman presented the planning report. Ms. Seeman stated
that representatives of R.L. Janssen, Inc. have submitted an application for the
preliminary and final plat for 16 townhome units and one common area lot. to be
named Sunrise Village. She indicated that the subject property is zoned RM-1,
Medium Density Residential District.
Ms. Seeman stated that Sunrise Village will be developed in one phase and
proposes no outlots. She indicated that the Sunrise Village preliminary and final
plat is adjacent to 160 Street (CSAH 46) and Flagstaff Avenue. Ms. Seeman stated
that a 100-foot south 1h right-of-way will be provided for 160 Street and a 50-foot
wide west lh right-of-way with a 10-foot wide trail easement will be provided for
Flagstaff Avenue. Also, she indicated that private drives A, B and C will be
constructed with this development as shown on the preliminary plat.
Ms. Seeman stated that a complete tree inventory and preservation plan has been
submitted by the developer. There are 34 significant trees and the plan proposes to
save 50% (1~ of them.
Ms. Seeman stated that staff is recommending a cash contribution to satisfy the
park dedication requirements for Sunrise Village. She indicated that the Parks,
Recreation and Natural Resources Committee recommendation from their
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September 22, 2005
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September 21, 2005 meeting has been distributed to the Planning Commission at
tonight's meeting.
Ms. Seeman reviewed the 16 proposed row-style townhomes within the Sunrise
Village preliminary and final plat based on the performance standards of the RM-1
Ms. Seeman indicated that the developer is proposing to construct one building
style with two different floor plans for the Sunrise Village development. She stated
that all of the proposed townhome building lots meet Zoning Ordinance
requirements. However, she stated that the building floor plans must be revised to
meet the 440 square foot requirement for garages.
Ms. Seeman stated that building elevations and floor plans have been submitted by
the developer. The exterior building material calculations have been verified and
are in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements.
Ms. Seeman stated that a preliminary landscape plan has been submitted by the
developer. The buffer yard berming and landscaping is adequate to block
• headlight glare from the private drive along 160 Street (CSAH 46) and to existing
properties in Niakwa Village. She indicated that the landscape plan must be
revised prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary and final plat to
show 2" caliper red splendor and spring snow crabapple trees, and a juniper shrub
species consistent with the Corridor and Gateway Design Study. Also, she
indicated that the developer must submit project and landscape value figures
showing compliance with the Zoning Ordinance prior to City Council
consideration of the preliminary and final plat.
Regarding the 2 exhibits handed out at tonight's meeting, Ms. Seeman indicated
that Exhibit 1 shows a revision to the .guest parking location and Exhibit 2 shows
the required greenspace.
Ms. Seeman stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Sunrise Village preliminary and final plat, Planning
Department staff recommends approval subject to the 12 stipulations listed in the
September 16, 2005 planning report.
Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
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September 22, 2005
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05.103 Motion by Drotning, Second by Pattee to close the public hearing at 6:22 p.m.
Ayes: Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Blee, Pattee.
Nays: 0
There was a discussion regarding the width of the private drives. Chair Swecker
asked if there could be no parking signs posted on the private drives. City staff
indicated that signs can be posted, but they are not enforceable by the City because
they are not City streets. As such, the Homeowners Association would have to
enforce any no parking requirement.
Mr. Morey stated that no parking on the private drives could be incorporated into
the Homeowners Association documents, but suggested that no parking be posted
only on one side because adequate width would remain for vehicle movements.
Commissioner Grenz was concerned about getting a fire truck down the private
drives with cars parked on them. He also commented on the long dead-end private
drive. Mr. Morey indicated that this site has significant constraints because of its
location at the intersection of CSAH 46 (minor arterial) and Flagstaff Avenue (major
collector). There is no access allowed by Dakota County onto CSAH 46 for this
property and the access to Flagstaff Avenue must be located as far south, away
from the intersection, as possible.
Chair Swecker confirmed that there would be full access on Flagstaff Avenue.
The Planning Commission is recommending the addition of the following two
13. No parking signs must be installed on one side of each of the private drives.
The homeowner's association documents must include this stipulation.
14. Prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary and final plat, the
plans must be revised so that the width of Private Drive A is increased to 28
feet from Flagstaff Avenue to its intersection with Private Drives B and C.
05.104 Motion by Blee, Second by Detjen to recommend to City Council approval of the
Sunrise Village preliminary and final plat of 16 townhome units, located in the
southwest quadrant of Flagstaff Avenue and 160 Street (CSAH 46), subject to the
12 stipulations listed in the September 16, 2005 planning report, along with the
addition of Stipulations 13 and 14.
Ayes: Swecker, Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Blee, Pattee.
• Nays:O
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September 22, 2005
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Chair Swecker opened the public hearing to consider the application of Gerald and
Diane Bedeaux for a Conditional Use Permit amendment to allow accessory open
and. outdoor storage in the C-3, General Commercial District for Leo's South,
located at 16375 Kenrick Avenue. Assistant City Attorney Poehler attested that the
legal notice had been duly published in accordance with State Statutes and City
Wayne Bedeaux along with Lonnie Anderson and. Jack Matasosky from APPRO
Development were in attendance at tonight's meeting to answer any questions that
the Planning Commission or public may have. Mr. Anderson presented an
overview of the project.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
reviewed the history of the subject property, .including the preliminary and final
plat and original conditional use permit approved in 1994 to allow the initial
building construction and outdoor display, and preliminary and final plat and
conditional use permit amendment in 1999 to allow a building expansion.
Mr. Dempsey stated that the applicants are requesting approval of a conditional use
permit amendment to allow them to designate ten existing parking spaces on the
northwest side of the property for open and outdoor storage. He indicated that if
the City Council approves the conditional use permit amendment, Planning
Department staff will administratively approve a parking deferment for the ten
parking spaces at the rear of the building to allow Leo's South to use the ten
deferred parking spaces as a designated outdoor storage area.
Mr. Dempsey reviewed the complaints received regarding outdoor storage on the
Leo's South property and summarized the court proceedings that recently
Mr. Dempsey indicated that the existing landscaping installed with the 1994 and
1999 construction and expansion projects will remain. He stated that the
landscaping will be enhanced to screen the designated outdoor storage area from
Kenrick Loop. The landscaping must be .installed no later than October 15, 2005.
Mr. Dempsey reviewed the non-conformities of the subject property, which are
listed in the September 16, 2005 planning report.
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September 22, 2005
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Mr. Dempsey reviewed the stipulations that must be met in order to meet the
Zoning Ordinance requirements for open or outdoor storage as a principal or
accessory use in the C-3 District.
Mr. Dempsey stated that should the Planning Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the Leo's South Conditional Use Permit amendment, Planning
Department staff recommends approval subject to the 7 stipulations listed in the
September 16, 2005 planning report, and approval of the Findings of Fact dated
September 22, 2005.
Chair Swecker opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
05.105 Motion by Blee, Second by Pattee to close the public hearing at 6:50 p.m.
Ayes: Detjen, Grenz, Drotning, Blee, Pattee, Swecker.
Nays: 0
Commissioner Blee commented that outdoor storage needs to be clearly defined.
• He questioned how long a recreational vehicle awaiting service should be allowed
to be stored outdoors.
Mr. Bedeaux stated that all the recreational vehicles at the rear of the lot are there to
be repaired and they are brought inside every night. Only boats are kept outside
and some of them are there for display. Mr. Bedeaux stated that Leo's South is
phasing out of the boat sales and service business. Mr. Dempsey stated that the
only approved location for outdoor display is at the front raised aprons of the
Commissioner Drotning stated that when a conditional use permit is requested,
existing non-conformities must be eliminated, where possible. He stated that the
unscreened trash receptacle, the driveway encroachment into public right-of-way,
and the bollard fence and gate must be brought into conformance with current
Mr. Anderson stated that the existing unscreened trash container would be kept in
the same location but the existing enclosure will be modified to open at the north
end and to be large enough to store the unscreened trash container.
Commissioner Drotning stated that the as-built plan submitted with this
• conditional use permit amendment request identifies the existing driveway on the
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September 22, 2005
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east side of the site encroaching into the Kenrick Loop right-of-way. He indicated
that this is not consistent with the site plan approved with the 1999 conditional use
permit amendment. The portion of the driveway encroaching into the right-of-
way must be removed.
Staff suggested a time limit of one week for outdoor storage of recreational vehicles
awaiting repair. The Commissioners agreed with the one week time frame.
Ex-officio Arvidson felt that outdoor storage of recreational vehicles should be
location driven rather than time driven.
Commissioner Drotning felt that the time limit is an enforcement "tool," which is
appropriate given the past outdoor storage enforcement history with this business
Commissioner Blee stated that he noticed a fork lift was unloading product for
Leo's South from a truck in the public street that afternoon.
Mr. Morey informed Mr. Bedeaux that loading and unloading must take place only
• on the property. Mr. Morey stated that unloading from the street will not be
tolerated and the police will be called to issue a citation if it happens again. He
indicated that a conditional use permit can be revoked by the City if the
requirements of the conditional use permit are not met.
There was a discussion on the telephone pole bollard fence and gate on the north
side of the site. The Planning Commission felt the design must be consistent with
the Corridor and Gateway Design Study because the site abuts CSAH 46 and it
must not be located within public street right-of-way.
Mr. Matasosky thought that the .Leo's South building was constructed prior to
Kenrick Loop being built, which resulted in the non-compliant parking lot setbacks.
He indicated that they will be requesting a conditional use permit amendment in
the near future for a building addition and site design changes.
Mr. Dempsey suggested the following amendment to Stipulation 2 and the addition
of three stipulations to read as follows:
2. Outdoor storage shall be permitted only for customer recreational vehicles
awaiting service or customer pick-up. Interim service related parkin~of
individual customer recreational vehicles shall not exceed seven days.
Planning Commission Meeting
September 22, 2005
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8. Loading and unloading shall take place on-site in compliance with Chapter
20 of the Zoning Ordinance and not within public right-of-way.
9. The existing driveway encroachment into the Kenrick Loop right-of-way on
the east side of the site shall be removed to be consistent with the plans
approved by the City Council on April 19, 1999 no later than November 30,
2005 and the developer shall submit a $4,000.00 security to guarantee the
removal of the driveway encroachment.
10. The telephone pole bollard fence and gate on the north and east sides of the
site shall be replaced with materials meeting Corridor and Gateway Design
Study and Zoning Ordinance requirements.
05.106 Motion by Detjen, Second by Pattee to recommend to City Council approval of the
Leo's South Conditional Use Permit amendment to allow accessory open and
outdoor storage in the C-3, General Commercial District, subject to the 7
stipulations listed in the September 16, 2005 planning report, as amended, along
with the additional three stipulations listed above, and approval of the Findings of
Fact dated September 22, 2005.
Ayes: Grenz, Drotning, Blee, Pattee, Swecker, Detjen.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny B evi ,Recording Secre~
Ke 'n Swecker, Chair
Meeting Notes
Planning Commission. UVork Session
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Marion Conference Room
The Planning Commission work session commenced at 8:15 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room
at City Hall.
Commissioners Present: Kerrin Swecker, Joe [31ee, Dale Detjen, Karl Drotning, Gerry Grenz,
Steve Pattee, and ex-officio Jahn Arvidson.
Staff Presenfi: Planning Director Daryl Morey, Assistant City Engineer Jay Rubash, and Daniel
Licht of Northwest Associated Consultants:
Mr. Morey indicated thaf the improvement of residential neighborhood noise. standards is a goal of
the City Council's. 2005 strategic plan. He stated that the. Planning Department is proposing a
review and passible enhancement of the current buffer yard: s#andards as a way to meet that goal
Mr. Licht presented. the staff analysis of the current buffer yard requirements and recommended
modifications listed in his September 16, 2005. memorandum...He stated that the. horizontal
dimension of the required buffer yard berm has a major impact on the utilization of the area within
side and rear yards of single familyJots, including the area atong the side or rear of the house to
i achieve positive drainage away from the structure. Staff is recommending that separate lot
width/depth and setback requirements be created for major collector'and arterial streets given. their
different berm. height requirement: of four feet for major collector streets and six feet for arterial
streets. In addition, staff is recommending increased lot width/depth and setback. requirements for
most residential zoning districts to accommodate the required berms and also maintain :appropriate
storm water drainage away from the houses as well as usable side. and rear yard area.
The Planning Commission expressed support forthe proposed modifications to the buffer yard
requirements. The Planning: Commission noted that developers generally do not design their
developments to accommodate the. required berms and also maintain appropriate storm water
drainage away from the house as well as usable side and rear yard area. As such, they felt that
the proposed changes to the requirements are appropriate.
The Planning Commission recommended that a work session be held to obtain feedback from
residential developers regarding the proposed changes to the buffer yards. requirements. A
follow-up work session with Planning Department staff may also be necessary in order for the
Planning Commission to discuss the developer's feedback in more detail
The work session was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
R pec Ily u miffed,
• ryl M re , Plan m Director