HomeMy WebLinkAbout98-192 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • RESOLUTION - Date September 15, 1998 Resolution 98 192 Motion By Mulvihill Seconded By Holberg RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PRELIMINARY 1999 PARK AND TRAIL IMPROVEMENT FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, that the following Park Dedication Fund Budget is hereby approved and adopted for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1999. 1999 Revenues Residential park fees (400 Units @ $1,125) $ 450,000 Commercial /Industrial fees 50,000 Klamath phase III grant 64,876 Lakeville Softball Association 5,000 Interest revenue 9,942 Total Revenues 579,818 Expenditures Rink paving (Meadows and Rolling Oaks) 66,000 Northeast Sector Park (community park reserve) 60,000 Sewer and water installation (Quigley-Sime) 35,000 Highview Heights (drain the and storm pipe-project restoration) 30,000 Rink light upgrades (Dakota Heights) 30,000 Rink light upgrades (Parkview) 30,000 Planning and Design: Parks and open space system comp plan update 25,000 Aronson soccer feasibility study 4,000 Christian homestead site plan concept 2,000 Legal (acquisitions and easements) 5,000 Signage program (Aronson, North Park, and Quigley-Sime) 15,000 Playground upgrades (Orchard lake beach, structure and timbers) 15,000 Bleachers (King) 11,000 Security lights (Quigley-Sime, Kenreel) 2,500 STS project materials (retaining wall at King, fencing at King, Quigley-Sime, Aronson, Cherryview, Highview Heights, and Antlers volleyball) 15,000 STS labor (cost share with other cities) 7,000 Tree plantings 10,000 Picnic tables (10 new) 1,000 Park expansion (Cherryview frontage, 175th Street) 20,000 Taxes (property purchases) 5,000 Trails: Engineering and surveys 25,000 . King trails to outlying fields 30,000 Klamath phase II 7,211 (continued) 1999 Trails: (continued) Klamath phase III, ($64,876 grant) 250,000 Highview Heights 2,500 Share cost projects (Pilot Knob ($40,050, 45% / 55%) 18,000 Share cost projects (County road 5) 15,000 Share cost projects (Greenridge) 5,400 Kensington Parkway trail: Fairfield to 205th street 77,000 Ipava: 192nd t0 High School (Paradise Hills phase II, both sides, incl lights) 46,000 Ipava Parkway: 192nd to new Jr. High School 40,000 97-1 Heritage Drive: Holyoke -Town Square (south) 8' concrete sidewalk 23,000 Landscaping/trees/boulevard restoration 22,000 Zweber plat: access trail to Zweber woods 5,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 954,611 Net Increase/(Decrease) Net increase/(decrease) (374,793) Park Dedication Fund Balance January 1, 1999 307,180 Trail Dedication Fund Balance January 1, 1999 74 717 Fund Balance December 31, 1999 7.104 • Reserve for Northeast Sector Park: Reserve Balance January 1, 1999 120,000 1999 Reserve 60 000 Reserve Balance December 31, 1999 180.000 APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, this 15th day of September, 1998. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: Duane Zaun, Mayor TTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Cler