HomeMy WebLinkAbout96-093 s CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date May 20, 199b Resolution No. 96-93 Motion by Mulvihill Seconded by Johnson RESOLUTION FOR VACATION OF EXISTING PUBLIC ROADWAY DRAINAGE AND UTILITY. EASEMENTS. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing, preceded by two weeks published notice, to consider vacating a portion of an existing drainage and utility easement; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the public interest to vacate this drainage and utility easement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council: • 1. The following drainage and utility easement is hereby vacated: (SEE ATTACHED) 2. The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Recorder. ADOPTED by the Lakeville City Council this ZOth day of May, 1996. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY Du a Zaun, May r ATTEST: Seal • Charlene Friedges, City Jerk A p®rmanent roadway easement over, under and across the north 50.00 feet of tkat part of the East 8alf o£ the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Townehig 114, Mange 20, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying east of a line drawn parallel with and 754.40 feet east of the west line of said East Ha~.f of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33 and t~egt of a line distant 75.00 feet westerly of Slid parallel with the centerline of Cedar Avenue. AWD A permanent drainage and utility easement over, under and across the south 10.00 feat of the north 60.00 feet, the westerly 1Q.00 • feet of the easterly 52.00 feet the northerly 10.0o feet of the southerly $4.00 feet and the most westerly 5.00 feet of that part of the East Ha7.f of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Tawnshi.p 1I4, Range 20, Da}cota County, Minnesota, lying ea$t of a line drawn parallel with and 524.00 feet east of the west line of said East Half of the Nortiheast Quarter of Section 33 which lies north of Che centerline of state Highway 50 and west of the wear boundary of Cedar Avenue, except the north 273.#2 feet of the west ~3d_40 felt thereof, ANI) A permanent drainage ar~d utility easement over, under and across the east 5.40 feet of the west 759.40 feet of the south 213.42 feet of the north 273.42 feat of said Salt Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, AND • A permanent drainage and utility easement ovex, under and across the south 5.40 feet of the north 2?8.42 fret of the east 230.40 feet west 759.0 fast of said East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33. .STD A permanent roadway easement over, under astd across the youth ?4.40 flat rand the east 42.00 feet of that part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Sect~,on 33, Township ii4,.Range 20, Dakota Caux~.ty, Minnesota, lying east of a line drawn paral~.el with and 524.00 feet east of the west line of said East Self of the 3~ortherast Quarter which l~.es north of the centerline of State. Trunk Highway 50 and West of the Weat boundary of Cedar Avenue.. • ' • A permananh rc~tdwsy easep~t ovex, under and .across the west Zd0.;0 fe6t of the nOZth~sa.ao feet of that pmt of the Bast Half o= the ~tortlseaat QuazCsr~Of section '3. Tb~+xssbipp 114, Ea~ngc 20, Dakota Caustty~ Mtinaesara.' lying waez eP A lire +dra~rn paxa7.leiY with aria sZa.on fast east aE the ws8ti lint oi' said SasG Kai! o! Che h7a~rthesit gv~srCtr of eecCiaa 33. ANA ® A perma~acnti draic~agQ and utilttY aase~aet~t ovt~r, ttridtx u~d across the wastez~7,y'. aauCbtrly snd tastezly S.OO feet and the northerly 2Q.~0 Leer of the south 223.42 feet of the north ZT3.fs fact of • the wear X30.40 feat of that part of the BasC. ~Zf Of the I~orthea6t Quoucter aL Section 33, Towuah3pp I14, Mange 20, aakatie COtss~ty, l~fiaaesotar ],yang east ,of et Xiao r~awn para13e1 wiCh a?nd 524.00 feet eaeG Of tLe west line os said Beet half of the No~rthaaat Quarti+er of SectioA 3 3 ,