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AUGUST 19, 1996
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
-Roll call was taken. Present:. Councilmembers Johnson, Mulvihill, Sindt,
Holberg and Mayor. Zaun.
Also present: J. Walston, Assistant City Attorney; B. Erickson, City
Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic
Development Director; D. Feller, Finance Direc#or; S. Michaud, Parks &
Recreation Director; D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Volk, Director of
.Operations & Maintenance; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the July 1, 1996, and August 5, 1996, City Council meetings
were approved as presented.
ENGINEER: Mr. Nelson presented a resolu#ion, for Council consideration
under Unfinished Business, requesting Dakota County to install #raffic signal
control at the intersection of Ipava Avenue and Dakota County Road 46.
ADMLNISTRATOR: Mr. Erickson provided a revised resolution for agenda item
No. 14.
CHIEF OF POLICE: Chief Martens presented the July Police Department
monthly report.
PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR: Mr. Michaud presented the July Parks.
Recreation Department monthly report.
Mr. Erickson explained that a 3% lodging tax was implemented effective June
1, 1996, by the City Council to promote commerce and tourism in the City. The
• City. Council is now presenting the first lodging tax payment to the Lakeville
AUGUST 19, 1996
Convention and Visitors Bureau. Bob Vogel, President of the Lakeville
Chamber of Commerce, accepted a check from the City of Lakeville, in the
arnount of $7,662.40,. on behalf of the Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Councilmembers added items 11 and 12 to the consent agenda.
96.135 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Holberg to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. July Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Environmental Affairs Committee, July 30, 4996
Planning Commission, August 1, 1996.
Parks & Recreation Committee, August 7, 1996
Environmental Affairs Committee/Planning Commission Tree
Preservation Forum, August 6, 1996
d. Special Assessment Agreement with Geraldine Pfarr and Lillian Sweno,
20116 Kenwood Trail.
e. Lakeville Ames Arena 1996-97 Budget..
f. .Resolution No. 96-129 amending the 1996 Cabie TV Budget.
g. .Convention and Visitors Bureau 1.996-97 Budget.
h. Grant a 60-day extension for recording-the final plat of SuperAmerica 2nd
i. Change Order No. 2 with Ryan Contracting, Inc. for reinstallation of street
lights from downtown, Improvement Project 94-1, to Fairfield Business
j. Change Order No. 1 with Kusske Construction. Co. Inc. for completion of
• 161st Street, Improvement Project 95-5.
AUGUST 19, 1996
k. Modification to Shopping Center Lease with J & J Holding Company for
Motor Vehicle Department.
L Audit Agreement with Eide Helmeke PLLP for the City of Lakeville and
Lakeville Volunteer Fire Relief Association for fiscal year ended
December 31, 1996.
m. Resolution No. 96-130 rescinding Resolution No, 96-94 dated June 3,
1996, for the sale of surplus scrap water meters; and Resolution No. 96-
131 authorizing sale of surplus scrap water meters.
11. Resolution No. 96-135 approving final peat of Crystal Lake Country Club
2nd Addition.
12. Conditional use permit to allow construction of an accessory building
greater than 1,100 square feet in area and 15 feet in height at 9798-185th
Street West.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Steve Spang and Duane Burmeister, S & B Limited LLP, requested Council
approval of a Redevelopment Contract and Resolution approving the final plat
of Fairfield Business Campus 3rd Addition.
Mr. Sobota stated Verified Credentials, Inc. plans to locate their 20,000 square
foot corporate .headquarters facility to Fairfield Business Campus. The
building, owned by S & B Limited LLP, would be leased by Verified
Credentials, Inc. and a temporary tenant, Hamco Data Products, Inc. The final
plat of Fairfield Business Campus 3rd Addition consists of two business
campus lots and one outlot along Kensington Boulevard between 210th Street.
and Kenbridge Court. Lot 1, Block 1 will accommodate the Verified
Credentials facility. Lot 2, Block 1, is for a future business campus tenant, and
Outlot A includes part of the pond and the monument sign for Fairfield
Business Campus.
Mr. Sobota stated the Planning. Commission. and staff reviewed the Fairfield
Business Campus 3rd Addition and recommend approval. The Economic
Development Commission has reviewed the Redevelopment Agreement with S
& B Limited LLP and recommends approval
AUGUST 19, 1996
Mr. Bill Brisley of Amcon, architect for the Verified Credentials project,
provided an overview of the proposed building design and future expansion.
Mr. Burmeister stated Verified Credentials is a national pre-employment
screening agency, generating background reports for employment.
96.136 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to:approve a Contract for
Private Redevelopment by, between and among the City of Lakeville and S & B
Limited, LLP; and Resolution No. 96-133 approving the final plat of Fairtield
.Business Campus 3rd Addition.
Roll call was taken on the: motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Molberg,
Dan Kinsella. and Tam Renshaw, representing. Grist Mill, requested Council
approval of a rezoning, preliminary and final plat of Grist Mill 2nd Addition,
conditional use permit for impervious surface and a planned unit development
conditional use permit for the expansion of their operation in Airlake Industrial
Mr. Sobota explained that Grist Mill owns a number of parcels in Airlake
Industrial Park and is proposing to rezone and replat their property into three
lots and one block to allow for current and future expansion, while meeting the
City's parking and zoning requirements. Grist Mill is proposing to construct a
12,900 square foot addition onto their existing 9,500 square foot corporate
.office building on Lot 3 and. a future warehouse building on Lot 2. The
conditional use permit for impervious surface area would allow Grist Milf to
have an impervious surface area (parking lot and building) in excess of 25%
within the Shoreland Overlay District if storm water ponding is provided. The
planned unit development conditional use permit would allow Grist Mill to
construct an enclosed corridor walkway between the corporate office building
and the manufacturing plant.
Grist Mili .will be using part of the 90 parking spaces for the storage of semi-
trailers now stored at the Thorwin site. Grist .Mill will install 26 six foot tall
spruce trees along the north side of the expanded parking area to screen the
semi trailer-parking from County Road 50. The Planning Commission held a
public hearing on the application and recommended removal of the temporary
"jersey" barriers in the parking lot driveway to the main plant. Staff
recommends approval of all the. planning actions requested and thanked Grist
Mill officials for their cooperation in resolving these matters.
AUGUST 19, 1996
Councilmember Johnson asked if the expansion has potential to create any
.new employment opportunities. Mr. Kinsella stated there will be no new
employment opportunities with the immediate expansion, but there may be in
the future.
Mayor Zaun pointed out that Grist Mill is currentlythe largest private business
employer in the Cityof-Lakeville.
Councilmember Sindt asked if there are plans to replace any of the wetland
vegetation along the channel area. The City Engineer indicated that about two
years-ago when the main channel was excavated and the wetland was
restored, a wet meadow seed. mix was planted, and there is currently a wide
variety of vegetation emerging in the wetland area.
96.137 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Sindt to receive the Planning
Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and adopt Ordinance
No. 583 rezoning Lots 1 and 3, Block 2, Airlake Industrial Park Second
Addition, from 1-1 to I-2; Resolution No. 96-134 approving the preliminary and
final plat of Grist Mill 2nd Addition, along with a Wetland Replacement. Plan;
• Conditional Use Permit for impervious surface area greater than 25%; and a
Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of two
connecting building links on Lots 2 and 3, Grist Mill Second Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg, Johnson,
Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston presented a request from George
Fredrickson for an indefinite extension of time for filing the Highcroft final plat,
due to financing and other problems. Staff does not recommend approval of
an.indefinite extension as requested.
Councilmembers discussed Mr. Fredrekson's request and agreed to grant a
60-day extension of the Highcroft final plat..
96.138 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to grant a 60-day extension
for filing the Highcroft final plat.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Holberg, Johnson, Zaun,
AUGUST 19, 1996
Mr. Michaud explained that the proposed Highcroft plat included a 2.2 acre
area to be dedicated to the City as parkland, to be combined with an eight
acre parcel previously acquired by the City from the Eiseles. A contract has
been awarded for construction of park improvements on the 10.2-acres. Since
staff was unable to negotiate a direct acquisition of park land from the owner of
the Highcroft plat, a revised park concept plan is being. recommended. The
new concept proposal, utilizing a south access.orientation, allows immediate
access to the property, Staff met with, and presented the revised eight-acre
park concept to, residents who live adjacent to or near the park area. Most
residents supported the revised plan. Staff will work with one neighbor who
resides directly east of the proposed new parking lot to provide extra
screening. Staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 2 with Friedges,
Inc., which represents a reduction in the original contract of $3,127.30, for
construction of the Highview Heights Neighborhood Park.
96.139. Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Sindt to approve Change Order
No. 2 with Friedges, Inc. for a decrease in the amount of $3,127.30,
Improvement Project 96-5.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Holberg, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt,
. Mulvihill.
Don Volk, Director of Operations & Maintenance, presented a resolution
requesting the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation to authorize a 40
MPH speed zone on Ipava Avenue between .178th Street and 185th Street in
an effort to establish a school speed zone of 20 MPH. He also presented
letters from the Police Chief and ISD 194 supporting the request. He
explained that the Gity Council had previously requested the Minnesota
Department of Transportation to conduct a speed survey on Ipava Avenue from
178th Street to 185th Street in an attempt to reduce the existing speed limit
from 50 MPH to 40 MPH., which would then allow a school speed zone to be
established consistent.with other school speed zones in the City. Preliminary
results of the survey indicate that the 85th percentile speed in both directions
of Ipava Avenue is 52 MPH. Mr. Volk stated. he feels the City has about a
50/50 chance of approval by the Commissioner of Transportation to lower the
speed limit.
96.140 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Johnson to approve Resolution
No. 96-136 requesting the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation to
authorize a 40 MPH speed zone on Ipava Avenue between 178th Street and
185th Street.
AUGUST 19, 1996
Rol call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
David Licht, Northwest Associated Consultants, presented a resolution
requesting Metropolitan Council review of .the Comprehensive Plan Referrals
by Credit River .and New Market Townships to ensure .compliance with the
Regional Blueprint. He explained that the Metropolitan Council has received a
Comprehensive. Plan referral from Sco#t County for Credit River and New
Market Townships. The Comprehensive Plan amendment involves proposed
rezonings for both townships. While Credit River Township is loca#ed outside
the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSH), the submitted zoning map
proposes 2.5 acre suburban lots to saturate the township on a phased program
by the year 2002. The zoning map for New Market Township, also located
outside the current MUSA boundaries, proposes to open up roughly 3,500
acres of .land for 2.5 acre lots. Mr. Licht explained that these townships abut
takevilie on the west and south. The rapid expansion of the proposed
suburban densities will. have a negative impact on both the region's and
Lakeviile's planning efforts and infrastructure. The proposed zoning
amendments are contrary to the stated goals and policies of the Regional
Blueprint, which is to limit development in non-MUSA areas of the region. Thee
proposed zoning amendments .are also inconsistent with the Scott County
Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Licht stated,. as pointed out by Mayor Zaun, that Lakeville has .maintained
10-acre minimum lot sizes. in areas of the City without public sewer since
approval of the Metropolitan Development Framework. He discussed the
impacts the proposed zoning would have on Lakeville in the areas of
transportation, water quality, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, public safety,
:parks & recreation, and public education. The Planning Commission
recommends approval of the proposed resolution to the Metropolitan Council
Councilmember Holberg recommended that a copies of the July 25, 1996,
Northwest Associated Consultants report be sent to New Market and Credit
River Township officials. Mr. Erickson indicated copies will be sent to township
officials and the Scott County Board.
96.141 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
96-137 requesting Metropolitan Council review of the Comprehensive Plan
• Referrals by Credit River and New Market Townships to ensure compliance
with the Regional. Blueprint.
AUGUST 19, 1996
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg,
Mr. Nelson presented a resolution requesting Dakota County to install signals
at the intersection of Ipava Avenue and County Road 46, consistent with a
preFiminary report by SRF Consulting Group which states that warrants are
being met today for the installation of signals at that. intersection. Mr. Erickson
stated the County Road 4611-35 bridge is scheduled to open no later#han
Friday, August 30th, and the ramps are scheduled to open within two weeks
96.142 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Johnson to approve Resolution.
No. 96-138 requesting Dakota County to install traffic signal control at the
intersection of Ipava Avenue and Dakota County Road 46.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Holberg, Johnson,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next regular Council meeting, Tuesday, September 3,
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Jerk
Du ne Zaun, or