HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-058 CITY OF LAREVILLE RESOLUTION • Date April 19, 1993 Resolution No. 93-58 Motion by Harvey Seconded by Sindt RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DISBURSEMENTS FROM 1992 CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS FUND WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.301 authorizes expenditures for the acquisition or replacement of park maintenance equipment and police equipment; and WHEREAS., City of Lakeville incurred net out of pocket costs in the amount of $10,982.17 as a result of a fire loss and damages to park department tractor on December 25, 1992; and WHEREAS, a police radar unit was originally in the 1993 Certificate of Indebtedness Fund; and WHEREAS, the 1992 Certificate of Indebtedness Fund has an unencumbered and undesignated fund balance adequate to finance acquisition of said equipment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota hereby authorizes the following to be financed and paid for from the 1992 Certificate of Indebtedness Fund: (a) expenditure in the amount of $10,982.17 for acquisition and replacement of a park maintenance tractor; and (b) expenditure of $1,964.13 for the acquisition of a police radar; and (c) any remaining unencumbered balance shall be transferred to the 1993 Certificate of Indebtedness Fund. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of April, 1993. CITY OF EVILLE BY: D ane Zaun, a or ATTEST: ~ } r t ~~~a~ Charlene Fried s, City Clerk