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CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Date February 16, 1993 Resolution 93-35 Motion By Harvey Seconded By Mulvihill RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR THE PROPOSED JACQUARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Lakeville, does hereby determine that it is necessary and for a public use and purpose to acquire the property described on the attached Exhibit "A" for the proposed Jacquard Elementary School site; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary to effect the acquisition of the aforementioned property, and that the City Attorney be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to effect negotiations and/or, if necessary, institute condemnation • proceedings and to do all things necessary and incidental thereto to acquire the property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 117 under the "quick take" provisions of the Statute. ADOPTED this 16th day of February 1993 , by the City Council of the City of Lakeville. CITY OF KEVILLE BY: Du ne R. Zau , Mayor EST: u Charlene Friedges, 'ty Clerk 3296 • EXHIBIT npjn TO RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR THE PROPOSED JACQUARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE Legal Description of Property: Th1t Bart of Goverruncnt Lot Z, Soctiva 30, Township 114, Range Z0, Dakota Cotuxty, Minn. deBCribed as follows: Corn~uancing at the point of intersc ctlon of the West lino. of said Government l,ot Z and the Northerly ' Right of Way line of the Chicago .Milwaukee Railroad; tharxca S. 73°44'Z2" along; said Northerly Right of Way line 552, 5! feet to the actual point of beslt:niag of the tract to he d°sezibed, thence eor~inuing 5. 73°44'22" F, 124.0 fact; thence N, 41°55'06" E, L7I.52 feet; thence norUxerty on a curve concave to flan East hiving a radian of 96, 80 Feet and chord bexrIng of N. 28 02'57.5'' W, an arc distance. of 94.38 feet; thanes N. 0°07'W., 8(~. 56 teat; tlxeace on a tangential cure concave to the Wcst having a radius of 171.50 feet and c}~ord bearing of N. 16°4154" W, an arc diatatece of 9.9.26. test; thence h'. 33° 1G'48" W., 35.0 feet; thence on a tangential curve concave to the Souttx having a radius of i5, 0 feet anal chord bearing of N. 78° lb'48" W, an ate distance of 23. 56 feet; thence S, 5b°43' 12" 150. ~ feet; thanes on a tcngentlat eurva concave to the South having a radius of 371, 97 feet and chord bearing of 5, 65°28109" W, an arc distance of 115.43 feet; thei:ce S. Z1°OQt40" E„ 243.99 feet ev the point of beginztiag, Also an easo~zxent fo= road purpo8es bctnb GO teat in width and • beinfi 30 fuel on eacheide of the following described centerline. Cwnmencu~g at the point of intersoctlon of the Woat line of said Governnxent !mot 2 and. the IVostherty Right of Way tltie of the Chicago Milwaukee Railroad; thence S, 73°44'2Z" E, along said Noxtherty Right of Way line 676, 5! feet; thence N. 41°55'06" E., 171.52 feet; Chance horther!y on a curve cvacave to the East having a radius of 96.88 fret and chord bearing of N. 28°02'57.5" w. . ati are distance of 94.38 feat; thence N, 0°071 W,, 8b. 56 feet; Chance un a tatxbei~tiat curve concave to the West ha~Ing a radius of 171.50 feet and chord be~Lrir.g of N, I6°41'54" W. an arc distance- of 99. Z6 feet; thence N, 33°1648" W. , 80.0 Soet to the actual point of beginning of tlxe contcrllne,af the easeme:.t to be descriv©d; thence S, 56°43'!Z"W., 165.0 feet; thence on a tangential curve concave to Lhe South h~.viLg a radius of 407.97 feet an arc distaneo of t48.34 legit; tI.3ned on a tengentiat curve gotic•ave to they North having a radlue of 108.94 fcot an arc .distance: of 212,.0. #eet; thenco 1~t. 3Z 36'48" W, to the centerline o~t County State Atd lltghway No, C4 and there torrrttalting, TOGETHER WITH all rights to legal access to the subject property legally described above. • 3296