HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-96 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 16, 1996 7:00 P.M. The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees and boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents and a councilmember's pen~nal judgment. If you have questions, comments or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the Mayor during the "Citizens' Comments" item on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. All comments are appreciated. A copy of all printed material relating to the agenda items is available for public inspection at the City Clerk's desk. 1. Call to order and flag pledge. 2. Roll call. 3. Approve minutes of the December 2, 1996, City Council meeting. 4. Staff announcements. a. Attorney b. Engineer c. Administrator d. Chief of Police -monthly report e. Parks & Recreation Director -monthly report 5. Presentations/Introductions. 6. Citizens' Comments. 7. Consent Agenda. All matters listed under Consent agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be acted on by one motion in the order listed below. There may be an explanation, but no separate discussion on these items.. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. a. Claims for payment. b. Receive November Investment Report. c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: Environmental Affairs Committee, December 3, 1996 Economic Development Commission, December 3, 1996 Parks & Recreation Committee, December 4, 1996 Planning Commission, December 5, 1996 . Stop Sign Policy Committee, October 22nd and November 26, 1996 Ice Arena Advisory Committee, November 27, 1996 12/ 11 /96 CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 16, 1996 • PAGE 2 d. Resolution appointing depositories for 1997. e. Renewal of cigarette licenses for 1997. f. .Renewal of mechanical amusement device licenses for 1997. g. Renewal of mixed municipal solid waste and recyclable material collector licenses for 1997. h. Renewal of tree service operator licenses for 1997. i. Renewal of billboard licenses for 1997. j. Trunk storm sewer credits and park reimbursement for Cherryview 3rd Addition. k. Resolution approving a gambling permit for the Lakeville Fastpitch Softball Association. I. Receive application from Holiday Station Store #504, 17280 Kenyon Avenue,. for an off-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor license and call a public hearing for January 6, 1997. m. Contract renewal with Dakota Pet Hospital n. Contract renewal with Northwest Associated Consultants. o. Agreement with .South Forty Archery Club for the use of Ritter Farm Park archery range. p. Lease Agreement with Robert Berres to farm approximately 10 acres on the east side of Aronson Park. q. Contract between Dakota County and Lakeville Police Department for family. group conferencing services. r. Resolution establishing rules and rental fees for the use of City park facilities, buildings and properties; and resolution establishing rental policies and fees for use of Lakeville Senior Citizen Center. s. Approve carry-over of vacation leave for Lt. Greg Style. t. Site Lease A reement with S rint S ectrum L.P. g p p CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 16, 1996 • PAGE 3 u. Resolution electing to change the method of calculation of tax increment for its Tax Increment District No. 15, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 469.177, Subdivision 3(c). v. Resolution electing to make a local contribution under Minnesota Statutes Section 273.1399 with respect to Tax Increment District No. 15, pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 471, Article 7, Section 27. w. Resolution calving a public hearing by the City upon the request of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Lakeville on the proposed modification of the downtown redevelopment project and- modification of the tax increment financing Districts No. 2 and 3 within the redevelopment project and the proposed approval and adoption of modified redevelopment plan and tax increment financing plans relating thereto. x. Resolution amending. the. employee handbook for employee insurance. y. Resolution. modifying the employee handbook far school conference and activities leave. z. Resolution accepting a donation firom Lutheran Brotherhood to the Senior Center. aa. Resolution accepting the donation of a boarding dock from the Orchard Lake Sportsman's Club and authorize staff to purchase and install the dock at Casperson Park. bb. Resolution accepting a donation from the Orchard Lake Sportsman's Club for youth special events. cc. Resolution accepting a donation from the Eureka Sunshine Society to the Senior Center. dd. Resolution electing. to change. the method of calculating the tax increment for its Tax Increment District No. 14 (Premoulded) pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section 469.177, Subdivision 3G (Fiscal Disparities). ee. Resolution electing to make a local contribution under Minnesota Statutes Section 273.139 with respect to Tax Increment District No. 14 pursuant to the laws of Minnesota Chapter 471, Article 7, Section 27. ff. Final acceptance of utilit improvements in Paradise Hills. Y 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 16, 1996 PAGE 4 gg. Change Order No. 2 with Bor-Son Construction for the Dakota Heights Water Treatment Plant, Improvement Project 94-2. hh. Final acceptance of street improvements in Golden Pond First Addition. ii. Ghange Order No. 3 with Ryan Contracting for downtown improvement, Project 94-1 L. jj. Final acceptance of street improvements in Crystal Lake Golf Estates 5th Addition. kk. Trunk storm sewer credits for Hosanna Addition. II. Final acceptance and payment to Ryan Contracting for utility improvements in Fairfield Business Gampus, Improvement Project 91-10. 8. Public hearing on the renewal of wine and/or 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses for the following establishments: • • Pizza Hut • Golf Enterprises, Inc. • Lakeville Chinese Restaurant • Tak Shing Chinese Restaurant • MegaStop • Kwik Trip, Inc. • Lakeville SuperAmerica • SuperAmerica #4337 9. Truth in Taxation Public Hearing. a, Budget Overview: General Fund Special Revenue Funds • Cable TV • Environmental Recycling • Drug Enforcement • Employee Benefits • GIS • Motor Vehicle CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 16, 1996 PAGE 5 • • Surface Water Management Utility • Oak Wilt Suppression • E911 Internal Service Fund • Municipal Reserves Capital Projects Funds • Equipment • Building Enterprise Funds • Liquor • Water • Sanitary Sewer b. Proposed 1997 tax levy. c. Citizen comments-.and questions.... • 10. Kenridge Addition:.. a. Rezoning from R-A, single family agricultural district, to R-2, single family residential district. b. Preliminary plat. 11. Consideration of a special, home occupation permit for Nancy Guenther, 17431 Fieldcrest Avenue. 12. Receive resignation of advisory committee members, Kevin Illa, Jerry Erickson, Bob Crumpton and David Luick. 13. Consider appointments of alternates to the following advisory committees: • Planning Commission • Parks & Recreation Committee • Economic Development Commission • Cable TV Board 14. Unfinished business (for Council discussion only). ? ~t CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 16, 1996 PAGE 6 15. New business (for Council discussion only). 16. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, January 6, 1997 Special Council meeting, December 18, 1996 17. Adjourn. .Executive Session: Collective Bargaining