HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16-96 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
SEPTEMBER 16, 1996
7:00 P.M.
The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees and
boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents and a councilmember's
personal. judgment. If you have questions, comments or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step forward to be
recognized by the Mayor during the "Citizens' Comments" item on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. All
comments are appreciated.. A copy of all printed material relating to the agenda items is available for public inspection at the City Clerk's
1. Call to order and flag pledge.
2. Roll call
3. Staff announcements.
a. Attorney
b. Engineer
c. Administrator
d. Parks & Recreation Director -Monthly Report
e. Chief of Police -Monthly. Report
4. Presentations/Introductions.
a. Introduction of Police Department employees.
b. Presentation of liquor funds to School Districts 192, 194 and 196.
c. Proclamation for Turn Off the Violence Day..
5. Citizens' Comments.
6. Consent Agenda.
All matters listed under Consent agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be acted on by one motion in the order listed
below. There may be an explanation, but no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed
from the consent agenda and considered separately.
a. Claims for payrnent.
b. Receive August Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, September 5, 1996
Parks & Recreation Committee, September 4, 1996
• Environmental Affairs Committee and Waste Haulers
Subcommittee, September 3, 1996
9/1 Z/96
.SEPTEMBER 16, 1996.
Lakeville Ames Ice Arena Committee, August 28, 1996
d. Agreement of Resignation,. Appointment and Acceptance of Trustee for
Multi-Family Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds (Southfork Apartments
project), Series 1988.
e. Resolution calling public hearing on proposed assessments for 202nd
Street reconstruction ,Improvement Project 93-12.
f. Resolution calling public hearing on proposed assessments for District
2A, Phase II sealcoating, Improvement Project 95-7.
g. .Final acceptance of street improvements for Shady Oak Shores 7th
h. Authorize Barr Engineering to prepare plans and specifications for Well
#12, and authorize the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications
for Well Collection Pipe #12, Improvement Project 96-10B.
• i. Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement for Engineering Services with Black &
Veatch, Improvement Project 94-2.
j. Change Order No. 2 with McNamara Contracting, Inc. for the 170th Street
.reconstruction, Improvement Project 95-8.
k. Resolution accepting donation from Don and Bobbie Volk.
I. Approve 1997 Community Landfill Abatement Base Fund Application.
m. Change Order No. 4 with Friedges, Inc. for King Park.
7. City Administrator's_Presentation of 1997/98. Budget.
8. Preliminary Budget Resolutions:
a. General Fund
b. Cable TV Fund
c. Environmental Recycling Fund.
d. Drug Enforcement Fund
e. Employee Benefit Fund
f. Motor Vehicle Fund
• g. GIS Fund
h. Storm Water Utility Fund
SEPTEMBER 16, 1996
i. Oak Wilt Suppression Fund.
j. E-911 Fund
k. Equipment Fund
I. Building Fund
m. Municipal Reserves Fund
9. Resolution approving the preliminary 1997 payable tax levy.
10, Resolution setting the budget (Truth in Taxation) public hearing dates.
11. Set budget work session(s).
12. Authorize Sale of Bonds.
a. Resolution authorizing issuance and sale of $13,400,000 General
Obligation. Water Revenue Bonds, Series 1996A.
b. .Resolution authorizing issuance and sale of $2,200,000 General
Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 19966.
• 13. Resolution approving the final plat of Kilkenny Pond 3rd Addition.
14. Unfinished business (for Council discussion only).
15. New business (for Council discussion only).
16. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, October 7, 1996.
17. Adjourn.