HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-176 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date December 17, 1990 Resolution no. 90-176 Motion by Harvey Seconded by Sindt RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1990 GENERAL FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, that the following General Fund Budget is hereby approved and amended for fiscal year ending December 31, 1990. 1990 1990 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET ADJUST BUDGET NOTE REVENUES General property taxes 2,577,981 (134,792) 2,443,189 Licenses and permits 578,413 (74,800) 503,613 Intergovenmental revenue 1,478,143 123,594 1,601,737 Charges for services 747,656 77,976 801,551 Court fines 86,526 40,000 126,526 Miscellaneous 137,800 9,250 147,050 Interfund transfers 186,023 (47,750) 138,273 Total revenues 5,792,542 (6,522) 5,761,939 EXPENDITURES Mayor and Council 54,780 0 54,780 Cable TV 48,000 (48,000) 0 Messages 27,581 3,338 30,919 City Administrator 125,090 3,344 128,434 City Clerk 56,282 5,569 61,851 Motor Vehicle 97,624 2,471 100,095 Legal 65,000 12,000 78,000 Committees/Commissions 49,514 (4,762} 44,752 Community Development 304,100 43,891 347,991 Inspection 263,436 (5,132) 258,304 General Government Building 163,133 3,062 166,195 Finance 196,215 16 196,231 Insurance 145,370 2,057 147,427 Police 1,749,257 96,586 1,845,843 Fire 336,013 4,956 340,969 Givil Defense 2,920 0 2,920 Animal Control 9,000 15,871 24,871 Ambulance 62,979 (2,296 ) 60,683 Engineering 436,696 (9,532) 427,164 Streets 681,118 (15,314) 665,804 Parks 490,583 7,346 497,929 Recreation 188,046 (12,412) 175,634 Other 122,599 (122,599) 0 Transfers to other funds 192,203 192,203 18 Total Expenditures 5,676,336 172,663 5,848,999 Net Increase/(decrease) 91,768 (179,185) (87,060) Fund Balance, January 1 1,903,841 1,903,841 9 Fund Balance, December 3i 1,995,609 1,816,781 APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, this 17th day of December, 1990. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY cane Zaun, or ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, Gity /C erk •