HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-055 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION Date May 7,.1990 Resolution No. 90-55 Motion By Sindt Seconded By Mulvihill RESOLOTION CREATING THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES AND PIIBLIC WORKS AND THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville is one of the most rapidly growing .cities in the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the present City organizational structure was established at a time when balanced economic development and environ- mental protection were not matters commanding the attention they do • today; and WHEREAS, the City's organizational structure must be dynamic in order to respond to growth and constantly changing needs; and WHEREAS, a reorganization is necessary to bring the necessary staff resources to bear on balanced economic growth and environmental protection in the City; and WHEREAS, the City Administrator has completed an extensive analysis of the City's current organizational structure to identify changes needed to implement these goals and meet future challenges; and WHEREAS, the City's Personnel Committee has reviewed and endorsed the reorganization plan proposed by the City Administrator, recognizing that one department director will not, in the future, be • able to supervise the breadth of activities that was once possible r05/04/90 r • because of the Cty~s rapid growth and mounting work load as evidenced by the 1990 project listing attached hereto as Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville: 1. There is hereby created the Department of Environmental Resources and Public Works. The department shall be supervised by a director who shall report directly to the City Administrator. The department shall be responsible for the following City functions: streets, utilities (water, sewer, and street lighting), enforcement of the City zoning. ordinance, solid waste and recycling, fleet manage- ment, physical facilities (H.V.A.C.), and coordination with water management organizations. The organizational chart for the department is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". 2. There is hereby created a Department of Community and Economic Development. The department shall be supervised by a director who shall report directly to the City Administrator. The department shall be responsible for the following functions: building inspec- tion; economic development including Community Block Development grants, tax increment financing, and the Star City program; planning including comprehensive plans, subdivision approval, sign permits, gravel permits, and shoreland management. The organizational chart for the department is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". 3. The City Administrator is directed to finalize the contract with Sathe & Associates, Inc. to conduct an executive search for the position of Director of Community and Economic Development. A copy of said contract is attached hereto as Exhibit "D". • f 1 • ADOPTED this 7th day of May, 1990, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville. CITY OF KEVILLE BY• uane R. Zaun, yor TTEST: Charlene Friedges, City erk • EXHIBIT. A i CITY OF LAKEVILLE 1990 PROJECT LISTING CITY COUNCIL Establish Solid Waste Advisory Board Community-Wide Resident Survey Council Retreat/Goal Setting Session Update Corporate Plan H.R.A. Activities NLC Membership Council Rules of Procedure CITY ADMINISTRATION Finalize City Hall Project City. Hall Dedication Revise Employee Handbook Zip Code Consolidation Community Library Study Develop and implementation of in-house management training program Initiate Citizen Action Request Program Warweg Special Assessment Analysis Compensation Study - Exempt Employees I-35W Council Executive Committee Negotiate labor agreement Public Works and Parks employees Apple Valley D.E.I.S. for gravel mining Minnesota Valley Humane Society Shelter Proposal C-AD-IF Consider Formation of a Joint Zoning Board - Airlake Airport Cable Produce Regular Monthly Cable T.V. Shows Cablecasting of Council. Meetings Cable T.V. Board Staff Person Informational Videos for City Departments Equipment Reserve Fund/Replacement Schedule Public Access Grant Program Cable T.V. Emergency Alert System Character Generated Information Finalize Cablecasting Installation • • Messages Update Resident Guidebook - Print New Edition Employee Newsletter Utility Customer Brochure Prepare Weekly "Messages" Coordinate Contract Use of Desktop Publishing Centralized Information Office i.e.; Press releases,. proclamations and information brochures City Hall Use Policy City Hall Tour Guide City Clerk Review. Record Retention Schedules 1990 Elections Annual Codification of Ordinances Voter Registration Updates Complete Microfilming of Existing Records COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Submit Economic Development Grant N.S.P. - Intern Funding Hire Economic Development Intern Submit Shoreline Management Grant - D.N.R. • Update Shoreline Management Ordinance 1990 Recycling Program -.Initiate Multi-Family and Commercial/Industrial Recycling Dodd/Cedar Comp. Plan Amendment - Metro Council Approval Co. Rd. 46 and I-35 Comp. Plan Amendments - Metro .Council Approval Business Retention/Expansion Program Evaluate Commerce and Industry Day Program Compliance Review of Gravel Mining Operations Lakes/Wetland Source Point Water Quality Management Program Complete Community Profile Update Update Developers Handbook Update Inventory of Available Land (Airlake) Pursue low and moderate .income rental apts. in Airlake vicinity 1989 Star City Report and 1990 Work Plan Weed Inspection Program and Annual Weed Report Modify Development Status Report Format Update Floodplain Ordinance in accordance with National and State Standards. Update Subdivision Ordinance Dakota County Solid Waste Grant Update Ordinance concerning filling of property Develop Marketing Plan for Economic Development Review Administrative Sub-Division Ordinance • 2. • Building Maintenance Privatize Custodial Services - City Hall and Police Department Water Management Organization Districts .Prepare Local Water Management Plan - Consistent with approved WMO Plans WMO's Finalize and adopt Credit River and Vermillion Watershed Management Plans Inspections Contractor Seminar Centralize Property Record Files FINANCE DEPARTMENT Prepare 1991 - 92 Budget Prepare 1989 Financial Report F.L.S.A. Study EPEC New Accounts Receivable System Implement a Central Purchasing Program • Monitor T.I.F. Districts Evaluate effectiveness of the EBP Police Department Dental Program Risk Management Program LOGIS Evaluate Monthly Utility Billing Amend 1990 Budget based on State Aid cuts by Legislature Capital Improvement Budget Employee Computer Awareness Reconcile Employee Vacation Hours Balance Implement Bi-Weekly Payroll Vacation Hour Accrual Motor Vehicles Cost Benefit Analysis of Operation Distribution. of Resident Guidebooks Motor Vehicle Manager is the City Downtown Business Association Representative and also the Pan-O-frog liason Insurance. Establish Building and Content Replacement Value Schedule • 3. t. • POLICE DARE Program Implementation Caseload Study Animal Control Program Police Reserve Recognition Dinner Develop Five Year Plan City Employee I.D. Cards Selective Traffic Enforcement Program South. Metro Drug Task Force Complete Management Staff Training Civil Defense FIRE Renegotiate Fire Service Agreement with Eureka Township Dakota County Joint Powers Agreement - HAZMAT Establish a HAZMAT Team Conduct Fire Insurance Study to determine feasibility of improving (ISO) rating Fire Department Open House Joint Water Dive Rescue Program Implementation Computerize Hydrant Maintenance Program Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Training Truck Committee - Prepare Specs. and Bid Document for Heavy Rescue • Unit and Pumper Consider installation of irrigation system at Fire Station #2 ENGINEERING Begin Survey and preliminary design for Downtown Area Storm Sewer System Investigate a Geographic. Information System Update Transportation Plan with funding analysis and recommendation by Springstead Inc. Hammer Pond Restoration Comprehensive Water and Iron Removal Study Storm Sewer Assessment Policy Comprehensive Storm Water Plan Update New Aerial Topography for Dakota County Judicial Road Street and Utility Improvements 205th and Hollins Street and Utility Improvements Griffon and Grove Trail Street and Utility Improvements Seal Coating Feasibility Report Lee Lake Outlet Argonne Farms Drainage Improvements Realignment of Highview Avenue at 160th Street Cedar Avenue Assessment Hearing Flagstaff Avenue Assessment Hearing • 4. . ENGINEERING Continued 185th Street Assessment Hearing Co. Rd. 46 Improvements Kenrick Avenue to Cedar Avenue Bridge Interchange I-35 to CSAH 5 Trunk Highway 50 Improvements Kenwood Trail to Dodd Blvd. Traffic Signals T.H. 50 and 175th Street Soo Line Railroad Bridge over 168th Street (Orchard Lake) Co. Rd. 70 Bridge PARKS Seasonal Tree Inspection Program Privatize Landscape .Services (Fire Stations, Liquor Store #3, City Hall, and Police) Casperson Park LAWCON Grant Finalize North Park Building Project Pursue Acquisition of Northeast Community Park SouthFork Playground Match James .Jensen Park Arboretum Aronson Park Grinder Pump Upgrade Wayside Park Development Park Development Marketing Plan -.video and brochure Valley Lake Park Water Quality Study • Complete the second half of the five year update of the Park and Open Space System Plan. Dakota County Trail Funding Policy Ritter Farm Park Estate, Buildings, Restoration and Rental Project Park and School Drug Zone Awareness Project Ritter Farm Park CRP Project Lake Marion Aeration Project - 1991 Judicial Road Sidewalk and Beach Parking Lot Project Prepare a feasibility study fora golf driving range Manage Park Ranger Program and consider transition to the Police Department Casperson Park Archeological Survey Development of an agreement between the Archery Club and the City for the use of Ritter Farm Park Archery Range Barton Aschman Gravel Excavation Feasibility Report - Casperson Park Comprehensive Trail System Plan Update • 5. Fark Maintenance Establish Effective Turf Management Program Antlers Park - Infield Maintenance and Backstop North Fark - Flooring Foxborough Park - Backstop and Infield Material Foxborough Flooring. Rolling Oaks Park -Relocate warming house from All Saints Top Dressing Athletic Fields Coordination of Tree Trust Program and Projects Tree Planting - Various sites Reinstallation of the fishing pier at Casperson Park Recreation Antlers Park Concession - Vending Eliminate Parking Attendant and Fees - Antlers and Ritter Farm Parks 1990 Concert in the Park Series - Metro Council Grant Senior Citizens Bus Transportation Project Parks and Trails Fund Access to Christina Huddleston Elementary Aronson Park access from Hamburg Avenue Dodd Trail Park connection between Flagstaff and Dodd Road • Dodd Road between Dodd Lane and Fairgreen Avenue Sidewalk Connection - 172nd Street to Hayes Avenue Griffon Trail Extension Trail easement or acquisition - Flagstaff to Pilot Knob Trail Maintenance - 12 miles (Sealcoating) Pave shoulders and stripe CSAH Co. Rd. 44 North to 166th Street PUBLIC WORKS Streets Review the City Sealcoating and Overlay Policy Shoulder Pave along Co. Rd. 5 and Co. Rd. 44 Engage Consulting Engineer to prepare inventory of traffic signage Replace underground storage tanks Analyze street lighting program, including cost analysis ' Install 26 additional street lights at major intersections Fleet vehicle and equipment purchases Upgrade Public Works Radio System Develop Boulevard Tree Trimming Program Evaluate .fleet management operating costs Monitor and evaluate street sweeping program including contractual. sweeping Develop a Storm Sewer Maintenance Policy • Analysis of Street Oiling Policy Stripe and Signs along 170th Street - Lynwood North 6. • Utilities Sale of 8,000 gallon water pressure tank - Valley Park Pumphouse Upgrade Valley Park Pumphouse Implement Evening Watermain Flushing Program Evaluate HVAC Systems and recommend preventative maintenance program Inflow and Infiltration Study Complete. final use plan and recommendations for N.E.I. Building Complete Annual .Sewer Report Complete Water Appropriation Report for the Department of Health Evaluate Meter Reading Services - including privatization. Redevelop Well #2 - Valley Park Redevelop Well #6 - Dakota Heights Redevelop Well ~7 - Co. Rd. 70 Redevelop Well #3 - Airlake Sewer Rehab. Project Re-Paint Logos on towers Water Reservor Construction (Dakota Heights) Grounds .Maintenance at utility sites .(Lawn Mowing) Hydrant Painting Program LI4UOR FUND Update•the Personnel Manual Update Procedures Manual .Preliminary site analysis for Liquor Store #4 LEGAL Queen Ann Lawsuit Rgnonti Special Assessment Appeal 172nd Street Special Assessment Appeals Highview Avenue Special Assessment Appeals Monitor the Goff Lawsuit Consider lawsuit to recover costs for Police Dispatch Instant. Recall Recorders Ardmore/UNIPROP - Storm Shelters Finalize negotiation for right-of-way acquisition - 185th Street, Project 87-14 . 7. EXHIBIT B • 1 I 1 N 1 Iz 1 Lwzl t f O 1 I W w I ~ 1 (7 F- 1 I Q Q 1 - 1 Z N 1 I Q I-I I 1 1 f Z l 1 1 Q 1 I 1 ~ O 1 I F- O I I I a 1 I I 3 I 1 1 1 I I t 1 i I 1 1 I 1 to I 1 I J W I 1 I Q I U I I U F 1 I I M I-I I Q 1 1 to J I I I F-I I > aaix I 1 LL I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I l I I I F- 1 1 I z 1 1 1 1 W I 1 N I 1 I H F I Iw I 1 Iwwl • 1 0 0 1 1 I W Z i 1 0 t-+ I I- I Q I 1 fA cA 1 I I Z I I W to I I 1 I I~ r~ 1 1 I I 1 f 1 I J U7 1 1 I J g l - I Q Y I l I I QO I I 1 I k-lYI I I~ U I I~ 1 I Z O I 1 t 1~ I 1 0 1 I W 3 1 1 l 1 F I 1 I 1 1 1 I J I I Q I I Q I 1 2 0 1 I I I 1 1 I Z I 1~ 1 1 0 1 1 I\ 1 I U I 1 I I F- I I fY J I I I W I I Z I I W I I M m 1 I I H 1 I C I I H I I>~ I I I fn W I 1 0 1 I I Z I I Z a I I I Q J 1 I U I 1 I H 1 I W 1 1 1 3 U 1 1 I 1 I f l I O I 1 1 Y 1 > I I ~ 1 I LL Z I 1 I ~ U I 1 F- 1 I Q I I O Q I I I I-I W I 1 1-I I I I I I I I I I J~ I l U l 1} 1 1 I 1~ to I 1 1 0 I 1 I 1~ I 1 F 1 I O W I I I N I I O I I H I 1 F- U I I 1 I 1 (I1 I I U I I U (L' I I I H I I I IW~ 1 I 1> Z I 1 0 1 I I 1 0 0 I I H (p I I Q I-I I I ~ W t I I 1 to 1 1 !Y I 1 I W fA I I l 1 1 F- I-I I I I f 30 I I I (70 1 1 U I I I Z I-+ I I D I I I H!- I I M I 1 I Z Q 1 I J 1 1 I O J I 1 0 I I I N O I 1 to I 1 1 H I 1 I 1 1 > 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I - 1 I 1 1 I Y 1 1 1 F- I I I H 1 I I J 1 I I M I 1 1 1 1 I ~ 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I ~ I I H I I W 1 I W I 1 ~ I 1 H I to 1 • EXHIBIT C z H O Z ~ Q O J a w f~ > C7 H H z f E - - cn O ~ 1 1 Z H O W 1c~lwcn za I Z 1 2 H Q I H I W. > J J I Z I~ H (A W W c i fm~OQ I I J I O~ H 2~ I I d I UUUCnO I I I I I I I I I I I I Z I I 1 I I C4 O 1 1 I I 1 F- I I Z H I I F- 1 I I Z I I H fn I 1 Z I I I W I l Z (A I I 1 I} W I I 1~ 1 I Z H I i i i I F S 1 i I Q- 1 1 Q~ i 1 0 1 I H a l i 1 0 1 I I 1 J~ I I F- I I Z O 1 I I J I • I J I 1 O I I Q I I O J I I I W I I H I I U I I C I I E W I 1 I> t I U I I I 1 I- I I f> 1 I I W I I Z I I (n I I O W I I 1 0 1 1 0 1 I H I i. U O I I I 1 1 0 1 1 I Z I i I I I U I I- I U I i I H I i LL U 1 I I H I (7 H I I I I~ 1 I O H I I I C I U I} I 1 0 1 I f l 1 1 0 1 471E I F I I Q I I S O I I I Z I ~ I H I I 1 I I I O Z I I I O I ~ H Q I U I I F- 1 I} I I F- O I I I U I F- I I I Z l I F- I I U U I I I W I V F- (A I W I I H I I W W t 1 1 I I~ I I U I i~ i I I a. I I I I H O I I I O I I O Z I I 1 I J W I I Q I I I I W W I I I I I I W F- I I - - 1O H I I I i I ~ 1 1 I N I I U f l I I Z I I H O I I I O I E U I 1 I H I 1 0 1 I I I- I I Z i t I U I I O 1 I I W I I U t I I d. 1 l W I I I O I I I 1 I Z I I I H I 1 I I 1 I O 1 1 I Z I 1 I H I 1 I O I I J 1 I H I 1 ~ I I m i I I S • EXHIBIT D COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY OF LAKEVILLE A PROPOSAL SUBMITTED 8Y: • SATHE & ASSOCIATES EXECUTIVE SEARCH 5821 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416 WORLD TRADE CENTER 30 E. 7TH STREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101 May 3, 1990 • • City of Lakeville Page One I. INTRODUCTION SATHE & ASSOCIATES, INC. has been in personnel recruiting since 1974 and has been recognized and awarded in the industry for leadership in ethics and quality of performance. Since 1974 we have made more than 2,300 placements with over 400 companies, not-for-profit organizations, and government. sectors. We have conducted more than fifty City Manager and senior staff searches. A recent study established that 97 percent of all our placements were productive beyond the terms of our guarantee. Sathe & Associates Executive Search assists clients in the search for an selection of professionals who exceed client expectations. We see our role as an extension of the clients' human resource efforts. We're committed to completing critical staffing assignments on time and within budget. Through performance, we're striving to earn a reputation that places us at the top of our profession. • Reasons To Retain a Search Firm Direct Recruiting: Our research staff will identify the most desirable candidates working in your industry and we will make direct contact. with those' candidates. to develop their interest. Many organizations. appreciate the value of our direct approach on their behalf. Confidentiality:. We have the benefit of being able to keep your organization's confidentiality when approaching candidates, when this is important to you. Third Party Objectivity: As a third party we are in a better position to advocate for you than you are for yourself. It's much like attorneys being able to represent their clients more effectively than clients representing themselves. Profitable Time Management: Every search, properly conducted, takes scores of hours. When you're busy managing your City, the hours you spend on search work reduces the hours available to-your City. Making us responsible for the • recruiting work frees you to focus your time, energy and intelligence on serving normal City's needs. • City of Lakeville Page Two Efficiency: We recruit in the marketplace daily and as such need. much iess time to get into action than organizations who recruit on an occasional basis. Selective Interviewing: We can .recruit from among the best qualified, rather than from the first which present themselves, i.e. we work from the top down rather than from the bottom up, which can be the case when hiring through an ad. Commitment to Excellence: Enlightened candidates recognize that the investment you've made by hiring us is a clear statement of your commitment to continued quality growth in your organization. Most desirable candidates want to be part of an organization that demonstrates a willingness to invest in its future, Performance Record: We have successfully completed 2,300 recruiting assignments. Advantages of Selecting Sathe & Associates A. Sathe & Associates, Inc. has extensive experience in identifying and recruiting .public officials, including more than fifty City Managers and senior staff positions. B. Sathe & Associates, Inc. is committed to accurately portraying all candidates to the City so that the City's satisfaction may be assured. C. Sathe & Associates, Inc. is likewise committed to accurately portraying the position to the candidates to prevent unrealistic expectations. D. Sathe & Associates, .Inc. can conduct a cost effective search. We will maintain constant contact with you and the Council. We will `also keep the candidates informed as the process proceeds. • • City of Lakevitle j Page Three Primary Consultant Personnel James Brimeyer Jim has twenty years of experience in public sector management and has been with Sathe & Associates. Executive Search since 1988. Mr. Brimeyer served in public administration in four cities, three as City Manager, including his last position in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, with a budget of $28 million and 230 employees. He also served in Worthington, Ohio, and Wooddale, Illinois. He began his career as Assistant City Manager in Park Ridge, Illinois, after obtaining a master's degree in Public Administration from Northern Illinois University. His bachelor's degree is from Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. Brimeyer is past President of the Ohio City Management Association. He belongs to the International City Management Association, the Metropolitan Area Management Association, and the Minnesota City Management Association. He represented St. Louis Park in the League of Minnesota Cities. At Sathe & Associates, Inc. Mr. Brimeyer has concentrated his efforts in public sector recruiting at the top management and mid-management levels. He also performs • executive search for private sector organizations that have a relationship with municipalities, counties, and other public sector agencies. He has also acted as a facilitator for strategic planning and goal setting activities for several organizations, at both policy-making and administrative staff levels. Jim is an adjunct faculty member in the Graduate School. of Public Administration at Hamline University. II. THE SEARCH PROCESS We anticipate the search for the Community and Economic Development Director of the City of Lakeville will take from three to four months (90 to I20 days) from the time we are retained to the time the City makes an offer. This is somewhat dependent on the ability to place the announcement in the appropriate professional and trade publications, the time required to screen candidates, and the availability of the City to review consultant reports and conduct final interviews. After further discussions with the City, we will prepare a timetable (for typical example, see attached Engagement Schedule), which will correspond to the various steps in the process. In consultation with the City, we will develop a target date for the reporting of the new Community and Economic Development Director. Conducting a search involves a process that can have far-reaching ramifications for the success or failure of an organization. To insure success, we will use the .following process: • s • City of Lakeville Page Four 1. Position Profile During this initial phase our consultants will meet with the Council and the City Administrator to learn more about your goals and objectives. We will spend the necessary time to gain a clear understanding of the City's organization and the type of person needed. Critical factors to be determined include position responsibility and authority; reporting relationships; educational and experience requirements; .personal and leadership qualities; management style; and the organizational environment in which the Community and Economic Development Director must function. With your approval, we .will also meet with the City's key staff and major department heads to further assess the climate within which the selected candidate must operate. As a result of these meetings we will reach an understanding of what type of personality, human chemistry, and interaction style is desired. As a result of these meetings, we will develop a Position Profile. A great deal of emphasis is placed on this critical specification analysis. stage to determine the position content and the environment. Without this information, it is difficult to determine how potential candidates will affect the City's plans and organizational team. Prior to these meetings we will supply a list of questions to assist. the interviewees in assembling their ideas on what should be included in this job profile. • During the meetings agreement will be reached concerning the number of qualified candidates that will be interviewed before making a final decision. Once a consensus is reached on the requirements of the position and the qualifications of the ideal candidate, we will prepare a detailed Position Profile and appropriate presentation of the opportunity and present them to the City for approval. 2. Recruit Candidates and Place Announcements We will begin a comprehensive program to contact sources and identify suitable candidates. In addition to announcing the position in the appropriate professional and trade journals, we will identify potential candidates through personal contacts with Community and Economic Development Directors and City Managers and other members of municipal governments throughout the United States. In addition, we will use our research staff to identify comparable organizations from which. key individuals can be contacted. Based on the sources available to us, we will identify specific individuals with established patterns of accomplishment, contributions, and success. 3. Review Resumes and Screen Candidates Numerous prospects will be screened against the Position Profile. From these individuals we will compile a broad list of prospects for the job. An initial confidential phone contact will be made to promising candidates to determine. their suitability and interest. • s . City of Lakeville Page Five 4. Candidate Evaluation and Interviews; Background and Reference Checks After our research and sourcing is completed, several qualified candidates emerge for evaluation and comparison. Interviews will be scheduled with the most promising individuals at their home base. Thorough, intensive, one-on-one interviews will be conducted with the leading candidates by our staff. During these field interviews, the consultant will further assess the individual's qualifications, accomplishments and suitability for the City of Lakeville position and personal situation. Our in-depth evaluation and appraisal techniques will cover issues such as work experience, education, professional development and achievement, career objectives, and business philosophy. Such on-the-scene reviews of a candidate's present .operations can be very helpful in assessing qualifications and potential. Along with the field interviews, we will thoroughly investigate the backgrounds of the most promising candidates through discreet telephone and personal reference checks. We will talk with peers and former associates of these prime candidates. It is our practice. to speak directly with individuals who are, or have been, in positions to evaluate the candidates' job performance. Following the screening and background investigation, we will prepare evaluations, background assessments, and reference reports of the candidates who emerge from the • interview process as being especially well suited to the position and present it to the City for their review. These reports will provide specific information on the individual's educational and work history; accomplishments and growth potential; strengths and possible limitations. We will personally deliver and review these reports with the City. On the basis of this review, final candidates will be selected for interviews in Lakeville. Assessment Sathe & Associates has on retainer a management psychologist who will conduct interviews and administer a highly developed battery of tests designed to measure motivation, managerial style, and personal compatibility. The assessment services include: Understanding the Position Profile; Testing and Interviewing (4 hours) for skills, goals, background, experiences, strengths and weaknesses; Interpretation of test/interview data; Verbal feedback and written report. The City will learn: Insights into strengths, weaknesses and likelihood of success for each final candidate before hiring; How to best manage/work effectively with the candidate; Suggested development program to meet identified needs. • The above is available at the request of the City and subject to City approval. i • City of Lakeville Page Six S. Interviewing At this point Sathe & Associates, Inc. will present our list of finalists. We will arrange a schedule of .interviews of final candidates with the City and will coordinate travel arrangements. Extensive background material will be furnished to each member of the City on each candidate prior to the interview. If possible, all interviews will be scheduled within a period of one to two days, depending upon the desire of the City. One of our principals will be present at each interview. Prior to these interviews, we will, if desired, provide the City with some helpful material on interviewing techniques and will discuss the proposed procedure to be used in the selection process, including a rating procedure and. a list of questions for possible use by the City. 6. Selection After the personal interviews, we will meet with the City to review the individual ratings and assist in determining the top candidate. The consultant will assist in this process to the extent requested by the City. • 7. Negotiating Compensation Package Sathe & Associates, Inc. will take great care that the City secures an acceptance from the most desired individual. We will recommend a compensation package calculated to attract the finalist and will participate in the final negotiations. If any concerns arise in the final hour, by working as a third-party intermediary, we can work out and resolve important details of the offer which may have significant bearing on its final acceptance or rejection. 8. Additional Services A. If requested by the City, Sathe & Associates, Inc. can act as a spokesperson with the media, when appropriate, in order to maintain the integrity of the selection process as well. as to protect the confidentiality and privacy of the candidates who are not hired. B. We pay careful attention to all circumstances arising from a job change, which include not only adjustments in compensation and benefits, but also spouse careers, real estate issues, and relocation details. Lifestyles, personal values and two career marriages are only three of the factors that influence an executive's decision to change jobs. We will assist the candidate's family in making career moves and relocation adjustments. i s • City of Lakeville Page Seven C. After the candidate is employed, we will follow up with both the City and the candidate to insure a smooth transition and satisfactory completion of the assignment. We will make contact to assess the fit from both the City's and the candidate's points of view. in the unlikely event that unexpected concerns have developed, this follow-up contact is intended to identify potential issues early in the hope that adjustments can be made, if necessary. III. COSTS Sathe & .Associates, Inc. will bill expenses directly related to the assignment with the City's prior approval. Necessary expenses include travel; long distance; courier service; and. advertising. We estimate the expenses to be in the range of $2,000 to $3,500 for this assignment. The estimate does not include any costs associated with candidates' expenses or the assessment process. • • r City of Lakeville Page Eight IV. FEE FOR SERVICE The proposed placement fee is $10,000. This fee includes the following: Meeting with the Council, Administrator, and Staff Development of the Position Profile Drafting Position Specification Presentation for approval Contacting sources Screening Checking references Interviews Preparing written evaluations Scheduling and coordinating candidates' interviews with the City Participating in interviews Developing compensation package. Participating in negotiations Counseling Spouse relocation Follow-up .Our payment policy on searches is one-third of the fee due 30 days after signing this agreement; one-third 60 days after commencing the search; and the balance due 10 days after'the search has successfully been completed, whether the agreement is oral or written. In the event the City terminates this agreement during the search we will retain the progress payments to that: point. The placement fee is non-refundable. t J es L ye , V.P. artner Sathe & Associates Executive Search M yor Ci of Lakeville