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_ , CITY Of--" L_AKEVILLE RESt L_UTION date March 5, 1990 Resc~lutior~ No _ 90-20 Motion by Harvey Sec:onded by Sindt RESOLeUTION ADt:~PTING 1`~'=~0-SCNEI~UL_E t=~F FEES NOW BE IT RESOLVED tl'iat the following schedule of fees i~ hereby approved and adapted effective Apr~i1 1, 1.~~"~O_ I. LICENSES A. Rubbish Haulir~c~---_ 50.00 B_ Cigar~ette------------ - ~5-00 C. Massage Par-lar~ and Saunas. . _______.___$100.00 D_ Taxis:abs------------------------ X5.00 E_ Mechanical Amusement Devices--------------~ X5.00 II_ PERMITS A_ Building Permits As r~ecammended by Table 3-A of the 1'~~~5 Unifar~m Building Code_ B_ Plan Check Fees -~5% of building permit fee far~ per~mits with valuations of greater .than X10,000., -Townhouse and apartment- buildings (F,5% of valuation fc~r~ first building and 45% of valuation far r~epeat of a.dentic:al plan. ) C_ Plumbing Requirement- Master~ License Number~, ~~,000 License Band and current Certificate of Lia~il.ity Insurance to be filed wa.th Cty_ Residential -Minimum (Repairs and alterations, lawn sprinkler systems.)- <'S_00 Ir~c:ludes sur~charge Complete instal ldtic~n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ 45.00 Inc:ls..~des surcharge Commercial - One percent of c:antr~ac:t pr°ic:e plus sur~cr~arge (.0005 times caner~act valuation) Mir~im~.am of_ _ ~'S.00 Ir~c:ludes ~urc:harge Water Saf tener~ - - - _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . ~ 15.00 Includes sur-c:harge L1-1 I~. H~~ting • Repair°emen't: X2,000 License Band and c:ur`r`ent Certificate of Liability Insurance to be .filed with City _ Residential - Minimum (Repair`s ar,d alter`atians} ~ 2S.Od Inc:l~des s,_ircharge Complete Installation-------------------=6 45_QO Includes sur°charge Commercial - Urge per`c:ent of c:ontrac:t ~r-ice plus sur`c:harge (_0005 times contract val~:~atior•,} Minimum of 25.00 Includes ~ur`c:har~ge E_ Wells Effective February 1, 1~:~~,~ a:Tl well ~er`mits ar`e issued k.,y Dal%ota County_ F _ Sewer` and Water Requirement: Master L_ic:ense Numkrer, X2,000 L..ic:ense Bond and current.. Certificate of Liability Insur`ar,c:e to be filed with City_ Residential Minimum (Repairs and alterati.or~S} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25.00 Ir,c:ludos s~_tr`c:harge New Installation - City water` ar,d sewer` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ~ 45.00 Ir,c:ludes ~ur`c:harge Private Sewer Systems: - New Installation-=----------------------~ l5.OO Incl~:.rdes sur`c:harge - Private sewer repair-----------~--.----.$ 75.00 Includes st.tr`r..:harge Cammer`cial -Same as residential Street Excavation - ;500 deposit fore r`estor°atior, at option of Plumbing Ir,spector-)_____________________$ 25_.00 Includes surcr,arge G. Mobile Home Inspections Installation permit---------------------~ 50.OC1 I:nc:ludes surcharge Building permit- - - _ - _ _ - - _ - _ _ . .as r`ec:ommended by Tct?l.e 3-A - _of the 1'~~.5 ~fniform Building Code_ H _ Swimming Pools In-ground. pools _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X150 _ ~l0 Ir,c:lrades surrh~arge Above ground p~als______________________~ 5C1.OC Includes sur`c:har`ge L1-2 I_ Fenc:es_____________ _ 20.t-lt] Na surcharge J. Signs Permanent inst~,Ilatirar, _ _ _ _ _ 50.00 No s,ar~c:harge Tempor~ary ir,~tallct:i.or, _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ ~ _ ~ 25.00 hlo surc:h,ar~ge (Time per°iad - 1.0 days ar,ly} K _ Bill.t~aards Douh~l.e-faced _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ ~ _ _ . $.~C10.00 ~nr,ual , No sur~charge Single-faced________________ 50.00 Annua.l.,,No sur°e:harge Illuminated______ 25..00 Annual, Ida surcharge L. Moving Structure--------------------------=100.00 plus c:ompletian band, No sur•~c:barge M. Demolition - Na charge N. Fire Systems. Fire Line - t=one per`c:er~,t. cif c:antr`act pr`ic:e up to ;~10,OCt0 and :l./2% of car,tr`ac:t price above $10,000 plus s,~,r`c:har~ge {.0005 times c:antract valuation}_ O_ Spr~in(,1er- Fire F't~atec:tian . Req,.~iremer,t_ X2,000 license E3and ar,d c:urr~ent Cer`tific:ate of Liability Ir~suranc:e to be filer) with, the City_ One percent of cantt~ac:t pr`ic:e plums ~7ur`c:har~ge (_OOOS time. c:antr`act valuation} P_ Miscellar~eo,a~ Cammer-c:.i.al Mechanical Ref~~igeratior, ver,ti.lation, air c:anditioning, piping,. fuel tanks, etc:_ - One. percent of contr~act pr`ie:e plus sur~c:har~ge (_Ob05 times caner~~,ct valuestan} Minimum-_--- 25.00 Includes sur~c:harge El_ Re-Roof or Re-Side Residential__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40.00 Includes sur°c:har`ge Commercial___._--- __..._._$150.00 Includes sur°c:harge R. Satellite dish, arrd antennas---__...._ 2S_00 hlo surcharge S. Wdad Cutting 10.00 • I,1,.3 t~ ~I:i~~.~.~ry~~~:,i ;1;r~~p~c:'k~i.~n~ ..A~ per table ~-A of the 1'05 Uniform E~uildinct Cade • U. Street Cut Permits- - 25.OD V. Transient merchants {Peddlers)_____________~ 25.00 W. Burning Permits- 10.00. x_ Electr°ical Applicatiar~ Permits---------._.~ 1.00 III .'PLANNING AND Zc~NING A_ Platting $2001.00 per addi.tian pli.~s ~5.C~0 per lat. Irr addition to tl-~e fee, a deposit is to I-ae°paid for consulting fees.. The amount of the deposit is to I'ae teased an the size, c:amplexity, diver-city and location of tl-ie pr°a ec:t_ B. Planned. Unit Develapment.__.. _500.00 + cansE:~lting fees. C. Variance=--_-. _....100.00 (Single family resident} $200.00 + c:ansulting_fees (others} D. Conditional Use-___.-- ------$100.00 (Single family • - resident) $250.00 + c:ansultng fees (others) In addition to the fee, a deposit is to tie paid far canfilaltin~ casts incur~red_ Thee amo~.ant of the d~posil: is to tye Cased on the size, complexity, diversity Arid location a•f the project_ E_ Home ~'~c:cupatian___________________________~ 50_tJ0 + consulting fees F. Rezaning_ - --------__--$500.00 + Consulting fees G_ Special Name Oc:cupation_.__---._---..__..._.$100.00 + car7sulting,fees H. Administrative Sut~divi.lion----------------$150.010 + Park and Trail Dedication fees I _ Landsc:aping enforcement_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __E125.00 per- parcel far those sutJdvisians which when platted, elect not to escrow funds J. Vacatians_____ ...300.00 + c:ansulting fees • L1-4 IV_ GENERAL GOVERNMENT ~ERVSCES v • A_ Tapagraphic m~,ps__.._._-_ 10.0© per acre Minimum c{-,arge cif - - - _ - _ - _ _ _ $100.00 B . Special. assessment sear-c:h _ - - - - - _ . $ 10.Ot~ per parcel C_ Certification of minutes, resolutions, ordinances, etc. 5.00 plus .25 per page D_ Charge far capes_ -25 per page E_ Returned Chec:i,~---------------------------$ 15_Cl0 F. Water. tower r-ental far antennas Single System User------------------------$100.00 per month 450 MHz Cammur,ity Repe~,ter----------------$15O.OO per month Multiple User, RCC________________________$1.75.00 per month Microwave Ar,tenna-------------------------$200.00 per month 000 MHz. Tr~unked ar Cellular System per eac!-, tr°ansmitter , receiver , and antenna _ _ _ $ 25.OC1 per month Lakeville City User's.._ _________________Na c:harge Other types of antennas- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _Detee-mir-ied on a ease- t~y-case basis Consultant Review Fee---------------------$250.00 per frequency ar frequency ~~pair" • For multiple ar,tenr,~ users., a ten percent cliscaunt is affered_ G. Water meters_...-_-_-- E~O.OO - ;,/4" 12S_C10 - 1" .250.00.- 1 1~2.. 1,24:5.00 - 4„ H_ Pressur-e Reducing Valves------------------$ 42.75 - ~/4" 50.00 - 1„ 2x5.00 - 1 l~~„ I. Video tape repsaductians.(Nat including tape)----------------------------------- 20.00 J'_ Faxing _25 per page:. K`_ Notary fees-- 1.00 L. Street, tarring, subdivisiar~, precinct water and sewer. maps-----____-- 1.50 M_ Maps .greater tr,an 24 x 10 in size.._-_. 5.00 • L1-5 v. ANxMAL FEES/~.xcEN~~~ A. ~,~i~iu~:~ X~,~r~~.. » » » . » » . » » ,1C~»C1t~ per animal • B. Dag Neutered/Spayed___- 5.00_per' animal G_ Annual kennel 1.icense___ ________________100.00 D_ Monthly penalty_ _ 1.00 - dogs after :~/1 10.00 - kennels .after'. ~/i E_ Tr-arrsfer 1.00 _ replacement - - 1 _00 - owrsership F_ Pickup_ 15.00 G. E3c~arding____________ 10_aO per animal per day H_ Ra~aies retainer_-- 15.00 per animal I_ Transfer- of kennel license________________~ 25.00 VI_ POLICE DEPARTMENT CHARGES A. Accident repay°t------- .5._00 per cagy B. Accident phato..____-_ 5.00 per photo C_ Statement tape c:apy_______________________$ 50.00 per tape D. Ar.,fdio tape cagy_ 50.00 per 'tape E. Video of holding c:ell.._........ 50-00 per- tape F_ Investigative Report..... 5.00 far first page and .50 per page after..lst G_ .Driving Retard Checks---------------------~ 5.00 each H_ F~inger~pr~ir~ting___-._~_____________________~ 10.00 I_ Accident video tape copy + pastage.____._.~100.00 J _ Cash depasi t escort ser-vice _ . _ - - _ _ _ . _ ~ _ _ _ . ~ I.D _ Cl0 • K. Alarm System 1st th~rree-calls per year.=_~ N/C 4th call_ 25.00 5th c:all-------- 25.00 ~~th and subsequent c:al is _ . _ ~ SO.Oa each VII_ EXCAVATING AND FILLING PERMIT FEES A. 10,000 cubic yards ar I.ess_ $50.00 B_ 10,001 to 250,000 cubic: yar°ds~ ~775.aa initial fee together with an annual fee of :E:~75.00 (inc:luding f i rat .year } C. 250,001 to 500,00[1 c:uk3ic: yards. $050.00 irritiai fee together with annual fee of ;E~Oa.00 (including firw-:t year) D_ 500,00.1. ar more cubic yards. X1,150.00 initial fee toget!-rer with an annual fee of ~1,,aa0.00 (incl+ading first year? ..VIII ENGINEERING A_ Platting Sketch Plan Review------------------------Na c:harge Preliminary Plat X150.00/acre-------------~ 500.,00 Minimum.. ~,2L7a_t30 Maximum- Final Plat X150.00/ac:r-e-------------------~ 50[1.00 Maximum L1--6 In ac~ditian to the at=ave fees. deposit will hoe required to fund special studies finch, as envir`ar,mental assessment. wark~heets, • tr`anspartatian, dr`air,age, raise impacts, indirect service permits, • etc_ The amount of depasit is to k=e k~ased arr the site, c:amplexity, .diversity and lacatiar, of the praject_ B _ General Engir,aering 1 } I)evalaper Installed Impr~~vements a} Engr~eerir,g Plan Review and City Staff. Adrnirristr`atian ~_OX of pr`ajec:t constr°~~c:tian c:ast~ Assumes r,armal c:ar,struation c:anditiar,s anc~ prajee:t scheduling b~ Canstructar, Ubser`vation ar,d Final Ir,spec:tian Hourly ~s charged k=y City's consultant Services per farmed ~=y City persor,r,el will k=e hourly and billed at 2.S times actual payr`all hourly rate_ 2) City Installed Improvements a) Engineering .Plan Review anc~ City Staff Administration 2_QX of project constructiar, cost b) Preliminary Repar`ts As charged by consultants or` 2Cl% of design fee if perfar`med c) Final Design • As char`gad hay: c,•onsultar,ts ar as per standard ASCE fee curve if perfar`med by Gity staff d) Car,str`uc:tiar, C~bservatiar, and Final Inspection Ha,arly' as charged by .City's r.:or,su~.tant. Services per`far~med by t~'ity per~sar,nel will (~=e h,our~ly and`" bill~:d at 7 times actual payroll h,aurl.y rate. APPRCyUED AhiD AI7C~PTEI.} k=y the. Ga.ty Cour,cx.1. of tF~,e Gity of Lakevillir~, Mir,nesata, this _,5th day of March~___, I'~'-~0 CITY t~~F LAKEVILLE BY-_ _ _ Du rre~Zaun,_M_ - .ATTEST: Char`lena Fr`iedges, C .y Cler4t L1-7