HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-016 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Date : February 20, 1990 Resolution No . 90-16 Motion By: Harvey Seconded By: Mulvihill RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET FOR THE AMES NEW MARKET MINING SITE IN NEW MARKET TOWNSHIP, SCOTT COUNTY, .MINNESOTA WHEREAS, Scott County has requested comments on the draft Environmental Assessment Worksheet for a proposed sand and gravel mining. operation to be located along Scott County Road 29 approximately three-quarter mile east of Scott CASH 29 in close proximity to Lakeville's southern boundary; and • WHEREAS, Scott County has. adopted a Comprehensive. Plan that calls for low density residential development for the proposed mining site; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan for Scott County has been reviewed and relied on by the City of Lakeville and the residential. property owners adjoining the proposed mining site; and WHEREAS, area development to date has followed the land use goals of the Scott County Comprehensive Plan; and. WHEREAS, the gravel mining operation is heavily reliant on transportation routes through the City of Lakeville access Interstate I-35; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion and movement .problems at the I- 35/County. Road 70 interchange already occur due to the proximity of the east frontage road to the interchange entrance and the bridge; and . ~ . WHEREAS, the introduction of additional large truck traffic to the interchange is expected to further aggravate the current traffic problems at this interchange; and WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville is concerned with any change or expansion of land use that would adversely affect the safety, health or well being of the City's residents or businesses. NOW THEREFORE, BE IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville that the City has the following specific comments concerning the EAW for the proposed Ames Gravel Mine in Scott County: 1. Comprehensive Plan The Scott County Comprehensive Plan calls for low density single family residential development for the proposed gravel mining site. To date, all land use development in the area of the proposed .gravel mine has been consistent with this specific land use recommendation. 2. .Land Use The EAW cites that land use compatibility between the gravel • mine and adjacent residential .land uses through setbacks, buffering and screening the mining. The EAW does not address: a. Traffic impacts on County Road 29. This road is not anticipated to be paved until 1992. In the interim, truck traffic can be expected to produce dust and noise for the residential areas along County Road 29. b. The EAW states that the maximum active work period would be 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. This work: schedule is not conducive to the private enjoyment of the nearby residential lots. c. The EAW does not commit to any extraction limits that would better quantify the traffic counts and hauling qualities. 3. Soils and Water Table The Bruce A. Liesch report recommends that the development plan be .revised to move the western boundary of the mining area easterly away from the wetland water table. This revision would reduce the gravel operation and may change the anticipated impacts or time frame for completion. • • 4. Traffic The EAW projects a traffic increase ranging from 64..8 to 81.6 ADT. The projections assume an operation period of 12 hours a day and 6 days a week. If operational hours are restricted through the conditional use process, a mare concentrated traffic generation could be expected. The traffic generation will consist of gravel trucks which are not necessarily compatible with automobile traffic due to vehicle weight and size, dust generation, and load loss occurring during their operation. The proposed mining operation is heavily reliant on Lakeville street systems for access to Interstate 35. In evaluating the types and amount of traffic, the following concerns arise: a. Dakota County Road 9 (Dodd Boulevard) is a 7 ton road. This raises concern over the impact that the gravel trucks will have on this street. During Spring weight restriction months, all gravel truck traffic would be .prohibited on this road.. b. Dakota County Road 5 (Kenyon Avenue) is a 9 ton road that fronts I-35. This street enters County Road 70 • approximately 60 feet from the I-35 interchange. While the County has posted a four-way stop at this intersection, problems with turn movements and vehicle stacking have .resulted near the intersection and interchange entrance. c. County Road 70~I-35 bridge is a two lane bridge that presents traffic movement problem. The narrow bridge width and the lack of turn lanes results in obstructed traffic lanes when a motorist must wait for traffic when turning Teft. This is an inadequate and unsafe situation that the introduction of gravel truck traffic will further aggravate. d. The upgrading of the I-35/County Road 70 bridge has been identified as a project for consideration in 1990- . 1994. Specific capital improvement scheduling has not occurred due to the lack of available State funding. 5. In light of the local land use issues and area transportation issues, the City of Lakeville supports New Market Township's recommendation of denial of the requested conditional use permit. • r • ; ADOPTED this 20th day of February , 1990 by the City Council of the City of Lakeville. CITY OF LAKEVILLE By : -C-~--~iiC.~ Duane R. Zaun, yor ATTEST: By: Charlene Friedges, ty Clerk •