HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-013 RESOLUTION • Harve Sindt Motion by: Y Seconded by: Date. February 5, 1990 Resolution No.• 90-13 A RESOLUTION BY THE LAKE'~TILLE CITY COUNCIL REQUESTING DAKC7I'A QOUNTY BOARD OF CONIl`~ISSIONERS OONSIDER PROVIDING ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCREASING SHERIFF'S PATROL AND ENFORCEMII~'I' ON IaAKdI'A COUNTY LAKES AND RIVERS . WHEREAS, the population of Lakeville and other prominent Dakota County cities has increased significantly in the past five years; and WHEREAS, the rapid population increase can be directly related to dramatic increases in recreational activities on our lakes and river; and WI~21~,AS, the present staffing by the Dakota County Sheriff to cover all lakes, rivers and trails throughout Dakota County is less than desirable; and WHE~f2F~AS, there has been a marked increase in violations associated with snowmobiling, su~nex and winter use of our lakes and rivers; and • WEIERE',AS, population predictions indicate that Dakota County growth will continue., bringing with it more problems associated with our lakes and rivers. THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the Lakeville City Council respectfully requests the Dakota County Board of Connnissioners consider increasing personnel in the Dakota County Sheriff's Dept. to specifically deal with the recreational enforcement of lakes, rivers and trails throughout Dakota County whichwill in turn guarantee a high quality of recreational opportunities and preservation of our greatest natural resources, our lakes and rivers. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville this 5th day of February , 1990. CITY ~.LAKEVII~E Zaun, r ATI'F~~'T: BY• .Charlene Friedges, City leek