HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-03-96
JUNE 3, 199fi
7:00 P.M.
The City Council is provic~d background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed eammissions, committees and
boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents and a councilmember's
persor~l judgment. If you have questions, comments or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step forward to be
recognized by the Mayor during the "C~izens' Comments" item on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. All
comments are appreciated. A copy of all printed material relating to the agenda items is available for public inspection at the City Clerk's
1. Call to order and flag pledge.
2. Roll call.
3. Approve minutes of the May 20, 1996, City Council meeting.
4. Staff announcements.
a Attorney
b. Engineer
c. Administrator
d. Parks & Recreation Director -1995 Annual Report
e. Administrative Assistant/Recycling Coordinator -1995 Annual Report
f. Director of Operations & Maintenance -monthly report
5. Presentations/Introductions.
a. Introduction of Operations & Maintenance Department employees..
b. Introduction of Chuck Schrock, Police Department intern.
c. Community Service Recognition.
6. Citizens' Comments.
a. Comments by Shannon Townhome residents.
7. Consent Agenda.
All matters listed under Consent agenda are oor~sidered routine by the City Counc~ and will be acted on by one nrotion in'the order listed
below. There may be an explanation, but no separate discussion. on these items. If discussion is desired, that item wilt be removed
from the consent agenda and considered separately.
a. Claims for payment.
b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
• Environmental Affairs Committee, May 14, 1996
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JUNE 3, 1996
• Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee, May 15, 1996
• Planning Commission, May 16, 1996
c. Resolution authorizing sale of surplus scrap water meters.
d. Resolution authorizing modification to school zone speed limit on 175th:
Street west of Christina Huddleston Elementary School
e. Resolution accepting donation from JFK Elementary PTO to the DARE
f. Easement agreements for 170th Street reconstruction from Flagstaff
Avenue to Pilot Knob Road, Improvement Project 95-8.
g. Resolution receiving feasibility report and calling a public hearing for
District 2A, Phase II, sealcoating, Improvement Project 95-7.
h. Change order No. 1 with Ryan Contracting, Inc.. for sanitary sewer,
watermain reconstruction and street lighting, Improvement Project 94-1.
. i. Change order No. 3 with Ryan Contracting, Inc. for extension of Kenrick
Avenue in Fairfield Business Campus, Improvement Project 91-10.
j. Receive Pavement Management Report .prepared by Short Elliott
Hendrickson, Inc.
k. Agreement with Dakota County Community Services Administration for
1996 Sentence to Service Program services,
I. Resolution accepting donation from Don Sjoquist to the Lakeville Senior
m. Resolution receiving bids and awarding contract for the 1994 Park Bond
Referendum Phase Two projects.
n. Receive 1995 ALF Ambulance Annual Financial Report.
o. Receive 1995 Lakeville Fire Relief Association Financial Report.
p. Receive City of Lakeville 1:995 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
• q. Resolution accepting donations from private organizations to assist in
disaster mitigation efforts.
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JUNE 3, 1996
r. Resolution accepting donation. from Glenn R. Hashizumi to the DARE
s. Driveway easement agreement with Edney Distributing Company.
8. Consider redevelopmenf contract with United Properties Investment Corporation,
Itron, Inc. and the City of Lakeville.
9. Resolutionrequesting damaged homestead property to be re-assessed.
10. Resolution approving final plat of Paradise Hills.
11. Consider a planned unit developmenUconditonal use. permit. to allow the
construction of a public water treatment facility, public utility department facility,
ALF Ambulance facility, fire station and wel# house on land located in the
northeast corner of Ipava Avenue and 185th Street.
12. Consider request of Babe's Sportsbar & Grill for an extension of their on-sale
liquor and cabaret licenses to allow the salve of alcoholic beverages and live
entertainment in the fenced-in parking Jot on-July 12-14, 1996.
13. Unfinished business .(for Councit discussion only.
14. New business (for Council discussion only).
15. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, June 17,.1996
16. Adjourn.