HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-96 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MAY 6, 1996 7:.00 P.M" The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees and boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents and a councilmember's personal judgment. If you have questions, comments or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step fonrvard to be recognized. by the Mayor during the "Citizens' Comments" hem on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. All comments are appreciated. A copy of all printed material relating to the agenda terns is available for public inspection at the City Clerk's desk. 1. Call to .order and flag pledge. 2. Roll call 3. Approve minutes of the April 15,.1996, regular Council meeting and the April 15, 1996, special Council meeting. 4. Staff announcements. a. Attorney b. Engineer c. Administrator d. Director of Operations & Maintenance -monthly report e. Fire Chief -annual report 5. Presentations/Introductions. a. ,Proclamation designating Emergency Medical Services Week. b. Tree City USA Award, Arbor Day Proclamation and resolution accepting donation of trees. c. Proclamation for Senior Center Week. d. Introduction of Andy Bohlen and Narcotics Canine, Ruby. 6. Citizens' Comments. 7. Consent Agenda. All matters Listed under Consent agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be acted on by one motion in the order listed below. There may be an explanation, but no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that. item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately.. a. Claims for payment. • b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: 5/1 /96 . CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MAY 6, 1996 PAGE 2 Environmental Affairs Committee, April 16, 1996 Parks & Recreation Committee, .April 17, 1996 Planning Commission, April 18, 1996 Ice .Arena Advisory Committee, April 17, 1996 c. Waiver of Trespass, Right of Entry and Grant to Permanent Easement with George and Alice Siskoff, Improvement Project 94-1. d. Agreement with Northern Natural Gas Company for 161st Street reconstruction, Improvement Project 95-5. e. Resolution designating Municipal State Aid Street, Kenrick Avenue between Kenwood Way (CSAH 50) and 165th Street (MSA 112). f. Agreement with Dakota County for realignment of Dodd. Boulevard between Fairgreen Avenue and Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31 Improvement Project 96-2. g. Resolution accepting donation to the DARE program from Lakeville. Women of Today. h. Tree service operator license for B & J Tree Care. i. Resolution approving plans and specifications and setting a bid date for Phase Two Bond Referendum projects. j. Agreement with Ramsey Action Programs, Inc. for home delivered meals. k. Resolution approving a one day extension of hours at Antlers Park for Parks & Recreation's Teen Beach Party. I. Resolution accepting a donation from St. John's Lutheran Church for Meals on Wheels. m. Resolution accepting a donation from Lakeville VFW Post .210 to the. Parks & Recreation Department. n. On-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor license for the Lakeville Lions Club. o. Agreement with Gerald D. and Diane F. Bedeaux for a pylon sign on Lot 4, Block 1, Jackson's First Addition. CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MAY 6, 1.996 PAGE 3 p. Resolution authorizing condemnation of property interests for the 202nd Street .project,. Improvement Project 93-12. q. Ordinance amending Title 7 of the City Code concerning connection charges. r. Antenna site lease agreement with WestlinkPaging. s. Resolution authorizing reimbursement for use of personal auto on City business and establishing the policy, requirements and conditions for the claim. t. Contract Addendums with Polished Brass Cleaning Service and Osland Building Maintenance. u. Resolution accepting donation from First National Bank of Lakeville for the Safety Camp. v. Resolution approving a gambling permit for Lakeville Women of Today. • w. Resolution approving a gambling permit for Panorama of Progress. 8. Resolution adopting a Capital Improvement Program for 1996 -2000, 9. Resolution approving final plat of Country Creek Estates 2nd Addition. 10. Resolution approving final plat of Lakeview Estates 2nd Addition. 11. Resolution vacating a drainage and utility easement on Lot 13, Block 1, Marion Pines Third Addition. 12. Consideration of the preliminary plat of Highcroft Addition. 13. Paradise .Hills: a. Preliminary plat b. Variance for lot depth 14. Airlake Development 2nd Addition: a. Resolution approving preliminary and final plat b. Conditional use permit ~ ~ ~ Y CITY CQUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MAY 6, 1996. PAGE 4 • c. Resolution authorizing exchange of land. d. Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign partial releases of pipeline right- of-way agreements. 15. Resolution approving final plat of .Rock Island Townhomes 2nd Addition. 16. Consider appointments to the Lakeville Convention and Visitors Bureau .Board of Advisors. 17. Set a Council work session. 18. Unfinished business (for Council discussion only). 19. New business (for Council discussion only}. 20. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, May 20, 1996. 21. Adjourn. •