HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-20-96 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1996 7:00 P.M. The City Council is provided background information for agenda terns in advance by staff and appanted commissions, committees and boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents and a councilmember's personal judgment. if you have questions, comments or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the Mayor during the "Citizens' Comments° item on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. All comments are appreciated. A copy of all printed material relating to the agenda items is available for public inspection at the City Clerk's desk. 1. Call to order and flag pledge. 2. Roll cal . 3. Approve minutes of the February 5, 1996, City Council meeting. 4. Staff announcements: a. Attorney b. Engineer c. Administrator • d. Police Department -monthly report e. Parks & Recreation Director -monthly report f. ALF Ambulance Director -annual report 5. Presentations/Introductions: a. Introduction of Danny Barth, MIS Coordinator. 6. Citizens' Comments. 7. Consent Agenda... All matters listed under Consent agenda are considered routine by the City Councif and will be acted on by one motion in the order listed below. There may be an explanation, but no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. a. Claims for payment. b. Receive January Investment Report. c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: - Parks & Recreation Committee, February 7, 1996 • -Economic Development Commission, January 23, 1996 2/15196 ~ T r CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA FEBRUARY 20, 1996 PAGE 2 d. .Receive bids and approve resolution awarding contract for downtown street and .utility reconstruction,. Improvement Project 94-1 L e. .Signal agreement with Dakota County for CSAH 50 reconstruction, Icenic Trail to Hamburg Avenue, Improvement Project 94-13. f. Trunk.atorm-sewer credits for Kilkenny Pond. g. Resolution #o reserve advance MSA funding for reconstruction of CSAH 46, Cedar Avenue to Dodd Boulevard, Improvement Project 94-16. h. Final acceptance of utility and street improvements, Cedar Glen 4th Addition. i. Signal agreement No. 96-03 with Dakota County for CSAH 50 reconstruction, Hamburg Avenue to Farmington, Improvement. Project 94- 14. j. Final payment and acceptance of improvements for 168th Street Soo Line Crossing, Improvement Project 91-5. k. Resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing ad for bids for 161st Street extension, Improvement Project 95-5. L Settlement of right-of-way acquisition and payment for damages resulting from new right-of-way with Chris and Rebecca Olson, 202nd Street project. m. Resolution adopting pay schedule for Fire Department officers. n. Confirmation of Archie Clarkson as Fire Department District Chief for a three-year term. o. Amendment to Article 10 of he Fire Department Constitution. p. Appoint James A. Robinette Assistant Weed. Inspector for 1996. q. Resolution approving a gambling permit for VFW Post 210. r. Resolution calling a public hearing on the certification of delinquent utility bills. • s. Resolution submittin rant a lication to LCMR. g 9 pP ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA FEBRUARY 20, 1996 PAGE 3 t. Resolution accepting donation from St. John's Lutheran Church for Meals on Wheels. u. Resolution accepting donation from Stanley & Donna Lock for Meals on Wheels. v. Maintenance contract with Cramer Building Services for City Half HVAC. w. Ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 1, of the Lakeville City Code concerning the Planning Commission. 8. Consider Management Information Systems Mission Statement and Strategic Plan. 9. Resolution receiving feasibility report and calling a public hearing for Jaguar Avenue reconstruction from 165th Street to 162nd Street, including sanitary sewer and watermain, Improvement Project 95-9. • 10. Consider appointment to the Planning Commission. 11. Set a Council work session. 12. Unfinished business (for Council discussion only). 13. New business (for Council discussion only). 14. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, March 4, 1996. 15. Adjourn. •