HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-102 LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION N0. 89-102
Protec# _ 1
• Applicants must adopt and submit the following resolution. This resolution must be adopted prior to submiss(on of t
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BE iT RESOLVED that the City o€ Lakeville act as the legal sponsor for .protects contained in the Commu
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Developmen# application to be submit#ed on 1St: Sept. 19'89 and that 1~-3y0Z' ~ CltY AdmTni-Str'dtOr'
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is hereby authorized o apply to the Departmen# of Trade and Economic Development for funding of this protect on beh~
of the_ City of Lakeville
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flE I T FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ci tt~ of Lakeville has the l ega t authority to app l y for fi Wane i a l
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asslstanee, and the Institutional, managerial, ,and financial capability to ensure adequate construction, operation,
maintenance, and rep{acamant of the proposed protect for Its design l7fe.
BE 17 FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Lakeville has not .incurred any costs,. has note entered .Into any
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written agreements to purchase property, and has not contracted for or begun construction on energy conservation
• measures for the proposed protect.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Lakeville has not violated any Federal, State, or local Iaxs
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pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, .kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other uniawfuf or corrupt practice,
BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of Its application by the state, the City of Lakeville ,,,ay entf
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Into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-.referenced protect, and that the City of Lakeville
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certifies that It wiFi coaply with all applicable taws .and regulations as stated on all contract agreements and
described on the Canpiiaac~s Checklist of the Community Development Application.
As applicable, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City o_f Lakeville hereby declares that a Redevelopment Are
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be established as identified on the geographic location map provided with the completed application.
8E iT FURTHER RESOLVED that the redevelopment area was identified as meeting slum and blight conddtlons pursuan# to th
.definitions of Minnesota Statutes 469.002 fsubd. il) or 469,174 {subd. 10).
Now, therefore be it resolved that Ma r Duane Zaun is hereby autho-sized to
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execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant.
CERTIFY THAT the above resolution was adopted by the City_ Council of
the City of .Lakeville A t 7 1989 c oun y oar a c.
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Duane Zaun, Mayor August. 7,.1989 Charlene Friedges August 7, 1989
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