HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-093 , CI 1'Y OF IAKEVIII }3 RESO1 UTION Date:. July 5, 1989 Resolution No. 89-93 Aiotian by: Harvey Seconded by; Sindt At~fENDED RI;SUI UTION FUP, STREET VACATION td1II;REAS, on htay 15, 19S°, in Reso]_ution ldo. F~--(ids in the' City Council vacated certain parts of streets located within t}re plats of Alarion }Ieiglrts and Sullivan` s First Addition to Alarion Heights; and WI}rREAS, the legal description of the parts of said streets that were vacated were inadequate; and WIIEI~I:AS, the City Council Iris c}eterminecl t}iat it is i.n the public interest to use prober ]_egal descriptions to describe the parts of the streets that were vacated. • NUtJ Z'IIEREFURE, I_tF 11' RESUI VIsD by the I akeville City Council:. 1. The following streets r:ig}rt-of-way are hereby vacated: That part of Glendive Avenue (now known as 202nd Street tdest) as dedicated in "SUI_IIVAN'S FIRST ADDI- TIUN TO MARION HEIGHTS, HAKUTA CUUNF'Y, AIINNI~SUTA", according to the recorded plat thereof, lying be- tween the soutFrerly extensions across said G]_endive Avenue of the west :line of the East 2U. 00 feet of lot 12, I31ock 2 in said ~>lat and the west Line of lit 25, Block 2 in said plat. That part of Public highway (now lcn~wn as Kaparia Avenue) as dedicated in "SUiIIVAN'S FIRST ADDITIUN TU A}ARIUN IIEIGII'1'S, DAKUTA CUUNTX, A}INNESO'I'A", according to the recorded plat thereof, lying northerly of a line distant 33.OU feet northerly of, as measured at ri};lit. angle tct anc} parallel with the centerl_in~ of Dakota County Ilgh- way No. G4, and lying sout]~er~ly of tl~e following described line: Commencing on the north and south c}carter ] ne of Section 25, Township 114, Lange 21, 433.UU feet south of the north quarter corner thereof; y f t . thence North 57 de;rees 00 mirrtctes liast: 291.20 feet; thence North 63 del;rees 05 minutes I'.ast G04.90 feet; thence South 78 de};reel 30 minutes East 32.90 feet; t}fence South. 73 degrees 50 minutes laast ?27.3[) feet; thc~rrce South 24 degrees 54 minutes 6Jest 193.30 feet; thence South 08 degrees 57 minutes G1est 134.00 feet; thence Soui:}~ Oc) degrees 'l5 m:riutes East 161.10 feet to the Point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 89 degrees 30 minutes West 292..90 feet; thence North 50 i3 minutes West 209.80 feet; thence North 87 degrees 3.1 minutes t1{est 87.50 feet; thence South 45 degrees 35 minutes t~'est 1£39.60 feet; thence South v3 degrees 11 minutes IJest 26]..70 feet; thence North G8 c}egrees OG minutes 1~est 146.80 feet to the Wort}i and south quarter line of said Section 25 and said line there terming- ting. For Purposes of this description the north and south ctuarter line of said Suction 25 has an assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 32 minutes Fast. That Part of. }3ayvi.ew Avenue. (now known as Jordan Avenue) as dedicated in MARION I1T'IG}}'TS, DAk:pTA C0UN1'Y, AIINNI:SO`I'A, accordng to the recorded Plat .thereof, Lying between a line distant 33.C}0 feet nort}~erly of, as measu~•ed at a right angle to and Parallel with the centerline of Dakota County IIig}lway No. 64, and a line drawn easterly :from the most northerly corner of Outlot A in said Plat and perpendicular to the west line of said 0utlot A and which lies westerly and southwester7.y of the follow- ing described line: Beginning at the intersection of a line 33.00 feet northerly of as measured at a right angle to and} Parallel with the centerline of Dakota. County Iligh- way No. b4 and the souther7.y eXt~rlSlOrt of the east line of lot 12, Alock 4 in said plat; tlxence north, along said southerly extension, to the centerline of that Part of said I3ayview Avenue running in n northwesterly and sout}ierasterl.y direction; thence northwesterly and northerly along t}re centerline of said I3ayview Avenue to said above cescribed Perpen- dicular line and said line there terminating.. That part of Bayview Avenue (now kne~wn as Jordan Avenue) as dedicated in TIARION It,'TGItTS, DAKOTA COUNTY, 1`?1NNL,SO'I'A, accordi.n;; to floe recorded plat thereof, lying southerly of the following described line: • 2 _ ~ Commencing at the southwest corner of 1of 13, I31ock 4, in said plat; thence on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 45 minutes 54 seconds .East, along the south line of said l.ot i3, a distance of 1..80.20 feet; thence North 56 degrees 25 minutes 49 seconds West, a distance of 176.56 feet; thence North 39 degrees 24 minutes 21 seconds West, a diGtanee of I.c~8,GI feet; c:hence North S7 degrees 53 minutes 21 seconds West,. a distance of 116.10 feet; thence North 6$ degrees 10 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 254.50 feet; thence Nvrth 75 degrees 40 minutes 51 seconds 4dest, a distance of 70. ZO feet; thence north 10 degrees 04 minutes 51 seconds idest, a distance of 46.00 feet to the most northerly corner of Iot 1 i.n said Tilock 4 and t~ce point of l,eginning of the line to be descril}ed; thence South 79 degrees 55 minutes 09 seconds West, perpendicular to the last described line, a distance of 30.00 feet and said line there terminating. .And which lies northeasterly of the .following described line: T3eginning at the intersection of. the southerly ex- tension of tl~e east line of I of 1Z in said 131ock 4 and the centerline of that part of said I3ayview Avenue rcinning in a no-rthwestcr_I.y anti southeasterly direction; thence northwesterly and northerly along the centerline of said Bayvieir Avenue to the above described perpendicular line and said line there terminating. 2. The City Clerk is directed to file a Certified Copy of this Resolution with the County Recorder. ADOPThD by tfie Lakeville City Council this 5th day of July , 195y. CITY OI' ,l AY.TJVI1. I E hy; Du ne Zaun, 1~ or A~r~h1sT Charlene I~riedles Acting City Clerk -3 -