HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-16-95 1. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1995 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Johnson, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey and Mayor Zaun. Also present: J. Walston, Assistant City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community and Economic Development. Director; S. Michaud, Parks and Recreation Director; D. Feller, Finance .Director; G. Style, Police Department; M. Holliday, Deputy City Clerk. MINUTES The minutes of the October 2, 1995 regular Council meeting were approved as presented. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Attorney: None Engineer: Mr. Nelson stated that construction on Highway 50 should be completed and open to traffic around October 17th. Administrator: Mr. Erickson presented a petition which had been submitted by Pat Langan regarding a request to place speed limit signs on 165th Street, between Ipava eastbound to the dead end in the neighborhood of Hypointe Crossing. The Council added discussion of the petition to the agenda as item number 44 a, Chief of Police. Lieutenant Greg Style, representing Dave Martens, Police Chief, presented the September Police Department monthly report. Councilmember Sindt asked Lieutenant Style at approximately what mileage squad cars are. replaced. Lieutenant Style stated the squad cars are replaced at approximately 89,000 to 100,000 miles. He further stated that the cars are sometimes used for seasonal use in other City departments and then brought to the State for public auction. Councilmembers Johnson and Mulvihill questioned the patterns of recent vandalism. Lieutenant Style stated there have been no real patterns as to any particular area of the City. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1995 PAGE 2 Mayor Zaun announced there will be a meeting for parents, youth and concerned citizens regarding youth gangs and violence Tuesday, October 24, 1995, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Rosemount Middle School Parks and Recreation Director: Mr. Michaud presented the Parks and Recreation,monthly report for September. Councilmember Johnson questioned access to the county work crews. Mr.-Michaud explained that the City has a contract with the Sentence to'Serve Program. Director of Operations and Maintenance: Mr. Volk presented the Public Works monthly report far September.. Councilmember Sindt questioned if the street had been repaired at Ipava Avenue and 175th Street. Mr. Volk indicated that the street had been repaired. Councilmember Mulvihill questioned speed studies and also training for utility workers who have to confined spaces. Councilmember Harvey questioned the number of vehicle breakdowns. Councilmember Johnson commented on the small rock used for seal coating in his neighborhood. PRESENTATIONS/INTRODUCTIONS Students from the Lakeville High School Marketing and Sales Class were present and .described activities .planned for the. month of November. Councilmember Johnson read the resolution proclaiming November as Free Enterprise .Month in Lakeville. 95.183 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Sindt to proclaim the month of November as Free Enterprise Month in Lakeville. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Harvey, Mulvihill, Sindt, Zaun, Johnson. Councilmember Harvey read. a proclamation proclaiming October 16-20 as Manufacturer's Week. 95.184 Motion was made. by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to proclaim October 1fi-20 as Manufacturer's Week. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Mulvihill, Sindt, Zaun, Johnson, Harvey. CITIZENS COMMENTS: None CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1995 PAGE 3 CONSENT AGENDA 95.185 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment. b. September investment report. c. Receive minutes of the October 5, 1995 Planning Commission meeting, the October 4, 1995 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting, the October 3, 1995 Environmental Affairs Committee meeting, and the September 12, 1.995 Cable TV Board meeting. d. Final acceptance of street and utility improvements, Cracker Barrel Old Country Store. e. Change order No. 1 with Parkos Construction for Parkview shelter building. f. Special assessment agreement with J.H. and Suji Lee for reconstruction of County Road 46 between Cedar Avenue and Pilot Knob Road, Improvement Project 94-16. g. Trunk storm sewer, ponding, trunk sanitary sewer and trunk watermain credits, Marion. Village Second Addition. h. Special assessment agreement with James and Johanna Brooke, 10522 188th Street. West, Improvement Project 94-3. I. Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Burnsville for traffic signal at County Road 46 and Lac Lavon Drive and street rehabilitation along Bluebill Bay Road, Improvement Project 95-1. j. final acceptance of street and utility improvements, Hypointe <Crossing 3rd Addition. k. Resolution No. 95-214 approving plans and specifications and setting a bid date for rehabilitation of Well #3, Improvement Project 95-6. 1. Resolution No. 95-215 approving Lakeville Right-of-Way .Map No. 3 for 202nd Street improvements, Improvement Project 93-12. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1.995 PAGE 4 • m. Resolution No. 216 acre .tin donation of two trees from the p 9 Jensen family to James. Jensen Park. n. Resolution No. 95-217 approving amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement establishing the I-35W Solutions Alliance. o. Resolution No. 95-218-approving a gambling :permit for Lakeville ..Lions Club. p. Agreements with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for 1996 grant-in-aid snowmobile and cross country ski trail grants. q. Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Burnsville for water system interconnection. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Sindt, Zaun, Johnson, Harvey, Mulvihill. ITEM 8 Mayor Zaun opened the public assessment hearing for District 2A sealcoating, Improvement Project 94-8. The Deputy City Clerk attested that notices were. duly published and mailed. City Engineer Keith Nelson discussed the District 2A sealcoating project, stating the final project cost is $433,843.00. He indicated that $111,366.11 is proposed to be assessed. Finance Director Dennis Feller discussed the terms of the assessment and interest rate. He also provided an overview of the senior citizen deferment policy. 95.186 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to receive a letter from Russell Hoffman dated October 8, 1995 and a letter from D & J Properties dated October 12, 1995. RoII-call was taken on the motion. -Ayes: Zaun, Johnson, -Harvey, Mulvihill, Sindt. Public Comment: John Tapper, owner of property at 16135 and 16165 Joplin Avenue, stated he felt the recent sealcoating was of no benefit to the 16165 Joplin Avenue location. He further stated he is in protest of paying the special assessments levied on his property in the amount of $90.44. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1995 PAGE 5 Councilmembers and staff discussed the ro osed assessment for Mr. p p Tapper's property. Councilmember Johnson proposed that the assessment on this parcel be postponed which would allow recent pavement repairs to be seal coated next summer. 95.187 Motion was made Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to amend Section 5 of the resolution to include 1.6165 Joplin Way. -.Roll call. was;taken on the motion. Ayes: Zaun, Johnson, .Harvey, Mulvihill, Sindt. 95.188 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Johnson,. Harvey, Mulvihill, Sindt, Zaun.. 95.189 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Mulvihill to approveResolution No. 95-219 adopting assessments for District 2A sealcoating, Improvement Project 94-8 as amended. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Harvey, Mulvihill, Sindt, Zaun, Johnson. ITEM 9 City Engineer Keith Nelson requested the City Council receive and adopt the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. He introduced Nels Nelson of Barr Engineering Company who made a brief presentation of he Stormwater Management Plan. Mayor Zaun commented on Objective Number 5 regarding education of the community. Nels Nelson stated that he had met with the area lake homeowners associations. Councilmember Sindt asked if the>study could be used to forewarn residents before purchasing property that may have potential flooding problems. Staff indicated yes. Councilmember Harvey questioned the funding of future stormwater projects. Mr. Nelson and Bob Erickson addressed the issue. Councilmember Sindt asked if copies of the plan would be provided to local. public libraries. Staff stated they would be. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 46, 1995 PAGE 6 Council member Johnson stated that the Ian should rove t p p o be positive for residents in regard to flood insurance. 95.190 Motion was made by Harvey,. seconded by Mulvihill to approve and adopt the City of Lakeville Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Roll call was aken on the motion. Ayes: Sndt, Zaun, Johnson, Harvey, Mulvihill ITEM 10 Lawrence and Bonnie Schweich requested consideration of an ordinance rezoning property located north of 240th Street West, west of Cedar Avenue and east of Hamburg Avenue from R-2, single family residential district to R-A, single family agricultural district. Community _and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota presented an overview of the request, stating the rezoning will allow the Schweich's to construct a 9,000 square foot finished steel agricultural building to be used solely for storage of farm equipment and other personal machinery necessary for the agricultural use of the property. Councilmember Johnson asked if there were any objections from neighboring property owners. Staff stated no comments had been received. Councilmember Sindt questioned the zoning. history of the property. Staff stated the property had been zoned R-2 for over 10 years. 95.191 Motion was made by Mulvihill, .seconded by Harvey to approve Ordinance No. 561 rezoning property located north of 21Dth Street West, west of Cedar Avenue and east of Hamburg Avenue from R-2, single family residential district, to R-A, single family agricultural district. Roll call was aken on the.motion. Ayes: Zaun, Johnson, Harvey, Mulvihill, Sindt. Mrs. Schweich. expressed appreciation to the City Council, Planning Commission and staff for their assistance in the rezoning process. She went on to inform the Council of zoning history of the Schweich property.. She stated. that the property had been previously rezoned from agricultural to single family residential without their knowledge and • now they are. expected to pay to have the property rezoned back to agricultural. She stated they feel the charge is unjust. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1995 PAGE 7 ITEM 11 AI Leiting representing Bill Nelson of Tri State Machinery highlighted a request for a conditional use permit to allow anindustrial use on a non- conforming lot of record. Michael Sobota presented an overview of the proposal stating that Tri-State Machinery intends to construct a new pre- cast industrial building, screen the storage yard :and utilize the existing detached accessory building located. at the southeast corner of the parcel-for cold<storage..He-stated that the proposed business use is consistent with adjacent uses and an :appropriate use of the si#e gradient and screening will. allow the use to .rest comfortable on the site out of the direct view of adjacent. residences and right-of-ways. Mr. Sobota stated that the applicant has requested the City allow them to assess their storm sewer area charge. He stated that staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit and assessment agreement. The :Council held a brief discussion regarding the.. screening. of the outdoor equipment storage area. Mr. Sobota responded that an adjacent resident reviewed the detailed screening plan at a Planning Commission meeting and felt it was adequate. Mr. Sobota also • reviewed a drawing of the fine of sight from Kenrick Avenue that identified the elevations of the yard and equipment in relation to the proposed screening. 95.192 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Harvey to approve a conditional. use permit for Tri-State Machinery Company to allow an industrial use on anon-conforming lot of record and an assessment agreement for storm sewer area charge. Roll call was. taken on the motion. Ayes: Johnson, Harvey, Mulvihill, Sindt, Zaun. ITEM 12 Bob Erickson discussed the nomination of a Councilmernber to serve as Lakeville's representative to the-Dakota County Economic Development Partnership Board of Directors. 95.193 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to nominate Councilmember Johnson to serve as Lakeville's representative to the Dakota County. Economic Development Partnership. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Harvey, Mulvihill, Sindt, Zaun, Johnson. CITY OF LAKEVI~LE COUNCIL MEETING .OCTOBER 16, 1995 PAGE 8 ITEM 13 There was no unfinished business, ITEM 14 95.194 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to receive the petition from Hypointe Crossing residents to place speed limit signs on 165th Street:between Ipava Avenue eastbound to the dead end. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:. Sindt, Zaun, Johnson, Harvey, Mulvihill. Mr. Erickson reviewed the petition and discussion was held regarding the future speed limit of 40 or 45 mph when the street is completed in the future. 95.195 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No. 95-220 setting speed limit on 165th Street between Ipava Avenue and Hyland Avenue in the`City of Lakeville, MN. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Zaun, Johnson, Harvey, Mulvihill, Sindt. -There being no further business, Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ~ ~ ~ ~ j Mira H Iliday, Deputy City Cler Du ne Zaun, M r