HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-115 . CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Date September 8, 1987 Resolution No. 87-115 Motion By Harvey Seconded By Enright RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSION REGARDING THE CHERRY VIEW ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville, as the responsible govern- mental unit, has directed the preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet ("EAWN) before granting final approval for the Cherry View plat; and WHEREAS, the City has received and reviewed the EAW and has forwarded it for comment to various groups, organizations, and individuals as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Notice of Availability for Review was published ' in the EQB Monitor on July 13, 1987; and WHEREAS, the thirty (30) day comment period has closed; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and considered letters and other comments on the EAW. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville: The Findings of Fact and Conclusion attached hereto as Exhibit "A" are adopted by the Lakeville City Council. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Lakeville this 8th day of September, 1987. CITY O LAKEVILLE BY j~,,- Duane R. Zaun, yor A'~E Pa rick E . Mc arvey, Cit,~r Clerk . FINDINGS OF FACT CHERRY VIEW ADDITION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project consists of a 140 lot single-family plat with sanitary sewer, storm sewer, watermain, and street construction. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET PREPARATION AND DISTRIBUTION The City of Lakeville prepared an Environmental Assessment Work- sheet (EAW) for Cherry View Addition, pursuant to the rules of the Minnesota Environmental Review Program. The EAW was distributed to all persons on the Minnesota Environ- mental Review Program distribution list, the notice of availability for review was published in the EQB Monitor on July 13, 1987, and the RGU provided a press release to a local newspaper. The Natural Resources Committee conducted a public informational review of the EAW on July 7, 1987. The thirty (30) day comment period ended on August 12, 1987. CRITERIA 1. Type, extent and reversibility of environmental impacts: The EAW describes the project and analyzes the possible environmental impacts associated with the project. The results of this analysis are that no irreversible adverse impacts will occur as a result of this project. 2. Cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects: No related projects are planned as part of this project. 3. Extent to which the. environmental effects are subject to mitiga- tion by ongoing public regulatory authority: The Department of Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will maintain ongoing authority over the project as a result of permit applications. 4. Extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or of EIS's previously prepared on similar projects: No similar environmental studies have been undertaken in Lakeville. COMMENTS Six (6) letters were received in comment to the EAW or the project. 1. Minnesota Historical Society, June 30, 1987. This letter contained no comments or questions requiring a response. 2. Metropolitan Council, August 14, 1987. The letter states: Cherry View Development is a 140 unit single family residential development proposed east of Cedar Avenue and north of Dodd Road in northern Lakeville. The development requires sanitary sewer, storm sewer., watermain, and street construction. The project is located outside the ' currently designated urban service area in Lakeville. Lakeville should submit a plan amendment to add the area. The project may require a major plan amendment since a portion of the project appears outside the Metropolitan Urban Service Area. There are access problems with Interstate 35 at the existing interchanges at State Highway 50 and County 42. Traffic along County 46 may find it increasingly difficult to enter at these interchanges. Dakota County is currently investigating these and other issues in a traffic study which is scheduled for completion within 6 months. The City will initiate plan amendments, as necessary, before final plats are approved. The City acknowledges that there is a traffic problem. The County, however, is scheduled to upgrade County Road 46 in 1990. 3. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, August 11, 1987. The letter encourages and suggests the creation of additional retention basins, if necessary. This will be done. 4. Minnesota Environmental Quality Board, July 7, 1987 and August 14, 1987. The letters contained no comments or questions requiring a response. -2- . 5. Minnesota Department of Transportation, July 16, 1987. The letter contained no comments or questions requiring a response. CONCLUSION The City of Lakeville, acting as the responsible governmental unit, makes a negative declaration. The proposed project does not require the preparation of an environmental impact statement. y -3-