HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-094 RESOLUTION CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Date : July 6, .1987 Resolution No 87-94 Motion By : Enright Seconded By : Sindt RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 86-15 WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is in the public interest to acquire the property described in the attached Exhibit '°A" for public street, drainage and utility purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to acquire the property described in the attached Exhibit "A" by eminent domain proceedings, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 117, under the."quick-take" provision of said Statute, unless acquired by negotiation or otherwise before the proceedings are complete. Adopted by .the Council this 6th day of July, 1987. CITY OF LAKEVILLE B uane R. Zaun, or l? A'T~°I' E S ~ Patrick McGar ey, City Clerk/Administrato • . 'a Pro,~ect tio. 86-15 File No. 41858.602 Date. 6/5/87 Easement Parcel No. 1 Tax Parcel No. 22-00600-012-25 That part of the following described parcel in City of t.~ v,iiP The Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota except the north 658 feet .thereof. Which lies within the following described perpetual easement for street, drainage and: utility purposes. The north 7.0 feet of the south 40.0 feet of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota. County, Minnesota except Jaguar Avenue. Which lies within the following described perpetual easement for d~ainaae nurboses A strip of land 30.0 feet in width in that part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota except the Korth 658 feet of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 the centerline of said strip described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southeast l/4 of the Northwest 1/4; thence east along the south line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, a distance of 992.11 feet; thence north deflecting 90 degrees left, a distance of 40.0 feet to the actual point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence continue north along the last described course,. a distance of 160.0 feet and thence terminating. And which lies within - the following described temporary construction easement for street zynd drainage (purposes„ to expire) The north 15.0 feet of the south 55.0 feet of the above described parcel of land. Except the above described 30.0 foot wide perpetual easement also except Jaguar Avenue. And which lies within the following described. temporary construction easement for dr~inaae (purposes, to expire) A strip of land 60.0. feet in width lying 30.0. feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4; thence east along the -south line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, a distance of 992.11 feet; thence north deflecting 90 degrees .left, a distance of 55..0 feet to the actual point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence continue north along the last. described course, a distance of 145.0 feet and there terminating. Except the above described 30.0 foot wide perpetual easement. Parties Interest Edward P. Vivant 10200 165th W. Lakeville, MN 55044 NOTE: THIS IS .NOT A EEGAL DOCUMENT. It is intended only to present information to prepare the necessary documents for the acquisition of the .easements described k ~bove by proceedings in eminent domain or by negotiation. t •uo}fie}3o6au ~'q .~o u}ewop ;uau}wa U} s6u}paa~oad ~Cq anoq~ paq}.~osap sluawasea ay; ;o uo};}s}nbae aye ao~ s3uawnoop ~'aessaoau aye aaeda,~d o3 uo}~ewao~u} ~uasa.~d o; ,fluo papua~u} s} ;I '1N3Wf1000 1V931 b lON SI SIH1 : ~310N ~sa.~a3ul sa}~.~ed •auamasea Zen~ad.~ad pagTa~sap anbge aye ~da~x~ •puEt 3o taozed paq~zosap anogE aqq 30 gaa3 0'S5 ggzou auk 30 ~.aa3 0'Bt ugnos aqy • (~.z~dxa oq 'sasodznd) p p a ~s zo3 quaucasEa uoFgonz~suoo rizezodwaq paq~zosap buFMOtto3 auk uFU~'FM Se'Ft u~FUM Pu~ •bu~~eu~uzza~ azaq~ pue ~aa; 0'OZ ao aouE~s~p ~ 'asznoo paq~zosap gsEt atl~ buote tl~nos anu~~uoo aouau~ tpaq~zosap aq off, au~tzaquao auk 3o bu~uu~baq 30 ~u~od t~ngoe aq~ o~ gaa3 0'04 3o aauE~s~p a '~ub~z saazbap 06 buF~oaT3ap q~nos aouau~ :gaa3 tt'Z86 3o aouE~s~P E '4/t gsarsu~noS auk 3o b/t gseaq~.zox pFes =o au'}t u~zou aq~ buotE gsEa aouaq~ :4/t gsaMugnoS auk 30 4/t ~:sEBL(~zOjQ p~EB 30 ,zauzoo '}sat~t[a.zou atl~, qE bu~oua~ttuso~ :sMOtio3 se paq~zosap d~z~s p~ES 3o au~tza~uao aq~ E~osauu~yz 'rCquno~ EgoxEQ 'OZ abuE2I 'trit d'IUsuMOy '9 uo~goaS 30 4/t ~saritlgnoS aK~ 3o b/t gseau~.zoH aqq 30 ~zsd qEu~ u~ ugP'FM u~ gaa3 0'OZ PuEt 3o d'Fzgs K saso z u~~ zo3 ~ue~uasea tEngadzad paq~zasap bu~rotto3 aq~ u~tl~~te sa~j u~~uM 4/T gsaMugno5 aqa 30 4/t gseagazox pFES 3o aaa3 0.Of gear, aKq 3o gaa3 0'OZ sea aq~ 30 gaa3 .0.84 q~zou atlq 30 gaa3 0' St ugnos aq~ ~daoxa E~osauuFyl ' rS~uno~ E~oXEQ 'OZ abueg '4tt dFUsurios '9 uo~~oaS 30 4/T gsaMq~noS ac[~ 30 4/t gseau~zoH au3 30 gaa3 0'04 u~zou auk 3o gaa3 0'L u~nos aqy •sasodznd ~gFt~~n puE abeuFEZp '~aaz~s zo3 ~:uauzasea tEn~adzad pagFzosap bu~MOtto; aq~ u~ugFM sa'Ft uoTKM • E~osauu'}y1 'rC~uno~ EgoxEQ ' 0 Z abueg ' btt d~c[suroy '9 uo~~oaS 30 4/t ~sarq~noS auk 3o b/t ~sEaq~zox qtly • aTTtna~eZ ;o ,tai0 u} Iaaaed paq}.~osap 6u}MOIIo; ay; ;o ~.~ed ~eyl OS-OTO-00900-ZZ 'oN Iao.~ed xej Z •oN Iao.aed ~uawase3 L8I5I9 a~e0 Z09'8S8ifi •oN at}j 5T-98 •oN ;oa~'oad Pro,~ect No. 86-15 File No. 41858.602 Date 6/5/87 3 Easement Parcel No. Tax Parcel No. 22-00600-010-76 That part of the following described parcel in City of Lakeville The Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota .County, Minnesota. Which lies within the. following described perpetual easement fore street., drainage and utility purposes. The south 7.O feet of the north 40.0 feet of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 6, .Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota. Which lies within the following described perpetual easement for drainaae b~Z~poses . A strip of land 20.0 feet in width in that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota the centerline of said strip described as follows; Commencing at the northeast corner of said Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4: thence west along the north line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4, a distance of 250.41 feat to a point hereinafter referred. to as Point A; thence south deflecting 90 degrees left, a distance of 40.0 feet to the actual point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence continue south along the last described course, a distance of 15.0 feet and there terminating. Also a strip of land 20.0 feet in width lying 10.0 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at aforesaid Point A; thence west along the north line of said Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4, a distance oP 285.0 feet; .thence south deflecting 90 degrees left a distance of 40.0 feet to the actual point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence continue south along the last described course, a distance of 15.0 feet and there terminating. And which lies .within the following described temporarg construction easement for street and d ainaae (purposes,. to expire) ' The south 15.0 feet of the north 55.0 feet of the above described parcel of land.. Except the above described perpetual easement. Parties Interest William J. Green 9900 165th W. Lakeville. MN 55044 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT. It is intended only to present information to prepare the necessary documents for the acquisition of the easements described above by proceedings in eminent domain or by negotiation. •uo}fie};o6au ~'q ao u}ewop ~uauEwa u} sfiu}paa~oad Aq anoge S paq}.~asap s~uawasea ay; ;o uo};}s}nb0e ay; .~o; s}uawnaop Raessaoau ay; a,aeda,~d o~ uo};ew~o;u} ;uasa.~d o; ~'}uo papuagu} s} ~I •1N3Wf1000 14931 b lON SI SIH1 ~310N ~saaa~ul sa}~aed aqq gdaoxs •3oazaq~ gaa3 Tb'OOti gsta pust 3o taa~sd pagF.zosap anoge aqq 3o gaa3 0.09 ugnos a4~ 3o gaa3 0'OZ tigzou auy •pueT 3o tao.zsd paq~aosap anoge aqq 3o gaa3 T9'004 gssa 3o gaa3 0'5L ggnos aqq 3o gaa3 0'S£ Kq.zou aqy oq 'sasodxnd) ao (a.zFdxa ~Cae.zoduca 3 quaucasea uoFgona~suoo ~ pagF.zosap buFrotto3 eq~ uFUq~M salt uoFUM Pint • egosauuF~ ' ~S•~uno~ egoxea 'OZ abueg 'bTT dFt[suroS '9 uoFgoaS 3o y/T gseau~zoH auk 3o ti/T ~saMggnos aqq 3o gaa3 0'Ob ugttos auk 3o gaa3 O'G gq.zou auy .zo3 quaarasea ten~adzad pagF.zosao budMO~FoFgnapue abru•}s.zp 'gaaxgs P F tT 3 uq. uFggFM saFt udTUM •s~osauuFys 'd~uno~ egoxeQ 'pZ abueg 'tiTT dFUsuMOS ':9 uoFgoaS 3o ti/T gseaugaoH aqq '3o y/T gsarugnog aqs ' u} }a0aed paq~a0sap 6u}MO}}o; aye ;o ;.aed ~eyl • ZO=~t~=b~~0~-`ZZ` •oN lao,~ed xel •oN Iao.~ed ~uawaseq L8/S/9 a;e0 Z09'SS8T*~ •oN at}j 5T-98 'oN ~aa('o.~d . • o°~ 1 a• . 'J Project fJo. 86-15 Fide No. 41RiN.Gf)2 Date o/';/tt! Easement Parcel No. 5 lax Parcel No. 22-00600-010-07 That part of the followiny described .parcel in (:itY of Lakevil..lc That part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 0€ Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at a point 33 feet north and 363 feet west of the southeast corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence north 115.5 feet; thence west 206.25 feet; thence south 115.5 feet; thence east 206..25 feet to the point of beginning. Which lies within the following described perpetual easement for street, drainage and utility purposes. The south 7.0 feet of that part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota described as .follows: Commencing at a point 33 feet north and 363 feet west of the southeast corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; .thence north 115.5 feet; thence west 206.25 feet; thence south 115.5 feet; thence east 206.25 feet to the point of beginning. And which. lies .within the following described temporary construction easement for street and drainage (purposes, to expire) The north 25.0 feet of the south 32.0 feet of the above described parcel of land. Parties Interest SherilYn 4. Spear 9585 165th St. W, Lakeville, MN 55044 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT. It is intended only to present information to prepare the necessary documents for the acquisition of the easements described. ~ove by proceedings in eminent domain or by negotiation. •uo};e}~o6au ,fq .to u}swop zuau}ma u} s6u}paaoo.~d ~'q anoge~ paq}.~osap s3uawasea ay; ~o uo}~}s}nboe ay; ao; s}uawnaop ~'aessaoau aye a,~eda.~d o~ uo}~ew.~o;u} ;uasa.~d o; ,fEuo Papua;u} s} ;I '1N3Wf1000 1V931 d lON SI SIH1 ~310N 7ZTS5 NW aTTeA a tl anuany za?aeT9 I087I •o~ •naQ .zaT~u?M Y .zaT~u?M '~'H ~sa.~a~ul sa}~.aed 1 •queucasea Tengadzad pagFzosap anoge auq gdaoxa ost~ •buFuuFbaq ;o quFod auq oq qaa; 5Z'90Z gsea aouagq tgaa; 5'Stt ugnos aouagq tgaa; 5Z'90Z gsaM aouagq tgaa3 5'STT ugzou aouagq tq/T gseauq.zoH aqq ;o q/t gseaugnoS pFes ;o zauzoo gseaugnos auq ;o gsaM qaa; E9£ Pue ugzou qaa; EE buFouaututoo gdaoxa osT~{ •;oazauq qaa; O'ZET gsea auq gdaoxa q/T gseaugzox auq ;o q/t gsgaugnoS PFss ao gaa3 0'04 ugnos auq ;o gaa3 0'L ugzou auy •dFzgs goo; O'OOT pFes ;o gaa3 E£ ugnos auq gdaoxg •9~ zagnznH ~SeMubFg 1Cquno~ ggoxeQ pFes ;o auFT ~ieM ;o qubFz dTzaugnos auq pue q/t gseaugzoH auq: ao 4/T gseaugnoS pFes ;o auFT ugnos auq uo ageuFuuaq oq pauagzous zo pauaugbuaT aq oq aze quautasea pFes ;o sauFT ap'~s aus •buFgeuxiuzaq azauq pue 9t, zaqutnll 1CeMubFg dquno~ egoXeQ ;o au~T deM ;o qubFz fitzaugnos auq oq qaa; 69'6LT 3o aouegsTp a 'anzno pFes oq quabueq gsaM spuooas sagnuFnz Tb saazbap ZT ugzoH aouagq tgaa; L8'6£5 ;o aouegs~p a 'spuooas 6Z sagnuFuz 90 saazbap ;o aTbue Tezquaa a pue qaa; 52'Z566 3o snFpez 2 buFneu 'gsate auq oq aneouoo anzno TeFquabueq a buote ~CT.zaugzou aouagq tgaa; 5t'L65 ;o aoue~sFp a 'gsaM spuooas yp sagnuFu[ 5£ saazbap 6 ugzox aouagq tpagFzosap aq oq auFTzaquao a ;o buFuuFbaq ;o quFod ten~oe auk oq gaa3 50'66 ;o aouegsFP a 'ti/T gseaugzoH auq ;o y/T gseaugnoS pFes ;o auFT ugnos auq buoTe (buFzeaq pauznsse) gsaM spuooas 95 sagnuFu: 9q saazbap 68 ugnoS aouagq tb/t gseaugzcH auq 3o ti/T gseaugnoS pFes ;o zauzoo gseaugnos auq qe buFouaaru:o~ :auFTzaquso pagFxosap buFMOtTo3 auq 3o apFs uoea uo qaa; 0'05 bu?xT dFz~s pFeg •buFuuFbaq ;o quFod auq oq qaa; 5Z'90Z gsea aouagq tgaa; 5'STT ugnos aouagq tgaa3 52'902 gsatn aauauq :qaa; S'STT gqzou a5uauq tq/t gseaugzoH aqq ;o y/T gseaugnoS PF~s ;o zauzoo gseaugnos aqq ;o gsaM gaa3 £9£ Pue gqzou qaa; buFouaurucoo gdaoxa osTe ;oazauq qaa; 0•Z£t gsea auq gdaoxa egosauuFy~ '~Cquno~ egox~Q 'OZ abueti '4TT dFUsuMOy '9 uoF~oaS 3o ti/T gseaugzoH auq ;o b/T gaeaugnoS auq uF ugPFM uF gaa3 O'OOt PueT 3o dFzgs ti •sasodznd ~tgFTFgn pue abeuFe.zp 'gaazgs zo; quaucasea Tengadzad pagFzosap buFMOTTo; auq u~ugtM saFT goFUM •buFuuFbaq ;o quFod auq oq gaa3 52'902 gsea aouagq tgaa3 5'STT u~nos aauauq lgaa; 52'902 gsaM aouagq tgaa; 5'Stt ugzou aouagq ;y/T gseaugzoH auq ;o {,/t gseaugnoS pFes 3o zauzoo gseaugnos auq ;o gsaM -qaa; £9£ Pue ugzou qaa; buFouaucucoo gdaoxa oste ;oazauq qaa; O'ZCT gsea auq gdaoxa egosauuFyl 'dquno~ egoXeQ 'OZ abueg 'tiTT dFUsuMOy '9 uoFgoaS ;0 4/t gseaugxoH auq 3o ti/T gsEaugnoS aus ' aTi?naxeZ ;o ,c~?0 u} Iao.ted paq}.~osap 6u}MOIlo3 a43 ~o ~,ted ~eyl £0-OTO-00900-ZZ 'oN lao.~ed xel • ~ 9 'oN Lao.aed ;uawase3 £ 30 aced L8/8/9 a~ep Z09'858Th 'oN al}d ST-98 'oN ~oa~'o.td i Project tJo. 86-15 File No. 41858.602 .Date 6/8/87 Page 2 of 3 Easement Parcel No. Tax Parcel No. 22-00600-010-03 That part of the following described parcel in City of Lakeville And which lies within the following described. temporary construction easement for street and drainage (purposes, to expire) The north 50.0 feet of the south 90.0 feet of the above described parcel of land. Except the above described perpetual easement. Also a strip of land 50.0 feet in width lying westerly of and contiguous with the following described 100.0 foot strip of land: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; thence South 89 degrees 46 minutes 56 seconds West (assumed bearing) along the south line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, a distance of 99.05 feet to the actual point of beginning of the centerline of said 100.0 strip of land; thence North 09 degrees 35 minutes 04 seconds. west, a distance of 400.0 feet and there terminating. Except the south 90.0 feet thereof.' Also a strip of land 35.0 feet in width lying westerly of and contiguous with the following described 100.0 foot strip:. Beginning at the last above described point.. of termination; thence continue North 9 degrees 35 minutes 04 seconds west, a distance of 197.15 feet and there terminating. Also a strip of land 20.0 feet in width lying westerly of and contiguous with the following .described 100.0 foot strip: Commencing at the last above .described point of termination; thence northerly along a tangential curve .concave to the west having a radius of 9952.25 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 52 minutes 48 seconds, a distance of 152.85 feet to the actual point of beginning of the centerline of said 100.0 foot strip; thence continue northerly along the last described curve concave to the west, having a radius of 9952.25 feet and a central angl6 of 00 degrees 51 minutes 49 seconds, a distance of 150.0 feet and there terminating. Also a strip of land 35,0 feet in width"lying westerly oP and contiguous with the following .described 100.0 foot strip: Beginning at the last above described point of termination; thence continue northerly along. the last described curve concave to the west, having a radius of 9952.25 and a central angle of 01 degree 09 minutes 05 seconds, a distance of 200.0 feet and there terminating. Also a strip of land 10.0 feet. in width lying westerly of and contiguous with the following described 100.0 foot strip: Beginning at the last above described point of termination; thence continue northerly along the last described curve concave to the west, having a radius of 9952.25 feet. and a central angle of 00 degree 12 minutes 47 seconds, a distance of 37.02 feet; thence North 12 degrees 41 minutes 33 seconds West tangent to said curve, a distance of 162.98 feet and there terminating. Parties Interest ,~j G Winkler ~ Wi~{lpr DPV_ Co. 74RI1>~'L'.].er AVP.n11P Apnle VA1~ey MN X124 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT. It is intended only to present information to prepare the necessary documents for the acquisition of the easements described . above by proceedings in eminent domain or by negotiation. p q}.~OSap s~uawasea a •uo}~e};o6au Rq ao u}ewo a p 3uau}wa u} s6u}paaoo.~d ~'q uo};ewao u yl 3° uo}~}s}nbae aye .a o; s;uawnaop ,f.~essaoau aye a.aeda ~ } ;uasa.~d o; ~'Iuo papua~u} s} 3I '1N3Wf1000 1VJ3'i d lON SI 5IN1 ~310N 7ZTS5 NW 'SaTTeA aTddy •any .za-~zeTO T087T •00 •naQ zarxutM ~ .zaTxutM .O.H ~saaa~ul sa}~,~ed { axaq~ pup ~aa; 86•Zf ;o aoup~sFp Q 'anxno `buF~puFprxa~ ;oaaous~sFpsa£essuooasw Tip saaxbap ZT u~xox aouau~s;~~a;~ZpbLEE p put ~aa; 5Z'Z566 ;oSZsnagnuFuz 95 saaxbaP TO ;o atbue tax~uao an.zno pagFxosap asp a FPpx p buxnpq ~saM aqq o~ anpouoa 3o dFx~s boo T u~ buojp ~Txau~xou anuF~uoo aouaq~ tpue 3 0`OOT pFps ;o auFTxa~uao aq~ ;o bu uu ba ~u oT saa.zbapa p 3o aTbupSTpxquao~8 8OU2~sFP p 'spuooas ~0 sa~nuFuzFOd ~.saen aq~ oq anpouoa an.zno Pua gaa3 5Z'Z566 3o snFppx p bu~nr 60aa~ 5T'L65 u~ aou~asFp p '~saMuasPuooas btiOTsagnuF~gS£usaaxb~ tTgxox aoua ; 50.66 ;o aaup s ~seM/spuo~as~95SsaFnu n[o auFt Lignos a~gF6uotp (buTZpaqupaucnsse~ a~~ 3o b/T gspa ~ PFpsb 3oaxbx~uxo~ K~noS aouau~ :y/T ~seaq~xoH u~nos ~spaq~nos a u~ ~p buF~uaunuo~ pue cdFxgs X003 O'OOt pagFxosap buFMOTTo; at}~ gq,FM snonbF~uoo ;o dT.za~ssa buF~t u~pFM uF ~aa; 0.OZ pupT 3o dFxq.s p osTK 60pu~xoH anuL6 3o aoue~sFP p '~saM apuooas 40 sa~nuF~uF~asaaxbsp 0`OOT pFps ;o~auFT.za~cte epagFxosap aq oq puaT 3o dFxgs qoo; ~aa3 00.005 ;o soup s q~ ,a° buFuuFbaq ;o ~uFod Tenao~ aq~ 60 q~xoH sous ~ FP p ~saM spc[ooas qp sa~nuFut 5£ saaxbap uq ~aa; 50'66 3o aoue~sFP p 4/T ~apau~xox aq~ ~saM/spuooasgnos pFps 3o auFT ugnos aq~ buotp (buFxraq pauznssp auk 3o i+/t ~seau~nogupFps~ saaxbap 68 u~noS aouaq~ :b/T ~seaggxox ;o xauxoa gseaq~nos auk ~p buFouau~uto~ pup ;o ~CTxa~spa~bur,CO'OOT pagFxosap buFMOTto3 auk u3FM snonbF~uoo . T u~PFM uF ~aa; 0'SZ puaT ;o dFxgs p osT~{ • u} }ao,~ed pagt.aosap 6u}MO}}o; aye ~o ~aed ~eyl £0-0T0=II090B'ZC"' •oN (ao.~ed xel £ 30 abed 'oN Iaaaed ~uawase3 L8/8/S a~e0 Z09'858T9 •oN al}3 ;T'`~N '°N 3oa~'o.~d r I~ Project No. 86-15 File No. 41858.602 Date 6/8/87 i Easement Parcel No. 8 Page i of 2 Tax Parcel No. 22-00600-010-06 That part of the following described parcel in City of lakeviile The east 132 feet of .the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 114,. Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota. Which lies within the following described perpetual easement for street, drainage .and utility purposes. A strip of land 100.0 feet in width in that part of the east 132 feet of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6, .Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota. Said strip lying 50.0 feet on each side of the .following described centerline:, Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast 1/G of the Northeast 1/4; thence South 89 degrees 46 minutes 56 seconds West .(assumed bearing) along the south. bins of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, a distance of 99.05 feet to the actual point of beginning of a centerline to be described; .thence North 9 degrees 35 minutes 04 seconds West, a distance of 597.15 Peet; thence northerly along a tangential curve concave to the west, having a radius of 9952.25 feet and a central angle oP 3 degrees 06 minutes. 29 seconds, a distance of 539.87 feet; thence. North 12 degrees 41 minutes 33 seconds West tangent tc .said curve, a distance of 179.69 feet. to the southerly right of way fine of Dakota County Highway Number 46 and there terminating. The side lines of said easement are to be lengthened or shortened to terminate on the south line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 and the southerly right of way line of said Dakota .County Highway Number 46. Except the south 33 feet of said 100,.0 foot strip. The north 7.0 feet of the south 40.0 feet ofthe east 132.0 feet of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. Except the above described 100.0 foot strip of land. i Parties Interest ~'ndP~ndent~,9_choo2 Dist. No. 9] 4 _ 8670 210th +~GiW• iakPVille. MN 55044 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT. It is intended only to present information to prepare the necessary documents for the acquisition of the easements described above by proceedings in eminent domain or by negotiation. •uo};e};o6au ~'q .~o u}ewop ;uau}wa u} s6u}paaoo.~d ,fq anoq~ paq}.aosap s;uawasea ay; ~o uo};}s}nboe ay; .~o~ s;uawnaop ,f.~essaoau ay; a.aedaad o; uo};ewao~u} ;uasa.~d o; ,f}uo Papua;u} s} ;I •1N3Wfi000 1V931 V lON SI SIH1 ~310N ah(1CC Nl•~ ' aT72naxe~ .M'~SU~M7098 76I 'oN •asiQ Tooyas ~uapuadapui ;sa.~a;uI sa };.red •buFgeuFuz.zaq azauq pue gaa3 ST'L6 3o a~ue~sFp e 'gsaM spuooas q0 sagnuFtu 5E saazbap 6 ugzox anuFquoo aou:auq :uoFgeuFu~za~ 3o quFod pagFzosap anoge gset auq qe buFuuFbag :dFz~s goo3 O'OOi pagFzosap buFMOtto3 auq ugFM snonbFquao put 3o xtxa~sea buF.Ct u~pFM uF gaa3 0'SZ Puei 3o dFz~}s a ostt~ •but~euFutzaq azayq pue gaa3 D'OOi 3o aouegsFp e 'gsaM spuooas qp sagnuFtu 5£ saazbap 6 ugzoH anuFquoo aouauq :uoFquuF?uzaq 3o quFod pagFzosap anoge gset auk. ~.e buFuuFbag :dFzgs goo3 0.OOi pagFzosap buFroiTo3 auq ugFM snonbF~uoo pus ao dtzagsea buF~Ct u'~pFM uF gaa3 0'S£ puet 3o d-~zgs a ost~ •3oazau~ gaa3 0.06 ugnos auk gdaoxS •buFq~uFuzzaq azauq pue gaa3 O'OOb 3o aoue~sFp a 'gsaM spuooas tr0 sagnuFuc g£ saazbap 6 ugzoH aoubu~ :puet 3o dFz~s goo3 O'OOi pFes 3o auFtzaquao auk ~o buFuuFbaq 30 ~uFod tangos auq oq gaa3 50'66 3o aouegsFP a '4/i gseaugzox auq 30 4/t gseaugnoS pFes 3o auFt ugnos auk buojs (buFzEaq pautnsse) ~saM spuooas 9g sagnuFnz gti saaabap 6g ugnoS eouaq~ :y/t gseaugzoH auk 3o q/t gseaugnoS pFes 3o zau.xoo gseau~nos auq qe buFouaunuo~ :puei ao dFzgs goo3 O'OOi pagFzasap buFMOtio3 auq ugFM snonbFquoa pue 30 ~ijzagsea buF~Ci u3PFM uF gaa3 0'05 puet 3o dFz~s a ost~ • quaucasea ten~adzad pagF~osap anoge auq gdaoxa puet 3o'taozed pagFzosap anoge aua 30 gaa3 0'06 tlgnos aq~. 3o qaa; O'OB ti~zou auy • (azFdxa oq 'sasodand) a e e p aaz s zo3 quaucasea uoFgonzgsuoo dzezodutaq paq~zosap buFroiio3 auq uFUgFM saFt uoFUM Puri ' u} ~aoaed paq}.~osap 6u}n+ollo~ ay; ~o ;,red ~e41 90-OiO='IIOzND="Z'L` •oN }ao.~ed xel Z ;o Z a8e~ 8 •oN Ia~aed ;uawase3 L8/8f9 a;e0 Z04'8S8ih .oN al}3 ST-98 •opJ ;aaCo.~d If , Project No. 86-15 File No. 41858.602 Date 6/8//87 Page 1 of. 2 . Easement Parcel No. 10 Tax Parcel No. 22-00600-010-75 .That part of the following described parcel in City of Lakeville The Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota. Which lies within the following described perpetual easement. for street drainage and utility burgoses A strip of land 40.0 feet in width in that part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast l/4 of Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota. Said strip lying west of and continguous .with the following described line hereinafter referred to as Line A: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; thence west along the north. line of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4, a distance of 99.05 feet to the actual point of beginning of said Line A; thence southerly deflecting 99 degrees 22 minutes left, a distance of 61.13 feet; thence southerly. along a tangential curve concave to the west, having a radius of 7712.46 feet and a central. angle of 8 degrees 44 minutes 57 seconds, a distance of 1177.71 feet to the east line of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; thence south along said east line tangent to the • last described curve, a distance of 69.28 feet to the southeast corner of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 and. there. -terminating. The west line of said strip is to be lengthened or shortened to terminate. on the north and south lines of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4. Except the north 33 feet of said 40.0 foot strip. Also except easements of record if any. Also strip of land lying. easterly of aforesaid Line A and .westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the point of beginning of .the above described Line A; thence southerly along aforesaid Line A, a distance 61.13 to the actual point of beginning of a line to be described; thence southerly along the prolongation of aforesaid Line A, a distance of 590.0 feet to the east line of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; thence south along said east line, a distance of 590.0 feet and there terminating. The south 7.0 .feet of the north 40.0 feet of said Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 lying westerly of the westerly line of the above described 40.0 foot strip. Except easements of record, if any. Parties Interest Norris & Linda Niccum 18821 185th Ave. N.E. Woodinville, Washington 98072 NOTE: TNIS IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT. It is intended only to present information to prepare the necessary documents for the acquisition of the easements described .above by proceedings in eminent domain or by negotiation. •uo};e};o6au ,fq .~o u}swop ;uau}wa u} s6u}paaoo.~d ~'q anoge paq}.~osap s;uawasea ay; ~o uo};}s}nboe ay; .~o~ s;uawnoop ~'.~essaoau ay; a.aeda.~d o; uo};ew.~o~u} ;uasaad o; ,Cluo Papua;u} s} ;I '1N3W0000 111931 d lON Si SIHl ~310N ZL086 uo~8uiyseM 'aTTtnutpooM '3'N 'a^V 58T TZ88t mnooXN epuT7 '8 sTi.zoN l ;sa.~a;ul sa};aed •~CuE 3t 'pzooaz 3o sguautasEa gdaox~ •butgEUtacza~ azaug pue gaa3 69'Z89 3o aouEgstp E 'spuooas £T sagnutut 90 saazbap SO 3o atbuE tEZguao E pue gaa3 99'ZTLL 3o sntpEZ E butneq '~saM atl~ og aneouoo anzno tEtguabuEg ptea buotE ~Ctzaggnos anutguoo aouaug :uo~3~utuuag 3o gutod pagtzosap anogE' gset aq~, gg butuutbag tdtzgs goo3 0'09 pagtzosap butMOtto3 atJg tT~tri snonbtquoo pue 3o xTzagsaM butAT u3ptM uF gaa3 0.OZ puet 3o dugs a osT~ •duE 3t 'pzooaz 3o sguaucasea gdaox~ •but~eutauag azaug puE gaa3 0'051 3o aouEgstp E 'spuooas Zg sagnutuz 90 aazbap t0 3o atbuE TEZguao E pue gaa3 99'ZtLL 3o sntpEZ 2 butnEq 'gsaM aug o~ aneouoo anzno tEt~uabue~. pies buate htzau~nos anutguoo aouaug :uot~EUtu~za~. 3o gutod pagtzosap gsEt aug ~E butuutbag :dugs goo3 0.09 pagtzosap butMOTto3 aug u~tM" snonbtguo~ puE 30 1CTzagsar, butAt ugPtM ut gaa3 O'OTt puET-3o dtz~s E osty •AuE 3t 'pzooaz 3o sguauzasea gdaox3 •butgeutw.zag azaug pue gaa3 O'OOT 3o aouEgstp a 'spuooas 9£ sagnutuc 99 saazbap 00 3o aTbue TEZguaa E puE gab; 99'Z'CLL 3o sntpez E butneq 'anzno TetguabuEg pies buotE tCtzatl~nos anutguoo aouat{g :uotgEUtuzzag 3o qutod pagtzosap anogE ~}sEt auk ~e butuutbag • :dugs goo3 0'09 pagtzosap SutMOtto3 aug ugtM snonbtquoo pus ;0 1CTzagsaM but~T u~ptM ut gaa3 0'S£t puEt 3o dugs E ost~ • tCue 3t 'pzooaz 3o sguau[asea ~daoxg •butgEUtuczag azagg pue gaa3 0.OOt 3o aouEgstp E 'spuooas 9£ sagnu~uz 99 saa.zbap 00 3o aTbue tEZguao E pue gaa3 99'ZTLL 3o sntpez E butna2l 'gsaM atlg og anEOUOO anzno tEtguabuEg pies buotE ~Ctzaugnos anut~uoo aouagg :dFzgs goo3 0'09 pies 3o butuutbaq 3o guFod tengoe aq} oq gaa3 ZZ'S9t 3o aouegstp e 'spuooas 96 sagnutuc 90 aazbap TO 3o aTbue tEZ~uao E pue gaa3 99'ZTGL 3o sntpEZ E butnEq 'gsam aq~ og aneouoo anzno tet~uabue~ e buote autZ ptesazo3e buotE dtzaq~nos aouaq~ :gaa3 £T'T9 3a aouEgstp a auto ptesazo3E buoTE ~itzaugnos aouaq~ autZ ptesazo3e 3o butuutbag 3o gutod pagtzosap anogE aqg ~E butouauzuzo~ sdt.zgs goo3 0'09 pagtzosap butroTTo3 aug ugtM snonbtquoo pue ;o dTza3sar, butAT ~{~pttn ut ~aad O'OTZ pueT ;o dtz~s a oaT~ •pueT 3o TaozEd pagtzosap anogE aK~ 30 gaa3 O'OOTT gaea aq~ 3o gaa3 O'OOL gsain atl~ 3o gaa3 0'9L ggzou ati} 3o gaa3 O'OZ Banos atlS •due 3t 'pzooaz' 3o sguanzasea gdaox~ •~ua?uasEa TEngadzad goo,; 0'09 pagtzosap anoge aq~ 3o RTzagsaM but.Ct puET 3o Taozed pagtzosap anoge aug 3o gaa3 0'S5 ugzou aqg 3o gaa3 0'ST u3nos auy (aztdxa og 'sasodznd) eu a puE gs .zoa guauzasEa uo~gonz~:suoo • ~Czezoduzag pagtzosap butroito3 aug utugtM satT uoFUM PuK • aTTtna~eZ ;o L~tO u} }aoaed paq}.tosap 6u}MOiio;I ay; ;o ;.)ed ;eyj St-OTO-00900-ZZ 'oN iaoaed xel 'oN laaaed ;uawase3 • Z 7o Z as~d Lf3/f3/~) a;e0 Z09'858T7 •oN aI}j f- f Project t1o. 86-15 File No. 41858.602 Date .6/8/87.. Easement Parcel No. 11 Tax Parcel No. 22-00600-010-78 That part of the following described parcel in Gity of Lakeville The South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota except commencing at the southwest corner of said South 1/2 of the Southeast l/4; thence north along the west line of said South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 to the northwest corner: thence east along the north line of said South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4, a distance of 823.0 feet; thence south, a distance of 611x0 feet; thence east, a distance of 380.0 feet; thence south a distance of 699.1 feet to the south line of said South 1/2 of the Southeast l/4; thence west. along said south line, a distance oP 1203..1 Peet to the point of .beginning. Also except commencing at the southeast corner oP said South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/41 thence north along the east line of said South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4, a distance of 527.54 feet; thence North 73 degrees- 17 minutes West, a distance of 540.69 feet; thence South 85 degrees 43 minutes West, a distance of 687.86 feet; thence North 66 degrees 07 minutes West, a distance of 234.43 feet; thence south 732.10 feet to the south line oP said South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4; thence east along said south line, a distance of 1420.60 feet to the point of beginning. Which lies within the following described perpetual easement for street, drainage and utility purposes. The east 40.0 feet of the South 1/2 of the Southeast l/4 of Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota except commencing at the southwest corner of said South 1/2 of the Southeast l/4; thence north along the west line of said South • 1/2 of the Southeast 1/2 to the northwest corner: thence east along the north line of said South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4, a distance of 823.0 feet; thence. south, a distance of 611.0 feett thence east, a distance of 380.0 feet; thence south, a distance of 699.1 feet to the south line of said South 1/2 oP the Southeast 1/4; thence west along said south line, a distance of 1203.1 feet to the point of beginning. Also except commencing at the southeast corner of said South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4; thence north along the east line of said South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4, a distance of 527.54 feet; thence North 73 degrees 17 minutes West, a distance oP 540,69 feet; thence South 85 degrees 43 minutes West, a distance of .687.86 feet; thence North 66 degrees 07 minutes West, a distance of 234.43 feet; thence south 732.10 feet to the south line of said South i/2 of the Southeast 1/4; thence east along. said south line, a distance of 14.20,60 feet to the point of beginning. Except easements of record if any. Parties Interest Donald W. & Mary KVPton _16615 TD3ya AvenLe W _I,akgvi 11 a Mji 55 044 NOTE: TNIS IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT. It is intended only to present information to prepare the necessary documents for the acquisition of the easements described ~bove by proceedings in eminent domain or by negotiation. -uo};e};o6au ~'q .to u}ewop 3uau}wa u} s6u}paaao,ad ~'q anogt~ paq}.~osap sauawasea aye ;o uo}~}s}nboe ay; .+o} s;uawnoop ,ttessa~au a43 aaeda~ad o~ uo};ew,~olu} ~uasa.~d o; ,Sluo papua;u} s} ~I '1N3Wf1~00 "iH931 d lON SI SIN! ~310N M ? d n ;saaa~ul sa};.red gaaa O'OOt ugnos a 'puat ao Taozad pagFzosap anoga auq ao uq 3o gaa3 0'05 gsEa auk ao gaa3 0'Oi gsar, auy (azFdxa oq 'sasodznd) au zp z s zoa quautasaa uoFgonzgsuoo 1Czazodutaq pagFzosap buFMOttoa auq uFUgFM saFi ttoFUr, pu`d •dua aF pzoaaz ao squatuasaa gdaoxg •buFuu~baq ao quFod • auq oq gaaa 09'OZbt ao aouagsFp 2 'auFt ugnos pFas bctota ~saa aouauq :b/t gsaauqnos auq ao Z/i ugnos PFes ao auFt ugnos auq oq gaaa Ot'ZEC ugnoS aouauq :gaa3 £b'b£Z 3o aouagsFp g 'gsaM sagnuFut c0 saaxbap 99 ugzoH aouauq :gaaa. 98'L89 ao aouagsFp a'gsaM sagnuFut £b saazbap gg ugnog aouauq 'gaa3 69'Ob5 ao aauagaFp s gsaM sagnuFtu Li saazbap £c ugzoH aouauq tgaa3 b5'LZS 30 aouEgsFp t? 'b/t gsaaugnog auq ao Z/t ugnoS pFas ao auFj gaaa auq buoja ugzou aouauq :b/i gsaauqnos aqq ao Z/t ugnoS pFt?s ao zauzoo gsaauqnos auq qa buFouauttuo~ :srottoa sa pagFzosap tagosauuFyt ~igunoQ agoxaQ '0z abua~ 'bii dFUsuMOy 'g uoFgoaS ao b/i gseatj~ttoS auq 3o Z/i ugnos auq ao gzed gaug ao gaa3 0'Ob gsaa auy zoa guatttasaa an adzad 'sasodznd ~gFTFgn pua abt3uFEZp 'gaazgs t ~ pagFzosap buFriottoa auq uFUgFM saFt uoFUM ~ •buTuuTbaq 3o guFod auq og gaaa 09'OZbi 3o aouegsTp e auFi c}gnos pFea buoia gsEa aouauq :b/t gsaauqnos auq 3o Z/i ugnos pFas ao auFt ugnos auq og gaaa Ot'Z£c ugnoS aouauq :gaaa £b'b£Z ao aou2gsFp 2 'gsaM sagnttFtu LO saazbaP 99 LtgzOH aottattq !gaa3 98'L89 ao aouagsFp s 'gsaM sagnuF~u £b saa.zbap 48 ugnoS aouagq :g8e3 69'Ob9 ao aouegsFp a 'gsaM sagnuFat ci saazbap £c ugzox aouagq :gaaa b5'LZS ao aouagsFp a 'b/i gsaauqnos ettq ao Z/t ugnos pFtzs ao auFi gsaa auq buoTE ugzou aouauq ~b/t gsEaugnog auq ao Z/t ugnoS PFas ao zauzoo gsaauqnos auq qa buFouaututo~ :seeottoa as pagFzosap agosauuFy~ '~iguno~ agoxaQ 'OZ abuag 'btt dFUsuMOy '9 uoFgoaS ao b/i gsaaugnog .auq ao Z/t ugnoS auq ao gzad gauy aTTF^a~lB'I ;o GazO u} Ia~.~ed paq}aosap 6u}MOllol a43 do ~.~ed ~eyl 6L-0t0-00900-ZZ 'oN }a~.aed xel ZI •oN }a~.~ed ~,uawase3 • L8/8/9 a~e0 Z09'858t7 'oN at}j St-98 'oN ;oa('o.~d l~ Project No. 86-15 File No. 41858.602 Date 6/5/87 Easement Parcel No. 13 Tax Parcel No. 22-00700-010-01 s That part of the following described parcel in City of lakeville The east 653.4 feet of the north 200.0 feet of the Northeast l/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota. Which lies within the following described perpetual easement for street, drainage and utility purposes. The east 40.0 feet of the east 653.4 feet of the north 200.0 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township 1i4, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota. Except easements of record if any. And which lies within the following described temporary construction easement for .street anc~, drainaae (purposes, to expire) The west.. 35.0 ..feet of the east 75.0 feet of the above described • parcel of land. Parties Interest Richard W. & C E. Rahn 17001 Ipava Ave. W. Lakeville. MN 55044 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT. It is intended only to present information to prepare the necessary documents for the acquisition of the easements described above by proceedings in eminent domain or by negotiation. a ,~osa 'uol;el;obau ~'q ao ulewop ;uaulwa u~ sbulpaa~oad Fq ano e~ P ql• p s;uawasea ay; ~o uol;lslnbae ay; .~o} s;uawnoop Fressaoau ay; a.~eda,~d o; not;ew.ao}ul ;uasa.~d o; .fluo Papua;ul sl ;I '1N3Wf1000 lt/03l d lON SI S1N1 ~310N 77055 Nld `ajjcna~e7 _ •M any ened'f T80Li e~Ie9ed. 'W B Puow,(ea ;saga;ul sal;aed •puei 3o iaozed pagtzosap anoge aqq 3o gaa3 0'09 gsea auq 3o gaa3 0'OZ gsaM aqq osi~ •gaa3 O'OZT gsea aqq 3o gaa3 0'09 ~SBM atjq 3o gaa3 9b'9fiZ t;'q.zou aqq 3o gaa3 0'OS ggnos auy • (az-(dxa oq 'sasodznd) a euiezp pue gaazgs zo3 quaurasea uotgonzgsuoo rCzezodu~aq pagt.zosap buiMOiio3 auq utugtM satT yoigM Puy •1Cue 3T pzooaz 3o squaucasea gdaoxg •egosauuTy~ 'Xquno~ egoxeQ 'OZ abueg 'bit dr~lsuMOy 'L uorgoag 3o bT/T gseaugzoH a gseau~zoN auq 3o Z/i ugzOfI aq~ 3o qaa uq 3o b/i O'OOS uq.zou a 3 Ob'E59 gsea aqq 3o gaa3 uq 3o gaa3 0.00£ ugnos auq 3o gaa3 0'Ob gsea auS, sasodznd XgzTtgn pue abeuTez aaz s zo; quauzasea iengadzad pagrzosap buYMOiTo3 auq uTggtM satiquoitTM •egosauu~ys 'Xquno~ egoXeQ'02 abueg 'biT diusuMOy 'L uotgoag 30 b/t gseauq.zox auq 3o b/T gseauq.zoH auq 3o Z/i ugzoN auq 30 gaa3 Ob'£59 gsea auq. 3o gaa3 0.005 ugzou auq 3o gaa3 0'00£ ugnos au,L 3o Xq~~ auq ut taozed pagtzosap butMOTTo3 auq 30 •gzecInaeey qu ' al T~na~~~ ~o ut lao.~ed pagl.~OSap fiulMOTTo~ ay; 30 ;.wed 7e41 ZO-ZIO-OOL00-ZZ 'oN la~.wed Xel 71 'oN la~.wed ;uawase3 L8/S/4 a;e0 7.09'85817 'oN all3 1,1 Disc 'oN ;~aCo.w~ Project No, 86-i5 File No. k1858.602 Date 6/5/87 Easement Parcel No. 15 Tax Parcel No. ZZ-00700-O1I-02 That part of the following described parcel in City of Lakeville The North. 1/2 oP the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota except the east 653.40 feet of the north 500.0 feet of said Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. Subject to easements Which lies within the following described perpetual easement for .street, drainage and utility .purposes. The east 40.0 feet of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota except the east 653.40 feet of the north 500.0 feet of said Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4, Subject to easements of record iP any. And which lies within the following described temporary construction easement for street and draieaae (purposes, to expire) The west 20.0 feet of the east 60.0 feet of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 oP the Northeast 1/4 except the north 500.0 feet thereof. Also except the south 20,0 feet of said North 1/2 of the Northeast l/4 of the Northeast 1/4. Parties Interest 1{eith T. Harstad _2191 Silver Lake Road New Brighton MN 55112 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT. It is intended only. to present information to prepare the necessary documents for the acquisition of the easements described ~ove by proceedings in eminent domain or by negotiation, •uo};e};o6au ,fq .~o u}ewop ;uau}wa u} s6u}paaao.~d Rq anoq~ paq}.asap s;uawasea ay; ,~o uo};}s}oboe ay; aol s;uawn~op ,taessaaau ay; a.ae'tla,~d o; uo};ewao;u} ;uasaad o; ~'Iuo Papua;u} s} ;I •1N3Wf1000 14931 d lON SI SIHl ~310N 7*IOSS NW 'aTT?na~ej OS LMH '8 'M S£ •~ui s.xaPT?nH usq.zngns ;sa.~a;ul sa};.red s' ' ao 7<aa3 0.05 ~s2a a •puet 3o Taoxad pagFxosap anogE auk q~ 30 7<aa3 0'OT a<sat~ aq~ ;o ~aa3 0'OT u~xou aqq ~daoxg •pueT ao Taoxud pegFxosap anogs auk ;o ~aa; 0.09 ~sEa aq~ ;o ~aad 0.02 ><satn eu~ ost~ •~aa3 O'OZ'E asEa at;~ ao ~aa3 0'09 tsar, atl~ ao ><aaa 54'S8Z u~xou aq~ ao ~aaa 0'05 q~nos auy o~ 'sasodxnd) a xo (asFdxa 1Cxexodara 3 ~uawasBa uoF~onx~suoo ~ PaclFxoeap buFMOTtoa au3 uFU~FM saFT uoFUM Putt •~un dF Pxooax ;o s~uaeasEe ~daoxa oath •uoF~FPP$ PxFUs abpF~ xoog pus uoF3FPPti '~sxF3 abPF~T xoog ~daoxa e~osauuFyt '~C3uno~ E~oKEQ 'OZ abueg '4it dFUsuMOy 'L uoF~aaS 30 4/i ~sBau~xox sq~ do 4 /i ~seat{~.zox aK~ do Z/T u~noS aK~ do ~aa3 0'04 sea au,L •sasodxnd ~C><F'[F~n pus abeuFaxp '~aax~s xoa 7<uaucasea Zen~adxad pagFxosap buFMOtTo3 ac}~ uFU~FM saFT uoFUM •uoF'~FPPE PzFUS abpF2i xoog puE uoF~FPPtt ~s~F3 abPF2i xoog ~daaxa Q~oseuuF~ '~C~uno~ n~oxvQ 'pZ ebuQg '4Tt dFUsuMOy 'L uoF~~ag io 4/t 7<s~tau~xox a~~ Io 4/i ~saaq~xox eK3 io Z/T u~no5 aqs • aTT?aa~e7 ;o ~?0 u} lao,aed paq}a asap 6u}MOIIo3 ay; }o ;.red ;e41 £0-Zi0-00[00-ZZ •oN Iaa.~ed xel L8/TTJ9 Pas?nag 9T 'oN }a;aed ;uawase3 LS/s/9 a;etl Z04'8S8T7 •pN aI}j SI-98 •oy ;aaCo.~d ' f,.