HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-092 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Date July 6, 1987 Resolution No. 87-92 Motion By Harvey Seconded By Sindt RESOLUTION FOR TEMPORARY EASEMENT VACATION WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing, preceded by two week published and posted notice, to consider vacating the following described temporary easement for public utility purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the public interest to vacate the temporary easement. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville. City Council: 1. The temporary easement as described on the attached Exhibit "A" is hereby vacated. 2. The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the County Auditor and County Recorder. Adopted by the Lakeville City Council this 6th day o f Julv ~ 1 ~ ~3 7 . CITY OF AKEVILLE BY. n . Z u a a" r BY : , Pa rick .cG r e , City Clerk/Administrato }~+s' `~'f?i~?~! ~P:~T r ..1t~` }P '•f 7~~~1~~ ~'t ;~~~~'G~~~_ tr f "S, r 1~ ~.t• • Y~ i' ` r r p } r tt r t AS~'~ ~1 ' { 6)r '1i7p ~ ~~,1` k ! ! ~ .'7{ }y~.~'1.t+ ry y:V~ ~ i ~ r t S 'j r? .,r.,~}1 i .;fir ~ r t t' ~ t lf~~tJ 1~¢ .v'~4 t ~~~',t"~~t~rr. 1 ~ r ~ ~ 1 4 ~i.' p} i'~• 1 7k ~ ? a ` i~'y i ' y. r ~ s q P . 'v ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ r Y f`'. } Gt..p i i 1 J t. y 1 1, 1 i ~.i-f S t A cL 'ti } ~ ~r klfr ! ~`(>v r ~yr f (.yi ~ 1... l_ 'tf t ~ v.l. r ~F. d~' !,1 1 f.~.r~1 r(-. ..5~ c}~j)~y., r .{.~4~ F. } w r'L C r ~f ar l~ ~ ry ( 1 tk,~. 1~'i i.41,•~ ~{.~1 r ~~i 'irl 1 ~ 4 t t J- .s ~j•tq ` r !+i? xfrl • r Ali. a# r ~J ~~~i ~t, $ ry r_.,.~ii r ~~~t ~~~it. r} ~ rJ...'~~j - ~ ~i. •f ri, r 4 ~ tF~i~ lrit'} 4A{°~.;;f7~}ys; r } Mali .pct ~ S!i j. f ` py r .2 1 P fi (t}} t 4 N } ~ J 1 !r` ~ ;1. } r .r r., ~'r t +t t t f ~ y .ifil f ` 1 r~. ?r k y~y ~ r 1 J , L) .t Jr~i t:^rP ~ i ,a ~ {1 r r.a' 't ~;;';tt) ~ i t~ i.i i ~ iS...! 1""I ~ R+•~ >,~.4 r ~ ~ c•~4 y {sl 1 i+ ~ ~ ~~,i t rr ~ J i. I,{. ! t: PARCEL #1 i' t ;'t` r~fi~ r .n { r.,.. r.~.(4t 'f+ ~ 1 1 r. 5 ~ f y I~.~~rD~t ~,t A perpetual easement~20•feet wide for sanitary sewer, use and's': 'lid ~ temf.~orary easement 100 feet wide far sanitary sewer .construction, over, under and across that part of the East half of the SW 1/4 and across that part of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 4, Township 119, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies within lines parallel with and distant 10 feet and 50 feet. respectively, from and on both sides of a common center line described as follows: r Commencing~at the Northeast corner of the Southeast corner of said section; thence on an assumed bearing of South 00°OU'S5" East, along the East line of the SE 1/4 of said seciton, 706.5E feet; thence bearing South: 89°59'05" West, 1137.91 feet to the point~of beginning of tl~?e center line to be described; thence Veaxing South 59°U1'17" West, 2294.76 feet; thence bearing South 70°01'16" West, 1571.32 feet, more or less, to the South line of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of said section and there terminating, said point being 811.03. feet East of the Southwest corner of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of said Section. The boundary lines of said easements to be shortened or lengthened to begin in the East line of the said E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 and terminate in the South line of the said SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4. t 'T'hat portion of said property lying within the perpetual easement is 0.9l acres, more or less. ti, Thai portion of said property lying within the temporary easement is 4.60 acres, more or less. s PARCEL lj 2 ' s 11 perpetual easement 20 feet wide for water main use and a temporary easement 100 feet wide for water main construction over, under grid across that part of the E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 4, Tcwnship 114, Rar?ge "LO, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies within ].iryes parallel with and distant 10 feet and 50 feet respectively, from and on both sides of common center line describ#d as follows: l Commencing at the Northeast corner of the SE 1/4 of said section; tT~ence on an assumed bearing of South UO°00'55" East,. along the East line of said SE 1/4, 696.56 feet; thence bearing South 89°59'05" i9est, 244.9.95 feet to the point of beginning of the center line to be described; thence Westerly, 399.39 feet, on a tangential curve, concave to the South, having a radius of 963.05 feet and a central angle of 23°27'49", thence bearing South 66°31'16" West, 1033.90 feet; thence Westerly,• 394.20 feet, on a tangential curve, concave to the North, having a radius of 947.04 feet and a central angle of 23°50'56" and there terminating. `1'he boundary lines of. said easements to-be (SEE NEXT PAGE) EXHIBTT "A" at i rFt ~ ~ l~ssx r / ~ rQ n}",yi_'(4'~i,! ~i~.l ;~r''~~'~_" ~ ~ ` ~ ~y~R~~ +i~.l} t i ~ ` ` T~ tl i r// i ~ .a . ,!.yl 4 ~ , t+ry th R ~ t .A ~ ~ i ~ fi fwt+~ i :j i' ? r t { ~ ` r': Nkr r, ( ~ t. ? jC,:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ry tr h:? ~~t~~t~ ~:7 yl ~J` t~~ ( ct t, y n ~r w~~ ~ '~13~~ ~r+r4 l" Y • f .p,~ f"t r t~ 'alp L TS`i''ky.yd''~ r'e rrfKl~ C 'i }f+ >1 ~ ..y, t f• r 7 t r C ~ t). c `r'y a s ~ t r~~c ~ ~ T a~q } "f4{~f i. ~1~ i~ ,1 t 1 t t f .1 +y',+'f a~. ` i4~ ~ .Z ~ t t: ~•I~,r id 7 1 r l i i ~ ~ +t r r A' { y C"lL .l s r ~r~ { ,wf qt . 1 ~1 S t yl t r l t } t'"ti r t r , ~ ~ ~ ' -r •Tr~ K Ar J~ i'rJ,` y,`tF r~ ~ ~,`[4r tf i~. t ~t"J ~t1~ it i. t, •p tt Tij ry A ~ ` ~ ~y. .j ,~!`.''.~~S~ryt~,s Sv ~5 .t S[tCt N'rt ~ +tP7~i~~?L r s _t ~ F a A r.:tt ~ 1(~ Gr ~ t.., t ` ~ )ii si i'4f 1f r ~ 1 k~ r~ .lengthened or'~••s)iortened ~ ~ t ',to ;be r ~ ,the `~r' ~ rl +tr/.r said E 1/~ • of • t1;e `SW~1/q and~'tonterminateain ~1thesWes of the said E.1/ltgf`the SW 1/4 t line i Also a temporary easement•for water'main construction over, under1• and across all the North 40 feet of the SW i/4 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 4, Township 1i4, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota. That Portion of said property 1~~__r_g within the perpetual easement contains 0.66 acres, more or less. ( • That portion of `said property lying with the temporary easements contains 4.50 acres., more or less. r PARCEL ~3 A perpetual easement 20 feet wide for sanitary sewer use and a temporary easement l00 feet wide for sanitary sewer construction over, under and across that part of the C 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 4, Township 114, Range 2U, D~ikota County, Minnesot~4, which lie, within limes parallel with and distant lU feet and. SO feet respectively, from and on both. sides of a common center .line described as follows: Commencing at a point on the south line of the SW`1/4 of Section 4, Township 114, R~-rnge 20 West, a distance of 1192.27 feet east- of :the Southwest corner of said SW 1/4; ttrence northeasterly a distance of 176.41 feet to a point which is 1240.35 feet east of the Southwest corner and 169.73 feet north of said south line; and there terminating. 1 s -