HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-075 f RESOLUTION CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Date: June 15, 1987 Resolution: 87-75 Motion By: Enright Seconded By: Nelson RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 86-3 WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is in the public interest to acquire the property described in the attached Exhibit "A" for public street, drainage and utility purposes. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council. of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: • The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to acquire the property described in the attached Exhibit "A" by eminent domain proceedings, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 117, under the."quick-take" provis-ion of said Statute, unless acquired by negotiation or otherwise before the proceedings are complete. Adopted by the Council this 15th day of June,. 1987. CITY OF~AKEVILLE / '1 ~ ~ ` Duane R. Zaun, y r ~ AT S Patrick E. c ar ey City Clerk/Administra r • PARCEL NO. lA • .That part of the following described parcel in the City of Lakeville: Lat 6, Block 2, Jackson's First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. Which lies within the following described perpetual easement for street, utility and drainage purposes: The south 7.0 feet of Lot 6, Block 2, Jackson's First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. Except easements of record. And which lies within the following described temporary construction easement for street, utility and drainage purposes, to expire two years from the date of acquisition: The north 15.0 feet of the south 22.0 feet of Lot 6, Block 2, Jackson's First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. Except easements of record. • PARCEL NO. 2A That part of the following described parcel in-the City. of Lakeville; Lot 7, Block Z, Jackson's First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. And which lies within the following described perpetual easement for street, utility and drainage purposes.: The south 7.0 feet of Lot 7, Block 2, Jackson's First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. Except easements of record. .And which lies within ±-he following described temporary construction easement for street, utility and drainage purposes, to expire two years from the date of acquisition: The north. 10.0 feet of the .south 17.0 feet of Lot 7, Black 2, . Jackson's First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. Except easements of record.. . PARCEL NO. 20A That part of the following described parcel in the City of Lakeville: Lot 13, Block 2, Jackson's First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. And which lies within the following described temporary construction easement for street, drainage and utility purposes to expire two. years from the date of acquisition herein: .The north 15.0 feet of Lot 13, Block 2, Jackson's First. Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. Excpet easements of record. • F11I2C);L 3A • That part of .the following described parcel. .n City c:~f Lakc~v.i. tle: Lot t3, J31ock 2, Jackson's First 1ldditon, Dakota Cc7unty, Minnesota. 11nd which lies wi.t-hin the fol.lowi.nq described pez-l,c?trral. ea~c?n~~ni fr,r. r:l rr~r~l , rat i I i I y .rrrrl dr :r i n;r~l~~ l,rrr 1,~,~:r•~;: 't'hc~ ~~~trt h 7. 0 feet- of l,c>t t3, i;l or.k Jar.kGOrr' i~' i r ~l 11dri i I i nl,, Dakota County, Minnesota.. Except easements of rr~cor~d. 11nd which .lies within the following described temporary ccanstructi.on easement: for street, utility and dT-ainage E~ur.po~;~~~., to expire two years from i:he date of acquisition her.e.in: The north 30 feet of the south 37.0 feet of I,ot £3, I3Lock 7., Jackson's First Addi.t:i.on, Dakota County, 1Nir~nesota. F;xcel?l easements. of record. FRi2C);I, 411 That part of the following described parcel in C.il_y of L,akevi.lle: Lot 9, I3l_ock 2, Jackson's First 1lddition, Dakota County, • Minnesota. Which .lies within the fol__lawing described perpetu~-rl. easement far street, utility and cir.ai.nage purposes:. T'he sout.l~ 7.0 feet of- Lot 9, l3l.ock 7, Jackson's t~'i.r. ,t 11ddi.t.ic~n, Dakota County, Minnesota. 11nd which lies within the following described temporary construction easement for street, utility and clr.a:inage purposes, to expire two years from the date of acquisition t~ere.in: The north 40.0 feet of the south 47..0 feet of_- Lot: 9, 131ock 2, Jackson's First 1lddition, Dakota County, Minnesota. P1IRCEL 8A That part of the following described parcel in City of I,akev:i_lle: That part of the NW,'- of the SE~ of Section 1 , Township 1 1 4, Range 21, bakota County, Minnesota l.yi.ng east of Interstate Highway Number 35, except that part lying south of a line distant 50.0 feet north of_ the following described line: i3eginn:i:ng at t.}re southeast corner of said NWT of_ the SEA-; thence nort}r along the east line of said NWT of the SEA', a distance cjf 330.95 feet too the actual point of beginning of: a line to be desrr:i.bed; thence west at an angle of 78°29'07" to east right-of-way of said Interstate Itighway Number 3S and there termin~-~ti_ng. relllt'11 } {t'. wl ( 11111 { Ilr• {r~) {ttw{Ilr( rlr`. :t'1 1I~r`r{ (tr~l (Ir'{ 11.1 { r~,l .':r ~tllr •11( I ~rl ~;1.? rt~t , Irl i 1 i !_y :Irrcl clr i rl:rt(c~ }.Irrtlclsc~~.: '.That part of the NW~ of t:he ST'S of Section 1 , 'Ccwns}I i p i 1 4, it:rnge 7.1, Dakota County, M.i.nnesot.a lying east of. In t.c'r.st-at:e f}.crhway Number 35, except that part lying south of a l.i.ne d.i.st:ant 50.0 feet north of the following descr..i.bed line: 13egtnni.rrq at the southeast corner of said NWT- of the SE1,; thence north along the eaGt- 1 i n~ ~E ~a id NW~ c,F t h~ ;T;~ , rr d i ~:I :rrrc•~ cat 33t). ~)'i ft•r~l I t, t}re actual point of beginning of a ]_ine to be described; thence west at an angle of 78°29'07" to east right-of-wt~y of. said Interstate highway Number 35 and there terminating. • Said easement lying north of a line which is 40 feet sough o.f tend parallel with the following described line here.inaf.ter r_efer_red to as Line Commencing at the southwest corner of Outlot 11, Gopher Mini-Storage First 1lddition, Dakota Coutrty, M.i.nnesota; thP_.r1CP_ S7°03'30"W (assumed bearing) along tl~e prol:ongatiort of t:he west line of said. Out~lot R, Gopher Mini-Storage }.~i.r.st 11ddi.tiorr, bakota County, Minnesota a distance of 48..00 feet to t}le actual point of beginning of said Line A to be described; thence S86°33'17"F., a distance of 473.82 feet and there i.er.rni_nai ing. The south line of sari easement i.s to be lengthened o.r_ shortened I:c~ terminate on the easterly line of Kenrick 1lvenue. • . PARCEL 9A ~ . . That part o:E the following described parcel in City of Lakevi.l.1_e: Outlot 11, Rolling Oaks South, Dakota County, Minnesota. Which lies. with the following described perpetual easement f_o.r_ street, drainage and utility purposes; 1111 that part of Outlot A, Rolling Oaks South, Dakota County, Minnesota lying north of a line which is 4O feet south of and parallel. with the following described line hereinafter refer.r.ed to as Line A; Commencing at the southwest corner of_ Outl.ot A, Gopher Mini-Storage First 1lddition, Dakota Country, Minnesota; thence S7°03'30"W (assumed bearing) along the prolondati.c~n of the west line of said Uutlot A, Gopher Mini-storage First Additi,c~rr, Dakota County, Minnesota a distance of 48.00 feet to the actual. point of_ beginning of said Line A to be described; t.lrence S86°33'17"E, a distance of 473.82 feet and there terrni.nati.ng. Also that part o:C sa.i.d Outlot A, itoll.i.ng Oaks rottth describes} as follows: Commencing at the r7ortheast corner of said Outlot A; lltrtt~-•~ ~~,ttlh a1r,n~l 1It~ •~~..^•I- tines of ~ai~l c~tttlr,l n i~, :t 1,.+ittl ~lir;tatrl ~O 1.•,•1 ~:,,ttlh r,f al~,t~+r;al~! i,it?t• n :ttt~i Ilt~• .t,•Itta{ 1„~iiil ~,I heginni.nd; thence r.ont. i.nur. sc,ttl.h a Icrnct s:~ id c+a~,l I i tt+•, a ti i ~;I ~ttt,~~• of 7.5 feet; thence worst para.l}.el. wi_t.h afc~resaici I~ittF~ n, a distance of 10 feet; thence nor. th pa.r.al.l.e.l wi l.h t ltt~ cast- l i n~, c,C said Outlot A to a l.i.ne parallel with and distant 40 feet sough • of aforesaid Line A; ttrence east along said paral._l.el line to the point of beginning. And which lies within the fallowi.nq described temp~rar.y construction easement for street, utility and c3ra.inac~e purposes, to expire two years from the date of acquisition: A strip of land 25.0 feet in width lying south o.f- and conti_quorrs with the above described perpetual. easement. txcet}t drat part described in the above described perpetual easement. • rnrtcr;r, 14~ That part of the following described parcel %n City of. Lakev. l_le: That part of the SW~ o:f the NWT- of Section f , 'T'own ,hip 1 1 4 , it.-~nde 20, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Commenc:i.nq ~~t the southwest corner of said SW~ of the NWT; thence east along the south line thereof, a distance of 424 feet; thence north deflecting 90° left, a distance of_ 208.71 f.eet:; i_hence west= deflecting 90° left, a distance of 423.11 feet to t:he west line of said SW~ of t}le NWT„ distant 208.71 feet north of_ the point. of beginning; thence south along said west line, a distance of 208.71 feet to the point. of beginning. Which lies within the following described perpetual. easement f:or street,- utility and drainage purposes: The north 7.0 feet of the south 40.0 feet of that part of the SW4 of the NW4 o.f Section 6, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Com?nenci.ng ~~t the southwest: corner. of said SW,r-r-, of the NW~; thence east along the soui_lr 1. i.ne thereof, a distance of 42.4 feet; thence rrori-.h def 1 ~~c-t i ng 90° ]_ef t., a c13.stance cif 7.08.71 f.:eet; thence west def].rct i ng 90" i of t, a distance of 423.1 1 feet to the ,west. ]_ine of s~~r.d SW~ of ttre • NWT, distant 208.71 feet north of the point of. heyi.nninq; t.hc~nc south along said wesC line, a distance of ?.08.71 :feet to the point of beginning. 11nd wh.i.ch lies wi.t.h.in the fol.lowi.nq descr..i.heri t.rmpor~~ry r~~rrsl ru~-f i ou ea~r~mc~rrl fc,r sl i-r,r+t-, uF i 1 i 1-y ;~rrr1 sir i nn•rr finer l>nr:,•r; i_o exi>.i rc two yc~~rr, r r onr t.hc ~1<tLc~ <~f .?c~flir i r: i i i ~rri lrr~r i u: The north 20.0 fP_et of the north G0.0 feet. ]?ARC)L 18n That part of the following described parcel in City of Lakeville: Outlot A, Gopher Mini-Storage, Dakota County, Mi_nnesota., 11nd whicfi lies within the following described temporary construction easement for utility purposes, to expire two ye~~rs from the date of acquisition: The westerly 5,0 feet of the easterly 25.0 feet and also flee south 1 5.0 feet of flee north 25.0 fr•±et of Otrt.lot: n, C;oph~r P1i ni Storage, 1)ako1:~1 Corurl_.y, Mi.nnesot.~~. i;xrept: r'a~enrc~rrl r: art ?°er•c>rrt. • • 1 PhRCCL 9n That part of the following described parcel in City of Lakeville: Lot 1, Block 1, Gopher Mini-Storage First 1lddit-ion, Dakota County, Ptinnesota. 11nd which lies within the following described temporary construction .easement for street, utility and drainage pt.~rt.~oses, to expire two years from the date of acquisition: The north 5.0 feet of the south 15.0 feet of Lot 1, I31_ock 1, Gopher Mini-Storage First 1lddition, Dakota County, Minnesota. Except easements of record. J1nd which lies within the fol.l~wf.nq described temporary const:r.uction easement for. ut.i_lity purposes, tc expire twn ye~r~ from the date of acquisition: The east~r. l y S, n feet ~f i-he west-~r1 y 1 i. n fr~~i P;x~-.~~~k ~~,i~:~~tn~~i~l r; of record. • •