HomeMy WebLinkAbout86-111 A ' r • CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date October 6, 1986 Resolution No. $6-111 Motion by Harvey Seconded by Sindt RESOLUTION CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR STREET VACATION WHEREAS, the City Council proposes to conduct a public hearing, preceded by two week published and posted notice, to consider vacating the following described street; and WHEREAS, the City Council must determined that it is in the public interest to vacate the street. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Lakeville City Council: 1. The street as described on the attached Exhibit "A" is • proposed to be vacated. 2. The City Clerk is directed to publish and post a legal notice of a public hearing on the proposed vacating of the street in the official city newspaper two weeks prior to the hearing set for November 3, 1986. Adopted by the Lakeville City Council this 6th day of October._ 1986. CITY OF LAKEVILLE l BY: ATTEST: • atrick E. McGarvey, City Cler a~~~," x EXHIBIT ..A.. Portion of Eim Avenue and Dakota Bouie~ard ta.~a~tnrntd b=Ck Lo Ka?'MeQ; That part. of :Eim Avenue and Oakot~ _SoaleYard lying roraheasterly of the northerly 11ne .of a 60.00 foot wide elsemat?t dts btd-;as ,fir~toirst~ Be inning.. at the Horthea t corner of Section 30, Township] ~~~~i~pe; O.,'•O:koL~ ~ounty, " Minnesota, thence ~on an asumed bearing of Sott~ I1=b0~~ide re~=~;• .2i winutes, . 2~- seconds West :long the East line df the Northeist•1'/~"~tl~,~tlie a~ortheast lj4 d1 stance of 1322.54 feet to -the Southeast corner,. ot• the Northeast ;ly.~ .ot the• Northeat 1/4 of said Section 30, thence South X86?~egr'i~=: 3~2 ieingtes; 56 seconds West a distance of 582.57 feat, thence North.Ol' degrai, 55~fri'tttes, 41 :seconds West a distance of S30.0 feat,:..-thenct"•~!}tt:s tangtntiil Curve to•the 1 e f t, the red 1 us o f wh i ch i s 350.00 fact, the. cen~ra~: ih99t a o! :wftich t s 25 degrees,. 00 minutes,. 00 seconds a distance. of S2:7Z,::[est,~Lhenc~:.North 26 degrees, 35 minutes, 42 seconds West and ttngant ~o.~esid~~'a=Tr deioribdd~.earve a distance of 220.00 feet to the actual poiat~ot:b~gnninq~oi~~~he•:centerline to be described, thence. South 63 .degrees, O~ . itiutes X51. secQs~ds West : distance. of 118.01 'feet, thence•on atangantia3;.eu.it.`to_'~~~ e~rf9ht;: the_~ridias of which is. 300.00 feet, the central angle of wh~Z ;i;;26:=~ .eel, 22~lainutes, 38 seconds a distance of 138.11 feet, thence• a~ sai'~rlyy tYd¢entab~s:ld last_ described curve a distance of .65.36 "t~t'rt and : ~he'•. :•~~rtti: ,atin9;°'ind lying Westerly of Indra Way as the same ha been •b dn~~•.:also"~htt pint of sold "Dakota Boulevard lying Southeasterly of the Sou~iii~as'~~r~~i.~ ~!n~e of .said Indra Way as the same has been opened; "and Southrte~tt :~~of::~ii~....~otithw~;~ariy line of the foliowing, described property extended: ~H hwistt;ilys.: AlSb~excepting • that .part of lot-Two (2), .and Summit Avenue. is,.~#~~fttd,`d ='tribed a follows: Beginning :t the intersection _ of the Eat rights •~f `w. ' ot~•:~ikota Boulevard and . the Southerly "right-of-way of ~ the Kit~neapol~Z~f~.: orthfii~ld .:n~ Southern Railroad; thence Southey terly a~ang said.Southtrlyy 1' h~=a~-way•i.•distance of 277.0 feet; thence deflect ng 87 32' 40' xo the r~9ht"~a distance of 119.1 feet; thence deflecting 80~ 25' to the r1gh~ ••a:distance of~200.0 feet to the said East right-of-way of Oakota' eouievavfl; thlnct~~tortheaterly along said ..East right-of-way a distance of 183.1 feet to.."thy,.°polnt;of.:beg1•nni~ ;.all in Black Six (b), lenihan's Lots, Antlers Park. And ,a1_so ahat~ part,~of E~aa Avenue lying northerly of County Road No. 64 and southerly of~the:fotiotiting"described line: Commenclnc~.at a point on• the. East iine..Qf:~lot.t; Block 28, Lenihan's Lots, Antlers Park distant 126 feet north pf th! southesit~cgrner of said lot 4, thence West 42 feet, thence North.. I6 feet,••~thence:Welt•20~feet,~thence North 211 feet to the actual .point of begi~nning~of•the•Tine~to~be described, thence East to the West line of Indra Way as th same fi as~been oppened and ere terminatin Except that part of the west 30 feet •of said Elm •Avenue th 9 lying south of a line described as follows: Comnencin~ at.>'~?id >;outhea~t corner of lot 4, Block 28 thence north along the east lineof sold Lot 4 a distance o~ 126.0 feet to the point of•beginning of the tine to be described; thence east et right angles•to the east .line of said Elm Avenue and there termtnating.