HomeMy WebLinkAbout86-020 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION ~ ' Date __~_~rch 17,1986-__ h::es~=~l u•t i on ~3~-'~''~;'._._ •:,t i can >~~y _ Harvey Srr~~: ~ Enright _ r,decl E:tY RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY'S LYING WEST OF THE SOO LINE RAILROAD IN THE PLAT OF ORCHARD LAKE Dakota County, Minnesota WHEF~:EAS, pur su~•ant t,:a publ. i. F,ea~° i rlg rlot i c e a pub 1 i hearing Flan. been ~~onducted by the City t~~~ tr-~rlsider vc'a~mating a portion ~~~f the e.;isting strut .right-~~~f-way's lying. Went ~~~f the: 5~~~~w~ t_ir,e ~:ailr~~~ad in the plat of ORCHA~:D LAk::~:. 1Jak:~~~ta C~~~untyr I~linrl. ir, the City, arld WHEREAS, the City F,c-~s deterri~ined that it is in the publi~~ interest t•• wa~_ate a p~~rtior, f tF,e e!isting street right-~~~fi-ways lying West of tF~e. Sc~~~~ Line Railr~~~ad in the plat ~w~f. L7F~:CHAI~.U L..~ik::Fw 1}al::~~~ta County, IWinrl. hIOW 'TI••iEh::EI="OI~:E, E•~E T'T C::I~SOLV~:I} key tFle Lak:evi 1 1 City C~~~url~,~i 1 , 1. l"Fl~:.~t tFle City hereby v4a~~ates tFlt• f~T~ll~~~wing street right-~~~f-°•ways: I-I~:-~zr•1 Street, C)al<: Street, Marsh Stra-rt•t and :Crwir, Avenue ~a11 a ~ dedicated in .the: plat •.•f (~RCHAC:D LAk::F: L7cal::~~~ta C~~~unty, Minrl., ar_r_r_,rdirlg t~W~ said plat ~~'n fiJ.e ar,d ~w~f re-•~tord irl tF,e ~W~ffire ~~'f tFle Cr.:;unty 1=:e~~~~~rder, I?akota Co~.inty, Minnes~~~ta lying westerly ~~~f the westerly ri.c~Flt-~~~f-••way line •..f tFle S~W~~~~ l...ine ~::ailr~_~adY f~~~rri~er 1 y k:n~M~wn as the Mi nneap~~~l i s IVortF, f i el d ar,d soutF,errl Rc1i 1 wC•ly as sh~M~wrl ~~~rl said plat ~.:af []h::CHAF:T~ LAF•.E Dai<:~~t~ C~~~urlty, Minrl. c-~nd that part ~~~f Mairl Street, 1-iillside Avenue and West 1~>r3th .Street, formerly k:nowrl as Lak:eshr~rti F:~~~Cadr all ~s ded i ~~at ed i r, the plat ~_a f L~~:CHAI~:D L:.Ak::E T]akot a C~~~~urlty, I"li r,r, . l yi. ng west er l y •f -said we.•~terly right-•.•f-way .line t:~nd lying rl~w~rtherly ~~~f and adja~~er,t t~~~ thr< f~_~1 l ~ ~wi r,g d~~~r i bed line; ~~~~~rnri~er,'~irlg at tF,e N~_trtFlWest C~_n°rler ~~~f the S~,~utF,east (r~?uarter ~,~f Se~~ti~~+rl ~~:Y Township 11~, ~::ar,gr ~:i, DaE;~M~ta tw~~~urlty, Mirlrle~.~c~ta; them.r S~~uth degrees 18 mi elutes se,~~_~r,ds West , curl an assuri~ed bearing a1 ~~~ng the west lirlr of s<~~it:i S~W~utheGa~•t G?uarter, r:~ clistan~~e ~~f iSB:'.::5 feet t•.• tFle S~~~utFlwest ~~~W~rrler '~~f E~1~~~~~N:: 1"~, said [)~:CF-IAF:D LAk::E Dakota C~w~~.u•,ty, Minn., ther,~We ~Morltirluing S~~~uth degree=~ 18 ri~irlutes ~:S se~~onds West, al~:~~ng saic:l west line ~~~f the Southec-~st [?uarterr a distan~_e c'f ~~.4u feet to tFle p~v~in•t ~•f begirlnirlg ~~~f the ~1 irle t~~~ be cJes~:~ribec::l; ther,~We hl~~~rth 50 degrees ~ ri,inG.ites se~~~~,nds East ~.a distan~_~ ~m~f f:'`~.S'::' feet, then~~e rl~~~rtheasterl_y a dist~ln~~e •:,f 13.7.5:3 feet, a1~W~rlg a tarlgetltial !=UrVe ~=i=lr7~=c"1Ye t~W' the 5~~1_ttFlo-°cl'.t having a radius ~~~f feet and a ~wentral angle ~-~~f 17 degrees 'E ri~inutes i~# se~_~~~nd~ tFlen~~.e North 7 ~ degrees 11 ri~in~~tes S~ se~~c~rlds East, tangent t~,~ the last cles~~ri.bed ~~urve, a distan~~e •.•f i. 8 .'77 fer_t; tFlen~_e easterly,. a distan~_r-_• ~:~~f :~9;~'.41 •fret, a:L~W~ng a tangential c~.~rv~~r iw~~1•l~~ave t~~ tF,e soutFl Flc"1Vitlg e.~ radil.l~i imif ,`~'-.,~';:'.':;'3 f~'et arld a ~~eeltre~l angle ••f c9egreee 1~~ ri~inutes 3E., G.~e~~~w~rlds; tFlence South 8~ c~egr~es C~ r~tiinutes ':'1 se~~~_~nd east, n~~~t tangent t~~~ tFie last des~_ribed ~_urve, a distan~_e ~-~f 17£•3.11 feet •t~_~ the ws:~sterJ.y righ•L- of way line of said S~W~o Line~• F::ailr~~~ad, a~~c~~~rdinc~ to said plat ar,d said line there terri~irlating. Thee City Clerk: is dir~-•~,ted •t~~~ re~~~~~rd ~ ~~ertifieci ~='='pY '~~f this F:es~~~luti~,'n in the ~~~ffi~~e ~~~f the T~al::~~~ta County. F:er_,~,rder. AcJ~_~p•t, ed tF, i •_17th__ dray f _.•______March r 1 ~8~. CITY OF LAF::EV L. ,r L uar~e F»:. 7_ ~.i r MaY'='r ~'atr i N; E. Mc Garveyr YCi Clerk: