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AUGUST 21, 1995
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Johnson, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; M. Sobota, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation
Director; D. Martens, Chief of Police; b. Morey, City Planner; C. Friedges,
City Clerk.
The minutes of the August 7, 1995, City Council meeting were approved as
Attorney: None.
Engineer: Mr. Nelson provided the following construction project update:
• 172nd Street east of Orchard Lake is now open;
• 210th Street through Fairfield Business Campus will open. Tuesday
• 185th Street intersection and Highway 50 is scheduled to open on Friday;
• Traffic signals at lpava Avenue and Highway 50 are scheduled to be
operational on Friday;
• .Downtown improvement project: majority of construction will be delayed
until next year; however, MnDOT has approved plans and $2.9 million in
turnback funds.
Administrator: None.
Chief of Police: Chief Martens presented the July Police Department
monthly report.
Parks 8~ Recreation Director: Mr. Michaud presented the July Parks
Recreation Department monthly report.
AUGUST 21, 1995
Cable Coordinator Chris Oace introduced Production Assistant, Matt
Mayor Zaun presented. a Certificate of Appreciation to .Julie Sauber, 1995
Princess Kay of the Milky Way.
Councilmembers removed item 7q from the consent agenda
95.144 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the consent
agenda items as follows;
a. Claims for payment.
b. Receive. monthly investment report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, August 3,1995
Parks & Recreation Committee, August 2, 1995
Environmental Affairs Committee, August 1, 1995
Cable TV Board., July 25, 1995
d. Final acceptance of utility and street improvements, Highview Heights 6th
e. Final payment and acceptance of take Marion outlet. storm sewer
improvements, Improvement Project 93-7.
f. Resolution No. 95-168 approving award of contract by the City of Apple
Valley for sewer interceptors, County Road 46 alignment and parks,
Improvement Project 94-17.
g. Audit agreements with Eide Helmeke PLLP for the City of Lakeville and
the Lakeville Volunteer Fire Relief Association for fiscal year ended
December 31, 1995.
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AUGUST 21, 1995
h. Lakeville Ames Arena 1995-96 proposed budget.
i. Resolution No. 95-169 calling public hearing to certify unpaid utility
charges to the County Treasurer/Auditor.
j. Tree trimming. and removal license for Quality Brush & Stump Removal
k. Change.-Order No. 2 with Greystone Construction Company for
renovation of Fire Station No. 1.
I. Amendment to Facility Use Policy regarding storage of TVNCR in North
Meeting Room.
m. Resolution No. 95-170 accepting. donation from Christiania Evangelical
Lutheran Church for the Meals on Wheels Program.
n. .Ordinance No. 557 amending Title 6 of the Lakeville City Code
concerning stop signs and no parking signs on private property.
o. Resolution No. 95-171 approving raffle permit for Fairview Community
p. License agreement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
for the construction of sanitary sewer under a DNR-protected waterway,
Dakota Heights water treatment plant, Improvement Project 94-11.
q. (Removed from consent agenda).
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Councilmember Sindt pointed out that development is expected to occurin
the City of Farmington near 180th Street and Pilot Knob Road, which is
adjacent to a designated hunting area on the Lakeville Hunting Zone Map.
Staff indicated that the Police Chief will research the proposed development,
and that area will be removed from the hunting map if new homes are
expected to be constructed during the upcoming hunting season.
95.145 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to approve the 1995
Lakeville Hunting Zone Map and authorize its publication, subject to review of
the area .near 180th Street and Pilot Knob Road in the City of Farmington and
AUGUST 21, 1995
removal of that area from. the map ifhomes are expected to be constructed
during the upcoming hunting season.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
The. City Attorney presented a proposed ordinance to control graffiti on public
or private property. He .explained that this ordinance. is an attempt by the
City to stay ahead of potential .problems with graffiti that are being
experienced by other communities. The proposed ordinance prohibits the
placement of graffiti on publicor private property, makes it a misdemeanor to
do so, and provides the City with a means to demand its removal
Councilmember Sindt asked how a property owner would be reimbursed for
expenses incurred in the removal of graffiti. Mr. Knutson stated that if a
person who violates this ordinance is apprehended and convicted, a judge
could require reimbursement to the property owner or restitution as a part of
95.146 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Mulvihill to adopt Ordinance No.
172, an ordinance to control graffiti on public or private property.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Johnson,
Mr. Jeff Hultgren, representing Freeborn-Mower t_td. tl, requested Council
approval of the final plat of Boulder Village 1st Addition.
Mr. Morey presentedthe final plat. of Boulder Village 1st Addition, which
consists of 26 townhouse lots in the approved preliminary plat, located at the
southwest corner of 165th Street and Ipava Avenue. The property was
rezoned to PUD with approval of the preliminary plat. The development
consists of large common area lots and green space, walking trails, a tot lot,
picnic area,. landscaping and ponding .areas. The developer has submitted a
revised phasing plan, which proposes .the completion of this development in
nine phases. The developer has submitted a signed development contract
and letter of credit. Staff recommends approval
AUGUST 21, 1995
Councilmember Harvey asked about the line of evergreen trees around the
substation, which appear to be on the Freeborn Mower property rather than
the substation property. The engineer for the developer indicated that the
trees are on the Freeborn Mower property, and they intend to maintain them
for screening. The City Administrator indicated that following a review of fhe
Townhome Association Articles of Incorporation and By-laws, the need for
minor amendments were brought to the attention of the developer. The
developer's legal counsel stated he would incorporate those changes into the
documents. The City Attorney will approve the final documents.
Mr. Hultgren explained the proposed marketing strategy for the townhome
95.147 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Johnson to approve Resolution
No. 95-172 approving a development contract and planned unit development
and the final plat of Boulder Village 1st Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Johnson, Zaun,
Mr. John Kosmos, representing Amoco Oil Company, requested .Council
approval of the preliminary and final plat of Amoco Addition, which consists
of two commercial lots located on the west side of Kenwood Trail, north of
175th Court.
Mr. Sobota explained that the preliminary and final plat of Amoco Addition
involves the combination of portions of three unplatted parcels with Outlot A,
Argonne Park, and the subdivision of these combined parcels into two lots.
Lot 1 will include the existing Amoco gas station and car wash. Lot 2 is
proposed for the future development of a Sleep Inn motel.. The proposed
development of the Sleep Inn motel will include the construction of a
driveway access off of 175th Court that will serve Amoco, Burger King, Rapid
Oil Change and Sleep Inn. Outlot A, which is the portion of an existing
wetland that extends into the plat boundaries, is being dedicated to the City.
Staff recommends approval-of the preliminary and final plat.
Councilmember Harvey asked about what appears to be an eight-foot
encroachment into 175th Court right-of-way in the southeast corner of Lot 1,
Block 2, which is shown on the Amoco Addition plat provided to the Council
AUGUST 21, 1995
Mr. Sobota explained that the survey has been reviewed and approved by
the Dakota County Surveyor's Office, and they will not allow platting right-of-
way from one plat into the lot and block of another plat. Mr. Erickson
suggested that the County Surveyor be directed tore-evaluate the survey to
insure that the irons are not in the confines of the public right-of-way.
Mr. Sobota explained that the plat of Argonne Park shows that right-of-way
for 175th Court is not a complete circle. He further explained that the
complete circle is probably not needed, given the fact that the road is
constructed within the existing right-of-way.
95.148 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Harvey to approve.Resolution
No. 95-173 approving the preliminary and final plat of Amoco Addition,
subject to additional review and approval by the Dakota County Surveyor's
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt,
Mr. Sobota presented the conditional: use permit request of Conrad and
Laraine Curren to allow the construction of a detached accessory building in
excess of 1,250 square feet in area and 15 feet in height on a non-
conforming lot located at 9835 Iteri Court East. The proposed detached
garage would be 960 square feet in area and 22 feet in height. A $500.00
security is required. prior to the issuance of a building permit to guarantee the
instaNation of two evergreen trees and removal of the existing detached
accessory building. The Planning Commission is recommending the new
driveway be paved no later than October 30, 1996. Staff recommends
approval of the proposed conditional use permit.
Councilmember Harvey pointed out that the Statement of Intended Use for
the Proposed Garage CUP was only signed by one of the property owners.
Councilmember Sindt asked if the property is jointly owned by the two
Mr. Sobota explained that the property is jointly owned by Conrad and
Laraine Curren. He explained that the Statement of Intended Use is part of
the conditional use permit, which will. be recorded against the subject
property. The City Attorney indicated that the second signature on the
Statement of Intended Use is not necessary.
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AUGUST 21, 1995
95.149 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Harvey to receive the Planning
Commission's Findings of Fact and .Recommendation and approve a
conditional use permit for Conrad and Laraine Curren to allow the
construction of a detached accessory building in excess of 1,250 square feet
in area and 15 feet in height at 98351teri Court East.
Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sundt, Mulvihill,
Mr. David Metzger requested council approval of a conditional use permit to
allow the construction of a detached accessory building, a gazebo,. more than
10 feet in height at 6408-273rd Street West.
Mr. Sobota explained that a maximum height of 10 feet for detached
accessory buildings, other than garages, is allowed in the R-3, high density
single family residential district, The proposed gazebo will have a peak
.height of 18.5 feet. The Planning Commission requested that staff survey
surrounding communities for their regulations pertaining to accessory
building height and determine whether it would be appropriate to proceed
with developing a zoning ordinance amendment to allow a maximum
accessory building height of 15 feet in the R-3 district.. Based on survey
results., staff will proceed with. a zoning ordinance amendment as directed by
the Planning Commission. Staff recommends approval of the proposed
conditional use permit.
Councilmember Harvey questioned whether this gazebo is considered a
detached accessory building, given the fact that it is connected to the deck.
He further questioned, therefore, whether a conditional use permit is
necessary in his case. Mr. Sobota indicated that it was the Building Official's
position, based on current ordinance requirements, that a conditional use
permit is required. Mayor Zaun provided historical perspective on the height
limitation for accessory buildings in the R-3 zone. He stated there was a
previous concern expressed by the. Planning Commission relating to the
height of storage buildings in the R-3 zone. Staff will proceed with a review
of the R-3 zoning district requirements for possible modifications.
95.150 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Mulvihill to receive the Planning
Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve a
conditional use permit for David Metzger to allow the construction of a
detached accessory building more than 10 feet in height at 6408-173rd
Street West.
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AUGUST 21, 1995
. PAGE 8
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,. Harvey,
95.151 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to direct staff to evaluate
the ordinance requirements for accessory .buildings in the R-3, high density
single family residential district.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, .Harvey, Johnson,
Mr. Tom. Simonsen, representing Eva Development, Inc., requested Council
approval of the preliminary and final plat of Simonsen 1st Addition.
Mr. Morey presented the preliminary and final plat of Simonsen 1st Addition,
which consists of one single family residential lot located on the west side of
Kettering Trail, north of Layton Path. He explained that Dakota County does
• not allow the City to administratively combine lots from different plats,
therefore, the proposed preliminary and final ptat involves the combination of
four lots in Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition with one lot in Lake Villa Golf
Estates 6th Addition. As part of this development proposal, the existing
street rights-of-way located adjacent to the Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition
lots will be vacated. The existing drainage and utility easement located
along the west boundary of Lot 1, Block 1, Lake VIIIa Golf Estates 6th
Addition,. will also be vacated to allow construction of the house in the
proposed location. The developer has submitted a signed warranty deed
transferring ownership of Outlot A, which is a portion of an existing wetland,
to the City, Staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat of
Simonsen 1st .Addition and vacation of the street rights-of-way and drainage
and utility. easements.
95.152 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt o approve Resolution No.
95-174 approving the preliminary and final plat of Simonsen 1st Addition, and
Resolution No. 95-175 vacating street rights of way and a drainage and utility
Roll calf was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill., Harvey, Johnson, Zaun,
.AUGUST 21, 1995
Mr. Morey presented the preliminary and final plat of Juno Addition, located
on the north side of 202nd Street, south of Lake Marion. The. preliminary and
final plat involves the combination of three platted parcels, one owned. by the
Riesenbergs, one owned by the Potters and one owned by the City, and the
subdivision of these combined parcels into two lots. Mr. Morey explained
that the lot reconfiguration and additional right=of-way dedication for 202nd
Street proposed with the preliminary and final plat of Juno Addition wilt create
non-conforming front and side yard building setbacks. Therefore, front and
side yard building setback variances for Lot 2 are required as part of this :plat.
Lot 1 is a pie shaped lot that does not meet the required lot width at the front
yard building setback fine. Approval of a lot width variance for Lot 1 is also
required as part of this plat.
Because the Juno Addition plat is an integral part of the 202nd Street
improvement project, a hardship exists for the variances created as a result
of public action. An agreement was reached between the three property
owners whereby the Riesenbergs and Potters would dedicate the necessary
• right-of-way for 202nd Street and the 20 foot wide drainage, utility and trait
easements for Juno Trail.. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary and
final plat of Juno Addition and he front and side yard building setback
Councilmember Harvey asked about a sliver of land. between the front of Lot
1 and the dedicated right-of-way of 202nd Street. Mr. Potter explained that
as part of the agreement, these slivers of right-of-way were proposed to be
vacated and combined with the existing parcel
Mr. Sobota explained that Exhibit D clearly shows that the .existing right-of-
way of 202nd Street comes up to the south pla# boundary. The proposed plat
shows he future right-of-way of 202nd Street; therefore, the sliver is already
dedicated right-of-way under the previous plat.
Mr. Erickson suggested that Paragraph #4 of the variance document entitled,
"Lapse", which is standard language for variance documents, is not
applicable to these variances and should be deleted
95.153 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Johnson to .approve Resolution
No. 95-176 approving the preliminary and final plat of Juno Addition,.and a
front and side yard building setback variance, with the deletion of Paragraph
• #4 entitled, "Lapse".
AUGUST 21, 1995-
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt,
95.154 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to set a special Council
meeting for September 13, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. to adopt the preliminary
1996/97 City of Lakeville budget.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
95.155 Motion was made by Harvey,.. seconded by Sindt to set a Council work
session for Tuesday, August 22nd, at 7:.00 a.m. to discuss. the Town Square
concept plan.
Roll callwas taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular Council meeting, September 5, 1995
Council work session, August 29, 1995
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, ty Clerk
D ane Zaun, Ma or