JUNE 5, 1995
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. Boy Scout Troop
#235 presented the colors and lead the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Johnson, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey and Mayor Zaun,.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance Director; D. Volk, Director of
Operations & Maintenance; J. Perron, Liquor Manager; M. Sobota, Community
& Economic Development Director; J. Hennen, Administrative Assistant; D.
Martens, Chief of Police; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the May 15, 1995, City Council meeting were approved as
Attorney: None
Engineer: None
Administrator: Mr. Erickson provided additional information for agenda item
Director of Operations 8~ Maintenance: Mr. Volk presented the May
Operations& Maintenance Department Monthly Report.
Mr: Dan Rogers, Pan-Q-frog President, highlighted some of the events
scheduled for this year's Pan=O-Prog celebration, July 1-9, 1995. He provided
Pan-O-Prog. buttons. to the City Council and staff.
Mayor Zaun presented a plaque to Chris Steigerwalt in recognition of her
service to the City of Lakeville on the Planning Commission:.
JUNE 5, 1995
Police Chief Martens presented to the City Council the Outstanding
Achievement Award, which was presented to the Lakeville Police Department
by the Minnesota Traffic Safety Council for efforts in reducing motor vehicle
accidents during 1994.
Northern States Power Company representatives Steve Schmidt and Linda
Lund presented a $5,000 grant to the City of .Lakeville for the creation of a GIS
.data base to :assist in promoting development of Airlake Industrial Park.
Councilmembers removed items 7o and 7s from the consent agenda
Councilmembers added items 14 and 15 to the consent agenda.
95.113 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a Claims for payment.
b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, May 18th
Parks & Recreation Committee, May 17th
.Environmental Affairs Committee and
Waste Hauler's Subcommittee,. May 30th
c. Resolution No. 95-110 receiving bids and awarding contract for trunk
watermain, well collection pipe and sanitary sewer for the Dakota Heights
water treatment plant, Improvement Project 94-12.
d. .Resolution Na 95-111 approving final plans and specifications and
setting-a bid-date for sanitary sewer, watermain and street improvements,
202nd Street in the Marion Heights area, Improvement Project 93-12.
e. Change Order Na. 2 with Ryan Contracting, Inc. for Fairfield Business
Campus, Improvement Project 91-1 D.
f. Resolution No. 95-112 approving plans and specifications and setting a
bid date for District 2A sealcoating, Improvement Project 94-8.
• g. Resolution Na 95-113 approving plans and specifications and setting a
bid date for 1995 overlay improvements, Improvement Project 95-3.
JUNE 5, 1995
h. Trunk sanitary sewer and trunk storm sewer oversizing credits for Country
.Pond South 7th Addition.
i. Supplement #3 to the existing Cooperation Agreement for the Dako#a
County Community Development .Block Grant Program.
j. Resolution No. 95-114 accepting donation from Lakeville VFW Post 21..0
to the DARE Program.
k. Receive City of Lakeville Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for
year ended .December 31, 1994.
L Receive Lakeville Fire Relief Association 1994 Annual Financial Report.
m. Receive Police Crime Fund and Holiday Fund 1994 Financial Report.
n. Addendums to Polished Brass Cleaning Service and Osland Building
..Maintenance janitorial contracts.
o. (Removed from consent agenda).
p. Tax Increment Pledge Agreements for Fairfield Business Campus and
Downtown Redevelopment.
q. Amendment to Development Contract with New Morning Windows.
r. Resolution No. 95-115 amending Fairfield Tax Increment Financing
s. (Removed from consent agenda).
t. Farm Lease with Michael Streiff for City-owned property in Airlake
.Industrial Park.
u. Special home occupation permit extension for Robert Skara, 17299
Jonquil Avenue.
v. Resolution No. 95-93 awarding contract for Liquor Store point of sale
cash. registers.
JUNE 5,.1995
w. Resolution No. 95-146 adopting position classification and pay plan for
exempt and non-exempt positions and setting forth the policy for the
administration of the. pay plan.
x. Resolution No. 95-117 receiving bids and awarding contract for Fire
Station No, 1 renovation.
y. Labor.Agreement with Law Enforcement Labor Services, lnc., Employees'
Union Local No. 477, Essential Employees, 1995-96,
z. Special assessment agreement with Richard & Patricia Sullivan, 10237-
210th Street W.
aa: Special assessment agreement with Fellowship Bible Church,. 9623-
162nd Street W.
bb. Resolution No. 95-1.48 approving gamblingpermit for Lakeville Jaycees,
cc. Resolution No. 95-119 authorizing temporary closing of City streets for
Pan-O-frog events.
dd. Resolution No, 95-120 accepting donation from Lakeville Women of
Today to the DARE Program.
ee. Resolution No. 95-121 accepting donation from Lakeville VFW to the
Parks & Recreation Department.
ff. Resolution No. 95-122 accepting donation from Northern States Power
Company for economic development activities.
gg. ALF Ambulance 1..996 proposed budget.
hh. Resolution 'No. 95-123 amending the 1995 Liquor Fund Budget; and
authorization to purchase security surveillance equipment from General
Security Services Corporation in the amount of $11,658.
14. Resolution No. 95-125 vacating a drainage and ponding easement for the
1-35/County Road 46 interchange, Improvement Project 91-3.
15. Receive resignation of Environmental Affairs Committee member Tim
..JUNE 5, 1995
Rol call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Johnson, Zaun., Sindt, Mulvihill,.
95.:114 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Harvey to table consideration of an
addendum to Reisinger Lawn. Care landscape maintenance contract (item 70)
and a resolution approving application for .conveyance of tax forfeited land and
certification of classification of forfeited lands (item 7s).
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Chief Martens presented the request of Chart House Restaurant to allow the
sale of alcoholic beverages and live entertainment outdoors on July 2, 1995,
for its fourth annual Jamboree on the Lake. He reported that the Police
Department has no objection to the request being granted. Mr. Frank
Schoeben, Owner/General Manager of the. Chart House, provided a brief
outline of the proposed activities.
95.115 Motion was made b .Johnson seconded b Mulvihill to rant an extension of
Y ~ Y 9
the on-sale liquor and cabaret licenses for the Chart House Restaurant to
allow the sale of alcoholic beverages and live entertainment outdoors on July
2, 1995.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Johnson,
Chief Martens presented the request of Babe's Sportsbar & Grill for an
extension of their on-sale liquor and cabaret Licenses to allow the. sale of
alcoholic' beverages and:live entertainment in the fenced-in parking iot on July
7, 8;and 9, 1995. He reported that the Police Department has no objection to
the License extensions. being granted. He recommended,. however, that
authority be given to the Chief of Police,. or his designee, to direct the event
manager to turn .down the music, if necessary, or terminate any event due to
security concerns or hazardous weather. Ms. Jackie Seurer, Event Manager,
and Doug :Thompson, Pan-O-frog Board member, stated they are willing to
cooperate and abide by the. City's guidelines.
JUNE 5, 1995
95.116 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to grant extension of the
on-sale 1'rquor and cabaret licenses for Babe's Sportsbar & Grill to allow the
sate of alcoholic'beverages and live entertainment in the fenced-in parking lot
on July 7, 8 and 9, 1995, and authorize the Chief of Police, or his designee, to
direct the event manager to turn down the music,. if necessary, or terminate any
event due to security concerns or hazardous weather.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Johnson, Zaun,
Mr. Mike Odens, representing Budget Oil Company, requested Council
approval of a .conditional use permit amendment for the proposed expansion of
the gasoline station located at 8333-210th Street West.
Mr. Sobota presented the .proposed conditional use permit amendment, which
includes the installation of additional pump islands, the construction. of a
canopy, an easement over the existing sanitary sewer line, and a revision to
the number of parking stalls and site layout. He stated staff has worked with
i the property owners to provide shared access to the properties east and west
of the site and reduce two driveways from CSAH 50 as a part of the design for
the proposed road improvement project. This action will also clarify the legal
description for the parcels, with the combination of the three parcels into one
.parcel. Additional blacktop will be installed at the rear of the building for
employee parking.
The Planning Cornmission held a public hearing on the conditional use permit
.amendment and unanimously recommended approval Staff recommends
approval. subject to six stipulations and the Lot Combination and Special
Assessment Agreement. Mr. Sobota explained that staff received a letter
today from the Minnesota Pollution- Control Agency (PCA) regarding removal of
.the fuel tanks that were there previously. He stated the property owner and
Budget Mart-are cooperating with the PCA, and staff'feels that they will meet.
the PCA's requirements and address. any issues prior to occupancy..
Councilmember Sindt asked about the condition of the .tanks that were
removed and if the new tanks will be placed in the same location. Mr. Mike.
Wheelock of Budget Oil Company stated the tanks that were removed were
1973 steel tanks. He stated the new tanks w l be placed just south of where
the old tanks were located.
JUNE 5, 1995
Councilmember Sindt asked if Budget Oil Company plans to resurface the
parking lot. Mr. Odens statedthat Budget Oil Company. is working with the
property owners. in an .effort to get the parking lot seal coated.
95.117 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Harvey to receive the Planning
Commission's findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve a
conditional. use permit amendment for Budget Oit Company to allow the
expansion of gasoline sales at 8333 210th Street West.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion: Ayes, Harvey, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt,
95.118 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Mulvihill to approve a Lot
Combination and Special Assessment Agreement with Lakeville Highview
Rolf call was taken on the motion. -Ayes, .Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Mr. Joel Cooper of James R. Hill Associates and Mr. Dale Pexa requested
Council approval of the. Pexa property concept plan for the development of 21
single family lots ocated south. of 205th Street and east of Kenrick Avenue.
Mr. Morey explained that the development of the Pexa .property concept plan
involves the extension of a street to be constructed with Phase 3 of the
Lakeview Estates subdivision. The extension of this street as a cul-de-sac in
the Pexa property concept plan will require a variance to exceed 500 feet in
length.. He pointed out that the Pexa property concept plan must meet the
zoning and subdivision ordinance requirements in effect at the time of
submittal, and a comprehensive plan amendment to a low. density residential
Land use wilt be required with the final plat. The Planning Commission and staff
have reviewed the Pexa property concept plan. and recommend approval.
Councilmember Harvey asked how the developer plans to deaf with the lots
which. will require fill under footings. Mr. Cooper stated they are likely#o allow
these lots to go through afreeze-thaw cycle prior to building. on them.
.Mayor Zaun asked about the Stewart property concept plan that was submitted
for this area several years ago.. Mr. Morey Indicated that staff feels this portion
• of the property for single family use is a good fit with the surrounding
development and natural environment.
JUNE 5, 4995
Mr. Erickson further stated that staff recently met with representatives of the
Stewart property to discuss the proposed transition from single family
residential to commercial which is, for the most part, in keeping with the
original concept plan. It is felt that both the Pexa and Stewart property uses
are compatible with each other.
95.119 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Harvey to approve`the Pexa
property concept plan for 21 single family residential lots located south of
205th Street and east of I<enrick Avenue.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Ms. Teresa Heglund of Pioneer Engineering,.representing the developer, Mr.
Nedal Abul-Hajj, requested Council approval of the preliminary and final plat of
Orchard Hills 1st Addition, which consists of eight single family residential lots
on the west side of Judicial Road at 168th Street.
Mr. Morey explained that the developer is also requesting approval of a
variance to allow a cul-de-sac street with a length of 669 feet. He stated staff
supports the variance for cui-de-sac street length given the environmental
sensitivity of the area. Mr. Morey went on to state that Mr. Abul-Hajj, owner of
the land,``has a purchase agreement with .Paramount Structures,. Inc. and P.L.
Dorn Gornpany, Inc. fior the sale. of the plat#ed lots. AN three parties have.-
signed the development contract. The Planning Commission and staff
recommend approval of the preliminary and final .plat of Orchard Hills 1st
Addition and a variance for cul-de-sac street length.
Counci{member Johnson asked if the longer cul-de-sac length causes
problems with snow plowing.. Mr. Volk stated it does not.
Councilmember Sindt asked about the reduction in the cul-de=sac street width
to 28 #eet and whether on-street parking will be allowed. Mr. Morey stated the
subdivision ordinance allows a reduction in street width in environmental y
sensitive areas. Mr. Nelson indicated that with only eight homes on this cul-
de-sac and the extra width of the lots, staff does not feel there will be a
problem with parking.
JUNE 5, 1995
Councilmember Harvey asked' about the exact design and size of the proposed
retaining walls on Lots 1, 2, 6 and. 7, and whether possible failure of the
retaining walls will affect the footings of the homes.
Ms. Heglund and City staff explained that the size of the retaining walls will be
at the discretion of the home owners/builders, who will determine how much of
the back yard they want to preserve. Each retaining wall will be designed to fit
the design of each custom house plan. It was explained that the retaining
walls are not necessary for the construction. of the homes, but rather for the
preservation of the trees, with the exception of possibly Lots 1 and 2, which will
-have the most extensive walls due to the amount of fill required. It was pointed
out that the retaining walls must. be designed by a certified soils or structural.
engineer.. Construction of the retaining walls must be inspected by a third
party that is certified for this type of inspection prior to the .issuance of a
building permit for the house. It was also pointed out that Mr. Abul-Hajj has
found a sing a builder for this. development.
Councilmember Harvey asked if fill will be required under any of the footings.
Mr. Nelson stated. there may be up to six. feet of fill on Lots 1 and 2.
Councilmember Harvey recommended that Lots 4 and 2 go through afreeze-
thaw cycle prior to a building permit being granted.
Mr. Ronald Santanni of Paramount Structures, (executive home builder),
challenged Councilmember Harvey's request, stating that in .his opinion and
based on past experience, there should be no problem with settling if soils are
tested after compaction and test results meet the compac#ablity requirements.
95.120 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution
No. 95-124 approving the preliminary and final plat of Orchard Hills 1st
Addition, receive the. Planning Commission's. Findings of Fact and
Recommendation, and grant a variance to allow the construction of a cul-de-
sac street with a length greater than 500 feet.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Johnson, Zaun. Nay,
Harvey. Councilmember Harvey stated he wants to see Lots 1 and 2 go
through afreeze-thaw cycle before :homes are built on them.
Mr. Gary Tushie, representing Ann. Proudfoot, requested Council approval of a
conditional' use permit and variance to allow the construction of Dance Works
• Performing Art$ Center in the northwest corner of Icenic Trail and Dodd
JUNE 5, 1995
Mr. Morey explained that approval of the conditional use permit would allow
the construction of the. dance studio in a B-1,_Limited Neighborhood Business
District. Approval of the variance would allow a driveway access set back less
than 40 feet from the intersection of Icenic Trail and Dodd Boulevard. He
pointed out that Ms. Proudfoot is dedicating an additional five feet of right-of-
way for the future .expansion of Dodd. Boulevard.
Mr. Morey-:went onto state that two driveway accesses on#o Icenic Trail are
proposed, because the- majority of the site circulation is drop-off traffic. The
west .driveway access is 22 feet-wide and is designed fortwo-way traffic, while
the east access is 16 feet wide and designed for one-way "enter only" traffic.
Landscaping., consisting of eight foot tall spruce trees, will be planted along the
north side of the site to provide a screen for the adjacent townhouses. Thirty
parking spaces, including two handicapped spaces, will. be provided. A wall
.sign is-proposed for the east side of the building. The Planning Commission
and City staff recommend approval of the conditional use permit and variance.
Councilmember Harvey raised a concern regarding the eastern driveway- being
within 13 feet of the Dodd Boulevard right-of-way. Mr. Nelson stated that
based on his staff's calculations, if Dodd :Boulevard were widened to a four
lane divided. roadway with turn lanes, it would be about 30 feet from the. apron
of the curb,. which is a good radius for traffic. Mr. Erickson stated that to
assure clear site distance, the Planning Commission recommended no parking
be allowed in front of the dance studio.
Ms. Proudfoot asked if there will be any assessments to her property for future
improvements to Dodd Boulevard. Mr. Erickson stated the City is not asking
for an escrow at this time for future improvements to Dodd Boulevard.
However, in the long term (5-10 years), #here is a possibility that Dodd
Boulevard wil be widened, depending upon Dakota County's capital
improvement plan.
95.121 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Johnson to receive the Planning
Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve a
conditional use permit and variance to allow the construction of Dance Works
Performing Arts Center in the northwest corner of icenic Trail and Dodd
Boulevard, subject to the conditions as recommended by the Planning
Roll. call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Johnson, Zaun,
• Sindt.
JUNE. S, 1995
95.122 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sndt to set a Council work session
for Tuesday, June 27, 1995, at 7:00 p.m.
.Roll call was. taken on the .motion. Ayes, Harvey, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt,
95.123 Motion was made by Sndt, seconded by Mulvihill to authorize staff to advertise
the vacancies on the Planning Commission and Environmental Affairs
Roll'call was taken on the motion.,Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~ ra
Charlene Friedges, ity Clerk
Du ne Zaun, Mayor