HomeMy WebLinkAbout85-136 CERTIFICATION=OF M~ZNUTES RELATING TO $1,050,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS, SERIES 1985C" Issuer: City of Lakeville, Minnesota Governing Body:.. City.Councl Kind, date, time. and place of meeting: A special meeting held December 18, 1985, at 7x00 o`clock P.M., at City: Hall Members. present: N.-Enright,. P. Harvey, R. Nelson, E. Sindt & Mayor D. Zaun Members absent:None Document Attached: Minutes. of said meeting,(pages)e RESOLUTION NO. 85-136 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING LSSUANCE, PRESCRIBING FORM AND DETAILS AND PROVIDING FOR.PAYMENT OF $1,050,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX. INCREMENT BONDS, SERIES 1985C. I, the undersigned, being the fully qualified and acting recording officer of .the public corporation issuing the Bonds referred to in the title of the certificate, certifying ; .that the documents attached hereto,.. as described above, have been carefully co-pared with. the original records of said corporation in my legal custody, from which they have. been transcribe~~; that said documents are a correct and complete transcript of the.. minutes o£ the governing body of said carporation,.and correct. and complete copies of all resolutions and other actions. taken and of all documents approved. by the governing body-at said meeting, so far as they. relate to said Bonds; and that said meeting was. duly held by the governing body at the time and place and was attended throughout by the members indicated above, pursuant to call an~3 notice of such meeting given as required by law. 'WITNESS my hand officially as such recording officer this 1g~; day of December,. 1985. - " ~~a€'~c.,_.,,~ Signature Patrick McGarvey, - City Clerk-Administrator The Clerk presented. to the Council affidavits showing publication in the official newspaper and the Commercial West of a notice of sale of $1,050,000 General..Obligatian Tax Increment. Bonds., Series 1985C, of the City,: for which sealed bids were to be received and considered at this meeting in accordance with. the resolution adopted. by the City Council on December 2, 1985. Said affidavits were examined and found satisfactory and directed to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. The. Clerk then announced that. 4 sealed bids had bean received pursuant to said notice of .call .fore bids, - which bids had been opened, read. and tabulated,. and the highest. and best bid of each bidder was found to be as follows: • Bid For Interest Total Interest Cost Name of Bidder Principal Rates -Net Average Rate.: See. Attached -2- SPRINGSTED .INCORPORATED. . PUBLIC FINANCE ADVISORS ~I,OSO,ooo GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS, SERIES 1985C CITY_OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA AWARD: NORINEST INVESTMENT SERVICES " and Associates SALES December 18, ! 985 Moody's Rating: A Interest Netlnterest Bidder Rates Price Cost & Rate NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVICES 6.40% 1989 $1,038,975.00 $545,567,92 American National Bank & Trust 6.60% 1990 (7.3526%) Company of Saint Paul 6,80% 1991 Kidder, Peabody & Company, Incorporated. 7.00% 1992 Dougherty, Dawkins, Strand & Yost 7.10% 1993 Incorporated - 7.25% 1994 Dean Witter Reynolds Incorporated 7.40% 1995 F & M Marquette National Bank 7.60% 1996 ALLISON-WILLIAMS COMPANY 6.50% f989 $1,036,875.00 $544,435.#2 Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Incorporated 6.70% 1990 (7.4721%) Moore, Juran & Company,. Incorporated b.9090 199 f 7.10% 1992 7,259'0 1993 • 7.40% 1994 7.50°,G 1995 7:.60%0 1996 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS 6.40°~ 1989 $1,035,300,00 $555,135.83 Duran & Moody, Incorporated 6..60% 1990 (7,4816%) Craig-Hallum, Incorporated 6.80% 1991 M.H. P~ovick & Company, Incorporated 7.00% 1992 7.20% 1993 7.40% 1994 .7.50% 1995 7.70% 1996 CRONIN & COMPANY, INCORPORATED 6,50% 1989 $1,035,825.00' $557,213.75 DAIN BOSWORTH INCORPORATED 6.70% 1990 (7.5096%) MILLER SECURITIES, INCORPORATED 6.90% I99I 7.1096 1992 7.25% 1993 7.40% 1994 7.50% 1995 7.70°6 1996 These Bonds are being reoffered at Par. Bg1: 8.42 Average Maturity: 7.07 Years ` 800 Osborn Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 222-4241 250 North Sunnyslope Road, Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005 td141782-8222 Councilmember Sindt introduced the • following resolution and :moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. $5-136 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE, PRESCRIBING FORM AND DETAILS AND. PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF $1,0.50,00.0 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BONDS, .SERIES 1985C. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the. City of Lakeville, Minnesota (the City), as follows: Section 1. Project and Plan.. 1.01. The Housing .and Redevelopment Authority of Lakeville (the. Authority). has duly established a redevelopment project (the Project). pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462,. in and for the City, known as the I-35 Redevelopment Praject No. 2 and has establishedtherein.a tax increment financing district (the District) known as Tax Increment Financing District No. 2. This Council and the Authority have approved a.Redevelopment.Plan for the Project (the Redevelapment Plan) and a Financing Planfor the District (the Financing Plan) (together, the Redevelopment .Plan-and the Financing Plan are hereinafter .referred to as the Plan); all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota.Statutes,. Sections 462.411 et seq. and 273.71 to 273.78 (the Acts). 1.02. The Project constitutes a "redevelopment project" as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section .462.421, Subd. l3, and the District constitutes an "economic development tax increment financingdistrict" within the meaning of ..Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 273, and thus the Authority has authority under. said Chapters 273 and 462 toexpend ad valorem tax increments derived from the District to pay public costs incurred or to be_incurred by the Authority in aid of the Project, or to pay the principal of and interest on bonds issued to finance. such costs, in accordance. with said Plan, and the City has authority to issue bonds to provide funds for the public costs of the Project, as provided in. Section 273..77(a). 1.03. The City and the Authority will enter 'into,; before°the date.-of issuance of any bonds, a Cooperation Agreement (the Cooperation Agreement), whereby the City. will ` agree to issue and sell. its general obligation tax increment bonds to provide the.. funds needed for the public"costs and whereby the Authority will agree to :apply. such funds to the' costs of implementing and carrying out the:Project in accordance with-the Plan and .whereby the Authority .will pay to the City each year sufficient tax increment received from-the • District to enable the. City to pay all. principal and interest' when due on said bonds. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby -3- authorized to execute a Cooperation. Agreement on_behalf of the • City.. 1.04. This Council,. by resolution adopted December 2, 1985, authorized the issuance and public sale. of $1,050,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, .Series 1985C, of the City, to fund the following public .costs of the Project: .Property Acqusition $700,.000 Demolition 100,000 .Special Assessments 15,000 Administration Expenses 25,000.: Issuance Casts 34,_450 Capitalized. Interest 175,550 (net.. of investment earnings) $1,050,000 1.05.. Notice of sale of the Bonds has been duly published, and the Council, having examined and considered all bids received pursuant to the published notice, .hereby awards the sale of the Bonds to Norwest Investment Services , of Minnea~oli~s Minnesota at a price a 1.038.975 plus accrued interest to t e ate of delivery. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed on behalf: of the City to execute a contract for the sale of the Bonds in accordance withthetermsof said bid. The. good-faith check of the successful bidder shall be deposited by the Treasurer. The good faith checks of .other bidders shall. be returned to them forthwith. Section 2. Bond Terms, Execution anc~ Delivery. 2.01 The Bonds shall: be designated "General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1985B," shall be originally dated December 1, 1985, and shall be in the denomination of _$5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, and the Bonds. shall mature on February 1 in the respective. years and amounts .stated below, and shall bear interest from date of ..issue until paid or duly called far redemption, at the rates set forth opposite said years and. amounts as follows: Year Amount Rate 1989. $100,000_ 6.400 1990 105,000 6.60 1991 115 , 000- 6.80 0 1992. 125,000 7.00 1993 135,000 7.10 1994 145,000 7.25 1995 155,000 _ 7.40 1996 170,000 7.600 -4- For purposes of complying with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 475.54 the Bonds shall be combined with all... • outstanding general obligation Bond issues of the City. 2.02. The Bonds shall be subject to mandatory redemption and prepayment, in whale or in part in mintiples of $5,000, by lot as selected by the Registrar, an December 1, 1988, in the event the Authority has not entered into a development agreement .with respect for the District pursuant to Minnesota Statue, Section 273.75, at a price equal to 101$ of .the principal amount to be redeemed with interest accrued to the date of redemption.. The City Clerk shall cause notice of redemption to be published as required by .law, and not less than thirty days prior to the date fixed for redemption shall ` cause the notice to be mailed to the. registered awner at such owner's address as it appears on the bond register described in Section 2.04-.hereof, and to the bank at which principal and interest are then .payable. The Bonds are not otherwise subject. to redemption and prepayment. 2.03. Each Bond issuable hereunder shall be dated as of ..the last interest payment .date preceding the date of execution to which interest on the Bond. has .been paid or made available far payment, unless (i) the date of execution is an interest payment date to .which interest has been paid or made available for payment, in which case such .Bond shall. be dated- as of the date of execution, or (ii) the. date of execution is prior to August 1, 1986,. in which .case such ..Bond shallbe dated as of December 1, 1985. The interest on the Bonds shall be payable by .check or draft of the Agent (as hereinafter defined) an February 1 and .August 1 in each year, commencing .August 1, 1986, to the awner of retard thereof as of the close of business on the .fifteenth day .(whether or nota business day) of the immediate'y preceding month. 2.04. The Bands issuable hereunder shall be fully registered as to both principal and interest. The. City hereby appoints Norwest Bank Minnea obis, N.A. in Minneapolis , ,Minnesota, to act as bond registrar, transfer agent and paying agent (the Agent), and agrees to pay reasonable and customary charge`s for the services. of the Agent. (a) Register. The Agent shall keep a bond register in which it shall provide far the registration of Bonds issuable hereunder and the registration of transfers and exchanges of Bonds entitled to be registered, transferred ar exchanged. (b) Transfer of Bonds. Upon surrender for transfer of any Band issuable hereunder endorsed by the registered owner or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer, in form satisfactory to the Agent, duly executed by .the. -5- registered owner thereof ar an attorney duly authorized by' the registered owner in writing, the .Agent shall authenticate and deliver, in the name of the'. designated transferee or transferees, one or mare new Bonds of a like :aggregate principal amount and maturity, as requested by the transferor. The Agent may, however, close the books fora registration of any transfer after the fifteenthday of the month preceding each interestgayment date and until: such interest payment-date. (c) Exchange of Bonds. Whenever any Band issuable hereunder is surrendered by the. registered owner for exchange, the Agent shall authenticate and deliver one ar more new Bands of a like aggregate. principal amount and maturity, as requested. by the registered owner ar the registered owner's attorney. in writing. (d) Cancellation. All Bonds surrendered .upon any transfer or exchange shall be promptly cancelled by the .Agent and disposed of as directed by the City. {e) Improper or Unauthorized Transfer. When any Bond issuable hereunder is presented to the Agnet far transfer, it may refuse to transfer the same until the Agent is satisfied that the endorsement. thereon ar instrument of transfer is valid and genuine and that the requested transfer is legally authorized: The Agent shall incur na liability .for the refusal, in good faith, to make transfers ..which it, in its judgment, .deems improper ar unauthorized. (f) Persons Deemed Owners. The Agent. and the .City may treat the person in whose name any: Band issuable hereunder is registered in the band register as the absolute owner of such Band,.whether such Band shall be overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment af, or on account of, the principal af_and interest on such_Bond and for all other purposes., and all such payments so .made to any such registered ~wnerar upon .the owner's order shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon-such Bond to the extent of the sum ar sums sa paid. (g) Taxes, Fees and Charges. Far every. transfer or exchange of Bonds issuablehereunder,. the Agent may impose a charge upon the. owner thereof sufficient to reimburse the Agent far any tax,,fee'or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect. to such transfer ar .exchange. (h) Mutilated, Last, Stolen ar Destroyed Bonds. In case any .Bond issuable hereunder shall become .mutilated or -6- be destroyed, stolen or lost, the Agent shall deliver a new Bandof like amount, number, maturity date and. tenor in exchange and substitution for and upon. cancellation of such mutilated Bond or in lieu of and in substitution far such Band. destroyed, stolen or lost,..upon the payment of the - reasonable expenses and :.charges of the Agent in connection therewith, and, in case of a Band destroyed, stolen or lost, upon filing with the Agent evidence satisfactory to .the... Agent that such Bond was destroyed, stolen ar last, and of the ownership thereof, and furnishing the Agent with an appropriate band or indemnity in form, substance and .amount satisfactory to the Agent. in which the. Agent and City shall be named as obligees.. All Bonds sa surrendered to the" Agent shall be cancelled. by it. If the mutilated, destroyed, stolen or lost. Bond has already :matured or has been called for redemption, it shall not be necessary to issue a new Bond prior to payment.. 2.05.. Upon merger or consolidation of the Agent with another corporation, if the resulting corporation is a bank or trust company authorized by law to conduct such business, such corporation shall be authorized to act as successor Agent. The City reserves .the .right to remove the Agent upon thirty (30) days notice and upon the appointment of'a successor Agent. 2.06. The Bond shall be prepared under the direction of the City Clerk. and shall be executed on behalf afthe.City by the printed facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk. In case any officer whose-signature or a facsimile of whose signature shall appear on the Bonds shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of the Bonds., such signature. or-facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient far all purposes, the same as if he had remained in :office until delivery. Notwithstanding such execution, no Bond shall be valid or obligatory far any purpose or entitled to any security or benefit .under this Resolution unless and until a certificate of authentication on such Bona has been duly executed by the manual signature of an authorized representative of the:. Agent. Certificates of authentication an different Bonds need not be signed by the same representative... The executed certificate of authentication on each Band shall be conclusive evidence that it has .been authenticated and delivered under this Resolution. When the Bonds have been so prepared, executed .and authenticated, the Treasurer shall deliver the same to the .purchaser thereof :upon. payment of the purchase price in accordance with the contract of sale heretofore`made and .executed, and said purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the application of the purchase price. 2.07. The Bands shall be printed in substantially the fallowing. form: • -7- [Face of the Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ' STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA CITY OF LAKEVILLE GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT BOND, SERIES 1985C Date of Rate Maturity Original Issue CUSIP December 1, 1985 REGISTERED :OWNER:. PRINCIPAL AMOUNT: DOLLARS KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Lakeville, a duly organized and existing. municipal corporation of Dakota County, Minnesota., acknowledges .itself to be indebted and far value received promises to pay to the registered owner.. specified .above, or registered assigns,. the principal sum specified above on the the maturity date specified above, with interest thereon. from the date hereof at the..annual rate specified above, such interest payable on February l and Augustal in each year, commencing August 1, 1986, to the .owner of record of this Bond an the. 15th day (whether ar not a- business day) afthe immediately preceding month, all subject to the provisions referred to herein with respect to the redemption of this Bond before maturity.. The interest hereon and,.upon presentation and .surrender hereof, the principal hereof.. are payable in lawful money of the United States. of America by check or draft by in as Bond Registrar and Paying Agent, or its designated successor. For the prompt and full payment of such principal and interest as the: same. become due, the full faith, credit and taxing power of the City have. been and are hereby irrevocably pledged. This. Bond is one of an issue in the total principal amount of $1,050,000, issued for. the purpose of financing .public costs of the I-35 Redevelopment Project Na. 2 (the Project) heretofore established by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of .Lakeville (the Authority) and. is issued under and pursuant to resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Authority and the City Council, including an authorizing resolution of the City Council adopted. on • -8- December 18, 1985, af~d under and. pursuant to and infull conformity with the Constitution and. laws of the State of Minnesota thereunto enabling,including Minnesota Statutes, Sections. through 273.78, and Chapters 462 and 475. Additional provisions of this Bond are contained on the reverse hereof and such provisions shall for all purposes have the same effect. as though fully set forth at ..this place. This Bond. shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any security or benefit under the. Resolution until the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall have .been executed. by the Bond Registrar by manual signature of one of its authorized representatives. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota, by its City Council,: has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the printed facsimile signatures of its Mayor and City Clerk-Administrator and has caused this bond to be dated as of the date set forth below. Dated CITY OF ZAKEVILLE, KINNESOTA (,facsimile' signature) (facsimile signature} • City Clerk-Administrator Mayor CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION This is one of the bonds delivered pursuant. to the Resolution mentioned within. By Authorized Representative. • - 9- [Reverse of the Bond]. The Bonds of this series shall be subject to mandatory redemption and prepayment, in whole or in part in multiples of, X5,000, by lot as selected by the Registrar, on December-1, 1988, in the event the Authority. has not entered into a development .agreement with respect to Tax Increment Financing District No. 2 pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 273.75, at a price equal to 101 of the principal amount to be redeemed with .interest accrued to the date of redemption. The City. Clerk shall cause notice of .redemption to be published as required by law and, at .least thirty days prior to the date .fixed for redemption, shall .cause said notice to be mailed to the registered owner at such owner's address as it appears on the bond register hereinafter described, and to the bank at which principaland interest are then. payable.. Upon partial redemption of this Bond, a new bond or bonds will be delivered to the owner without .charge, representing the .remaining principal amount outstanding. The Bonds are not otherwise subject to .redemption and. prepayment. As provided in the. resolution authorizing its issuance, and .subject to certain-limitations set forth therein, this. Bond is'transferable upon the. books of the City at the principal office of the Bond Registrar, by the. registered owner hereof in person or_bythe owner's attorney duly authorized in writing upon .surrender hereof together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Bond Registrar, duly executed by the registered owner or the owner's attorney; and may also be surrendered in exchange for bonds of other • authorized denominations. Upon such transfer or exchange,'the .City: will cause a new bond or bonds to be issued in the name of the transferee or registered owner, of the same aggregate principal amount, bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same date, subject to reimbursement for any tax, fee or .governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such transfer or .exchange.. The City and the Bond Registrar may deem and treat the person in whose name this Bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof, whether this ..Bond is overdue or not, for-the purpose of receiving payment and for all other purposes, and shall. not be affected by .any notice to the contrary.. IT IS HEREBY. CERTIFIED, RECITED, COVENANTED AND. AGREED than all acts, conditions and .things. required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed preliminary to and in the issuance of this. Bond in order to make it a .valid and- binding general obligation of the City in accordance with its terms, have been done, do .exist, .have happened and have been performed as so required;. that, prior to the. issuance. hereof,. the City -10- i has entered into an ,agreement with the .Authority. providing for the payment to the City of ad valorem tax .increments tC~ be derived from said tax increment financing district within the I-35 Redevelopment Project No. 2 (the. Project) and has irrevocablypledged and appropriated said ad valorem tax • increments. to the payment of the principal of and interest. on the Bonds of this series, which tax increments are estimated to be collectible .for the years and in amounts. sufficient to produce, sums not less. than five percent in excess of the principal of and interest on the Bonds of this series when due; that, if necessary for the payment of such principal and interest, ad valorem taxes are required. to be levied .upon all taxable property in the City, without limitation as to rate or amount; and that the issuance of this Bond does not cause the indebtedness of the City to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness. (Form of certificate to be printed on .the reverse side of each Bond, following a full copy of the legal opinion) We. certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of the legal opinion rendered by bond counsel on the issue of Bonds of the. City of Lakeville, Minnesota, which includes the within Bond, .dated as of the date. ofdeliveryof and. payment forthe Bonds.. (Facsimile Signature) (Facsimile .Signature) City Clerk Mayor The following abbreviations, when used on this Bond, shall be. construed as though they were writtenout in full. according to applicable laws or regulations: TEN COM as tenants UNIF GIFT MIN ACT Custodian in common Cust Minor TEN ENT as tenants by entireties under Uniform Gifts to Minors -11- • JT TEN as joint tenants. • with right. of Act........ survivorship and (State} not as tenants in • common Additional abbreviations may also be used though .not in the above ;list. ASSIGNMENT For value received, the .undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto the within.Bond and allxights thereunder, and does .hereby irrevocably constitute ..and appoint attorney to transfer the. said Bond on the books kept or registration of the within Bond, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: Notice: The assignor's signature to this assignment. must correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the within Bond in every particular, without alteration or enlargement orany change whatever. Signature Guaranteed: Signature(s) must be guaranteed by a national. bank or trust .company or by a brokerage firm having a membership in one of the major stock exchanges. -12- The Bond .Registrar wild not effect transfer of this . Bond'unle~s the information concerning the assignee .requested .below is provided. Name :and Address: Include information for all joint owners if. this Bond is held by joint account) Please insert social. security or other identifying. number of assignee .Section 3. Use of Proceeds. Other than accrued and capitalized interest and unused bond discount, if any, the proceeds of .the Bonds shall be made available to the Authority pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement to pay costs and expenses. of the Project as described in Section 1.04 hereof.. Section 4. Sinking Fund. The Bonds shall be payable from the "I-35 .Redevelopment Project Tax-Increment Bona Fund" to be established by the City (the Fund), which the City agrees.. to maintain as a separate. and special account on its official books. and. records until all principal of and interest on the Bonds have been paid in full. The moneys on hand in the. Fund" from time to-time shall be usedonly to pay or prepay. the princ.pal of and interest on the Bonds outstanding under this resolution or any additional bonds this Council directs to be payable therefrom when due. There is appropriated to the Fund, and into the Fund shall be paid as received: (1) all proceeds of the Bonds received from the purchaser. in excess of $1,034,250; {2) capitalized interest in the amount of ~ 1$2000 (3) all tax increments received by the .City from the Authority pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement to the extent required to ensure payment. of the Bonds, and (4) any .taxes levied pursuant to Section 5.hereof. Section 5. Pledge of Credit anti Taxing Power. It is estimated .that the collections.. of tax increments to be received from the_Authority pursuant: to the Cooperation Agreement will be not less than 5~ in excess of amounts needed to pay -13- • principal and interest on the Bonds wizen due, and, therefore, no ad' valorem tax levy is presently required. The City, ' however, recognizes and reaffirms its pledge of the full faith andcredit of the City to the payment of the Bonds, and, in the event that said tax increments do not prove sufficient. to pay. • said principal and interest, the City will promptly levy ad valorem taxes upon .all taxable property in the Gity as necessary for such. payment, without limitation as to rate. or .amount. Section 6. Additional Bonds. The City reserves-the right to issue. additional tax increment bonds payable primarily ar wholly from tax increments derived from the District on a parity with the Bonds and payable ratably f_romsuch tax. increments and other funds pledged and appropriated to the Fund pursuant to the Plan or any modifications .thereof duly adopted; provided that the tax increments. and other funds pledged and appropriated to the Fund, including any. additional. tax increment, taxes levied or other funds pledged and appropriated. thereto, .shall produce amounts not less. than 5 percent in excess of the principal of and interest on all bonds payable from the Fund when due. Such additional bonds shall be issued under Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.77 br any amending law. Section 7. Registration of Bond with.County Auditor. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to files certified copy of thus. resolution with the County Auditor of Dakota. County, together with such additional information as the Auditor shall. require, and to obtain from said County Auditor a certificate.-that the Bonds have been .duly. entered upon his bond register. Section 8. Authentication of Transcript.- The officers of the City and the County Auditor of Dakota County are hereby authorized and directed to prepare andfurnish to .the purchaser of the Bonds and to the attorneys approving the legality .thereof, certified copies of all proceedings and records relating to the Bonds and such other affidavits, certificates and information as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability. of the Bonds, as the same appear from the books and recordsin their custody and control. or as otherwise know to them, and all such certifed copies, affidavits and certificates,. including any-heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the City as' to the correctness of all statements contained therein. .Section 9. Arbitrage and Tax Covenants.. 9.01. The City covenants-and agrees with the registered owners from time to time of the Bonds thatit will:. -14- not take, or permit to be taken by any of its officers, employees 'or agents, any .action. which would. cause the interest payments. on the Bonds to become. subject. to taxation under the Internal Revenue Code; and that it will take, or it will cause' its officers, employees and agents to take all actions which • may be necessary to insure that such interest will not become subject o taxation under the Internal Revenue Code. In particular, unless.. required by_state law to da otherwise, `the City covenants that it shall not take any action or exercise any remedies .pursuant to any development agreement relating to the I-35 Redevelopment Project No. 2 if the effect thereof .would be, in the opinion of bond. counsel furnished to the City, to cause. the Bonds to be considered "industrial development bonds" or "consumer loan bonds" pursuant-to Section 103(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. Internal Revenue Code as used herein .includes the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and all regulatons,.amended regulations and,_ proposed regulations issued. thereunder, as now existing or as hereafter amendedorproposed. 9.02. The Mayor anal the City Clerk, being the officers of the City charged with the responsiblity for issuing the ..Bond pursuant to this resolution, are authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the purchaser a certifica- tion in order to satisfy the provisions of Section 103(c)-of the Internal Revenue Code and the .applicable regulations. Adopted. by the Council this 8th day of December, 1985. • ' - ~ ~ M r r Attest: City leek -15- • Themotion for.. the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Enright , and upon vote being .taken thereon, the following 'voted in favor thereof: All: member andthe..followng voted against the same: None whereupon theresolutionwas declared passed and adopted. • -16- •