HomeMy WebLinkAbout85-133 t .g • CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date December 16, 1985 Resolution No. 85-133 Motion by Enright Seconded by Harvey RESOLUTION ADOPTING 1986 SCHEDULE OF FEES NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the following schedule of fees is hereby approved and adopted effective February 1, 1986. I. LICENSES A. Rubbish Hauling ...........................$35.00 B. Cigarette .................................$12.00 C. Septic System Pumping .....................$35.00 II. PERMITS • A. Building Permits As recommended by the 1982 Minnesota State Uniform Building Code. B. Plan Check Fees - 65% of building permit fee. C. Plumbing Requirement: Master License Number, $2,000 Performance Bond and Certificate of Liability Insurance to be filed with City. Residential - Minimum (Repairs and alterations, lawn sprinkler systems)......$20.00 Includes surcharge Complete installation ................$40.00 Includes surcharge Commercial - One percent of contract up to $10,000 and one-half percent above $10,000 plus $.50 surcharge Minimum of ...........................$25.00 Includes surcharge Water Softner ........................$10.00 Includes surcharge D. Heating Requirement: $2,000 Performance Bond and Certificate of Liability Insurance to be filed with City. • 1 .r D. Heating (Continued) .Residential - Minimum (Repairs and alterations) • $20.00 Includes surcharge Complete Installation ................$40.00 Includes surcharge Commercial - One percent of contract up to $10,000 and one-half percent above $10,000 plus $.50 surcharge Minimum of ...........................$25.00 Includes surcharge E. Well Residential and Commercial...........$40.00 Includes surcharge F. Sewer and Water Requirement: Master License Number, .$2,000 Performance Bond and Certificate of Liability Insurance to be filed with City. Residential - Minimum (Repairs and alterations, city sewer only, or city water only) ..................$20.00 Includes surcharge New Installation - City water & sewer or private septic sewer system..... ..........................$40..00 Includes surcharge Commercial - Same as residential Street Excavation -.(.$500 deposit for restoration at option of Plumbing Inspector) ..................$25.00 Includes surcharge • G. Mobile Home Inspections Installation permit ..................$50.00 Includes surcharge Remodel permit .......................$25.00 Includes surcharge Code Compliance Inspection...........$25.00 Includes surcharge H. Swimming Pools (in-ground) ................Same_as building permit I. Fences .....................................$15.00 No surcharge J. Signs Permanent installation ...............$50.00 No surcharge Temporary installation ...............$25.00 No surcharge K. Billboards Double-faced ........................$100.00 Annual, no surcharge Single-faced 50.00 Annual, no surcharge Illuminated 25.00 Annual, no surcharge L. Moving Structure .........................$100.00 plus completion bond, no surcharge M. Demolition - No charge • .t + N. Fire Systems ~ . Water tap........... .................$50.00 Includes surcharge Stand pipe and hose cabinet - one percent of_contract up to $10,000 plus $.50 surcharge 0. Sprinkler Fire. Protection First ten (10) heads .................$25.00 Includes surcharge Each additional 10 heads or fraction thereof - $4.00 P. Miscellaneous Commercial Mechanical Refrigeration, ventilation, air conditioning, piping, fuel tanks, etc. - One percent of contract up to $10,000 and one-half percent above $10,000 plus $.50 surcharge Minimum ..............................$25.00 Includes .surcharge Q. Wood Cutting ..............................$10.00 R. Miscellaneous Inspections .................$25.00 III. PLANNIATG AND ZONING A. Platting $200.00 per addition plus $5.00 per lot. In addition to the • fee, a deposit is to be paid for consulting fees. The amount of the deposit is to be based on the size, complexity, diversity and location of the project. B. Planned Unit Development .................$250.00 plus consulting fees C. Variance 50.00 plus consulting fees D. Conditional Use ..........................$125.00 In addition to the fee, a deposit is to be paid for consulting costs incurred. The amount of the deposit is to be based on the size, complexity, diversity and location of the project. E. Home Occupation 50.00 plus consulting fees F. Rezoning .................................$250.00 plus consulting fees G. Special Home Occupation ..................$100.00 plus consulting fees H. Administrative Subdivision ...............$25.00 plus consulting fees IV. GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES A. Topographic maps 8.50 per acre Minimum charge of...$ 85.00 • B. Special assessment search 7.50 per parcel C. Certification of minutes, resolutions, ordinances, etc 5.00 plus .25 per .page D. Charge for copies .25 per page E. Street excavation 25.00 V. ANIMAL FEES/LICENSES A. Annual dog license 5.00 per animal. B. Annual kennel license ....................$100.00 C. Monthly penalty 1.00 - dogs after 3/1 10.00 - kennels after 3/1 D. Transfer 1.00 - replacement 1.00 - ownership E. Pickup 10.00- first impoundment 20.00 - second impoundment 30.00 - third impoundment F. Boarding............ 3.00 per animal per day G. Rabies retainer 15.00 per animal H. Transfer of kennel license 25.00 VI. PULICE DEPARTMENT CHARGES A. Accident report 5.00 per copy B. Accident photo 5.00 per photo C. Alarm system monitor 25.00 per alarm per month D. Alarm system-false alarm 25.00 per call E. Investigative Report 5.00 per report plus • .50 per page VII, ERCAVATING AAID FILLING PERMIT FEES A. 10,000 cubic yards or .less: $50.00 B. 10,001 to 250,000 cubic. yards: $775.00 initial fee together with an annual fee of $375.00 (including first year) C. 250,001 to 500,000 cubic yards: $850.00 initial fee together with annual fee of $500 (including first year) D. 500,001 or more cubic yards: $1,150 initial fee together with an annual fee of $750. (including first year) APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, this 16th day of December, 1985. CITY OF VILLE BY: Du ne Zaun, Ma o ATTES r,. • trick E. McGarvey, City Clerk