HomeMy WebLinkAbout85-100 t CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date October 7, 1985 Resolution No. 85-100 Motion by Enright Seconded by Sindt RESOLUTION ADOPTING 1986 GENERAL FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville that the budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1986, and ending December 31, 1986, be adopted as follows: Revenues General property taxes $1,526,801 Licenses and permits 187,856 Intergovernmental revenue 1,197,897 Charges for services 256,697 . Court fines 40,270 Miscellaneous 77,885 Interfund transfers 120,240 Total revenues $3,407,645 Expenditures Mayor and Council $ 30,964 Communications 32,305 City Administrator 93,884 Elections 13,695 Motor Vehicle 50,512 Legal 48,000 Committees 25,867 Planning 83 745 Inspection 109,336 Building Maintenance 198,439 Finance 124,168 Insurance gg,975 Police 1,040,068 Fire 176,974 Civil Defense 3,000 Animal Control 14,223 Ambulance 55,424 Engineering 44,500 • i Expenditures (Continued) • Streets $ 470,692 Parks 379,908 Recreation 106,827 Other 216,139 Total Expenditures $3,407,645 APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota, this 7th day of October, 1985. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: Du ne Zaun, Mayo, ATTEST: Patrick E. McGarvey, ity Cler • e 2