HomeMy WebLinkAbout85-047 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION Date June 17, 1985 Resolution No. 85-47 Motion by Harvey. Seconded by Nelson RESOLUTION RELATING TO INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND ISSUE (SCRAPER MANUFACTURING COMPANY) WHEREAS, by resolution duly adopted February 4, 1985, this council gave preliminary approval to the issuance of up to $3,000,ODU of industrial development revenue bonds to finance a project (a 2UU,UUU square foot manufacturing/warehouse facility) on behalf of Schaper a Manufacturing Company; and WHEREAS, the council has been informed the Schaper Manufacturing Company is, in fact, a division of Kusan, Inc., a corporation; and WHEREAS, the council is further informed that Kusan, Inc., because of the limitations contained in Section lU3(b) (15) of the Code, is considering the possible sale of the Schaper Manufacturing Company division; and WHEREAS, the council is desirous of inducing the construction of the aforementioned project and retaining the present toy manufacturing operations in the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville that the preliminary approval granted by the February 4, 1985, resolution for the project and the issuance of revenue bonds therefor in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 is confirmed and the City hereby expresses its present intent to proceed with the financing on behalf of Kusan, Inc., or such other investor, partnership or corporation as may acquire the present operations of Schaper Manufacturing Company from Kusan, Inc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City does not guarantee the availability or legal capacity to provide revenue bonds as requested herein and reserves the right to withdraw this approval upon 3U days notice to the applicant; and in no event shall this approval extend beyond May 31, 1986. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 1985. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: Duane Zaun, M r ATTEST• Patrick E. McGarvey, City Clerk • 2