FEBRUARY 21, 1995
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Zaun. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Johnson, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Harvey and Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Erickson, City Administrator; J. Walston, Assistant City
Attorney; K. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud,
Parks & Recreation Director; Lieutenant Clint Anderson; J. Robinette,
Environmental. Resources Director; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the February 6, 1995, City Council meeting. were approved as
Attorney: Mr. Walston presented, for the Council `s consideration, a Real
Estate Purchase Agreement between the City of Lakeville and Robert T. and
Maryann Barte, for acquisition of property adjacent to Juno Trail associated
with the 1994 park bond referendum. The Council agreed to consider this item
under Unfinished Business.
Engineer: None.
Administrator: Mr. Erickson provided Councilmembers with a resolution
prepared by the City Attorney for Agenda Item No. 10.
~ ~ ~ ~ 4
Police Department: Lieutenant Clint Anderson presented the January Police
Department monthly activity report.
Parks ~ Recreation Department: Director Steve Michaud presented the
January Parks & Recreation Department monthly activity report.
ALF Ambulance: pirector Kevin Raun presented the 1994 ALF Ambulance
annual report.
FEBRUARY 21, 1995
Lieutenant Anderson presented a certificate to Officer Janet Nelson. for her
recently awarded. status as Crime Scene Analyst by the International
Association for Identification.
Mr. Dick Whittier, 8849-205th Street West, voiced a concern regarding quotes
made by Councilmember Harvey in the local newspaper concerning the Airlake
Airport. Councilmember Harvey stated that some of the statements he made
were miss-quoted in the newspaper. He stated he will be sending a letter to
the editor to clarify some of his remarks.
95.19 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Johnson to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. .Receive January Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the. following advisory committee meetings:
Parks & Recreation Committee, February 1, 1995
Planning Commission, February 2, 1995
Environmental Affairs Committee, February 14,1995
d. Resolution No. 95-24 calling public hearing on the certification of
delinquent utility accounts.
e. Change orders No. 2 and 3 with Engco Construction Company for the
Police Station expansion/remodeling project.
f. Landscape contracts with Paul's Lawn & Garden Service and Jeff
Reisinger Lawn Care.
g. Trunk watermain credits for Creekview Estates.
h. Resolution No. 95-25 designating State Aid Streets: Kenrick Avenue
• (former CSAH 5) between 205th and 210th streets; Hamburg Avenue
between 202nd and 200th streets; 200th Street West between Hamburg
FEBRUARY 21, 1995
and Cedar avenues;. and County Road 46 between Dodd Boulevard and
Pilot Knob Road.
i. Construction Agreement with Dakota County for reconstruction of CSAH
50 between Jubilee Way and Kenwood Way, Improvement Project 94-3.
j. Engineering Agreement with Black & Veatch for preliminary design of the
water treatment plant, Improvement Project 94-2.
k. Resolution No. 95-26 authorizing sale of vehicles.
I. Resolution No. 95-27 receiving bids and awarding contract for a wheel
loader with snow plow, snow wing and related equipment.
m. Standard Services Agreement with Dakota Pet Hospital
n. Agreement with Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District
relating to Urban Plan Review and Site Inspection Services.
o. Resolution No. 95-28 approving salary schedule for Parks & Recreation
Department seasonal employees.
p. Resolution No. 95-29 establishing Meals on Wheels Advisory Committee
and approve contract with Ramsey Action, Inc.
q. Resolution No. 95-30 approving final acceptance of watermain
improvement and grant of permanent watermain easement, Airlake
r. Resolution No. 95-31 authorizing condemnation of property for park
s. ;Ordinance No.<544 amending Title 10, Chapter 4, of the Lakeville City
Code concerning park and trail dedication requirements.
t. Authorize staff to submit application for re-certification of Lakeville as a
Tree City USA community.
u. Resolution No. 95-32 accepting donation from Lutheran Brotherhood,
Dakota Branch 801`1.
v. Resolution No. 95-33 accepting donation from VFW Post 210 to the
DARE Program.
FEBRUARY 21, 1995
• PAGE 4
w. Resolution No. 95-34 vacating a portion of an existing drainage and utility
easement on Homestead Trail
x. Architectural services agreement with Tushie-Montgomery & Associates,
Inc. for remodeling of Fire Station No. 1.
Roll call was aken on thee:motion. Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
Environmental Resources Director Jim Robinette presented the 1995-97 Lake
and Stream Water Quality Monitoring Program, prepared by Barr Engineering.
He explained that the Storm Water Management Plan, adopted by the City in
1991, details how drainage will be dealt with far into the future. The Water
Quality Monitoring Program will document existing conditions and enable the
City to develop a comprehensive management plan and action steps
necessary to protect the City's water resources while the City. continues to
grow with development. The program includes initial testing in eight lakes and
at 10 tributary stream locations. It involves citizen participation in taking
samples where possible. The Environmental Affairs Committee reviewed the
program and unanimously recommended approval
Mayor Zaun asked if the USGS baseline data of Orchard Lake and Lake
Marion will. be incorporated into the report.
Mr. Robinette stated all historical data has been made available to Barr
Engineering for inclusion in the study.
Couracilmember Sindt asked why Crystal .Lake is not being included in the
monitoring program.
Mr. Robinette explained that Crystal Lake is closely monitored by the Blackdog
Watershed Management Organization;and has an active water quality
management program already in place.
Councilmember Johnson asked the staff to explain how the cost of the program
($277,000) will be funded.
Mr. Feller explained that the City implemented the storm water utility fee in
August of 1994. Residents are charged a fee of $3.75 on their utility bill, which
is deposited into the storm water utility fund. He further explained that there
FEBRUARY 21, 1'995
will be some interim. financing for the first three years of the program from the
storm water trunk fund. The storm water utility fund will repay the trunk fund
during the fourth and fifth years of the program.
95.20 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to authorize Barr Engineering
to proceed with the City of Lakeville 1995-97 Lake and Stream Water Quality
Monitoring Pr-ogram, in accordance with their proposal, at a cost not to exceed
RoN call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey,
Parks & Recreation Director Steve Michaud. presented several proposed
.changes to the Dakota County trail system within Lakeville. Considering the
magnitude of County road work which will take place in 1995 and 1996, Dakota
County Planning is requesting several changes, as outlined. in Steve Michaud's
memo dated February 13, 1995 (on file in the City C/erk's office). The Parks &
Recreation Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed changes to the
bikeway system and unanimously recommended City Council approval of an
amendment to the City's Comprehensive Trails System Plan.
Councilmember Sindt raised a safety concern regarding the proposed trail
along Dodd Boulevard at the Highview Avenue intersection, given the poor site
distance at that intersection.
Mr. Michaud stated the trail is only designated at this time and will most likely
not be installed until Dodd Boulevard is upgraded.
95.21 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution
No. 95- 35 adopting an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Trails System
;Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Harvey, Johnson,
City Engineer Keith Nelson presented a resolution authorizing Short, Elliott,
Hendrickson, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for Improvement Project
. 94-11, consistent with the conditional use permit previously approved. by the
City Council for construction of a water tower in the parking lot at North Park.
FEBRUARY 21, 1995
Mr. Nelson explained that since it appears unlikely that a water treatment plant
and additional ground storage could be constructed and in operation before
the fall of 1996,. staff believes it is imperative that the elevated tank be
constructed this year to insure an adequate water supply during peak summer
demands in 1996. Improvement Project 94-11 would also include the paving of
the North Park parking lot.
Mr. Greg Gunderson, 17203 Idlewood Way, requested the City Council
reconsider its decision to build a water tower in North Park and not move
forward with approval of plans and specifications,. given the possible lawsuit
against the City on this matter. He suggested. the City put this issue to a vote
of the citizens of Lakeville.
Mayor Zaun. clarified that the Council's action this evening is only to authorize
preparation of the plans and specifications, which will be brought to the City
Council for final. approval at a later date.
95.22 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Johnson to approve Resolution No.
95-36 authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for Improvement
Project 94-11.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Harvey, Johnson, Zaun,
Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston presented a Real Estate Purchase
Agreement with Robert and Maryann Barte for Lot 6, Block 1, Sullivan's First
Addition to Marion Heights. The property is a 1.6 acre parcel located along
Juno Trail with frontage on Lake Marion. Mr. Walston explained that
acquisition of this property is necessary for the proposed Juno Trail bike and
-pedestrian walkway around Lake Marion, which was approved as part of the
1994 park. bond referendum.
95:23 :.Motion was;rnade by Harvey, seconded by Sindt to approve the Real Estate
Purchase Agreement with Robert T. and Maryann L. Barte for Lot 6, Block 1,
Sullivan's First Addition to Marion Heights.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt,
• In reference to existing agreements with the Metropolitan Airports Commission
{MAC) and Eureka Township whereby the City provides water for fire
FEBRUARY 21, 1995
protection at the Airlake Airport, Councilmember Harvey asked the City
Attorney to explain what would happen if the airport property were sold by
MAC to a private property owner. Mr. Walston stated he will review the
existing agreement and provide the Council with a response.
-95.24 Motion wasmade by Harvey,-seconded by Mulvihill to direct the City Attorney
to review the agreement with he Metropolitan Airports Commission and
respond to Councilmember Harvey's concern as stated above.
RolLcall was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next regular Council meeting, March 6, 1995.
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
.Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, i Clerk
D ane Zaun, y r