HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-128 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Date September 24, 1984 Resolution No. 84-128.
Motion by Nelson Seconded by Harvey
WHEREAS,. the City has received a certificate of survey from Star
Tex Industries providing for the division of the described parcel of
property into two parcels; and
WHEREAS, City Code, Section 10-1-6, paragraph A, provides for .the
administrative division of the parcel into two parcels.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the division of the parcel of
property is hereby approved as per the attached certificate of survey.
APPROVED this 24th day of September, 1984.
Du ne Zaun, M y r
Patrick E. McG rvey, City Cle
That pact of thr> Southwest quarter of Sr'ction 33, Township 114 North, Rar.~
west, Dakota Cc,unty, Minnesota, described as follows;
Crnnmencing at the northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of said Sectic,:,;
thence SU°09'E (rssun,EC~ bear:nq) aJonq the wear line of the Southwest Quarter
of said Section ]6]6.25 r•c•t; thence N89°20'45"E, aloriy a line which whet'
.extended east.e~r'y would nter:ect tht• northwest corner of Lot 5, Rlack 3 cf ,
Airlake Indust na] Part. 1st. Aaditiun, a distance of 172(1.00 feet to the point
of beyint:iny of the tr,,ct to be described herE•in; thence SU°09'F, parallel with
-the west line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 664.26 feet; thence
S63°09'55"R 731,53 feet to the west line of said Airlake Industrial Park 1st..
Addition; thence North, along said Worst lin«•, 1001.96 feet to the northwest
corner of Lot S, Block 3 of said Airlake Industrial Park ]st Addition; th,:•nce i
S89°20'45"W 654.54 feet to the. F:oit,t rf beginning.
Cunt~.irinq 12.50 acres rtore ur less.
Subject to a-road easement over the s~utt~ 33 feet fur 22Uth St., railroad
casement over the nurt.h i0 fert fur tJ+,-• o,a`n line spur for the Minneapolis,
Northfield' ar,cl Southern Railroad, eaten~,.nts of record, if any, and the j
covenants and restrictions oC Airlake Iudusrria] Park.
PAN4E:1. A
w. Thy+t part of the Southwest qu.,rter of Section 33, Township ]14 North, Range 20
'-'~w,os-t r__Dakar:a'~Ct,unty, hi3,;r•~sct4, described as follows:
Commencing at the rwrthwest c•brner c,f the Southwest: qu.,rtE•: of said Section;
thence SU°09'E (assumed bt•aring) along the west line of the' Southwest quarter
•nf said Section 1618.25 fret; ther.cr• N85°20'45"E, along r: line which whet.
extended easterly woulr' intersect tt.r~ northwest corner at hut. 5,-Flock 3 uf.
Lirl.ake Industrial Park. 1st Ar.c!itit,n, a di.stana• of 1120. GU feet to the point !
of beginning of the tract to be described hereto; thence SG°05'F, parilJr•1 Witt,
the west line of the: Southwest quarter o.` saki S~ctir,n 664.26 feet; thencc-
S63°09'55"f: 527.5; ft et; the re•e NO"Ots'4b"4: cli:;,.,nc•c• ,.l 9u7.77 feet t.o its
int.:•rsection with a line hrar.ny N8'f'zu'45"E: frc~n thc• f~uint of t,t>ginninq; ~
thence S89°20'45"W a dist.ance~ uf. 4?O.IR fr'e't to the pcir,t of beginr.inq.
Containit~q 8.48 acrE•s more' cr less.
Parcel B
• ~
`that part. of the Southwest qu..rter of S.ctiun 33, Tawr;shil', 114 North, Rangc• 20
West, Dakota County, M1Me5UYa, described as follows;
i'omn,Encinq at the northwest carne; <f the Soutt:wcst. q_c~,rtc,r c.f said Section;
thence SO°09'E (assumed bearinq) along Lt:e West line ut the Southwest quarter
of said Sectic.u 1618.25 feet; thenr_E N89`20'45"E along a line which when
e,xt.ended easterly wuc7P intersect the northwest curr.e•r cf Lut 5, Block 3 of I
Airlake Jndustrial Fark tet. Addition, a distance of 1120.00 reef; thence I
SU°09'F, parallel With the wE-st line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section
(:64.26 feet; thence S63°05'55"E 527.55 fE•ot. to the point of beginning of the
tract of land to her desr-riGed; thence Sb3°05'55"E a distance of 204.44 feet tr,
the west lime of said Airlake Indu trial Fark ist Adclitivn; thence North, along
said west line, 101.95 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 3 of said
Airlake,l:rdustral Park 1st Addition; thence S89°20!45"w a distance of 184.77
feet to its intersection with a line bearinq NO°08'48"W from the point of
beginning; thence S0°08'48"E a distance of 907.77 feE•t to the point of
bey inning.
e'ontair.ing 4.02 act es mine cr 1PS5.
Land Surveyors d
105 West 23rd Street ~r/
Hastings, Minnesota 55033
Bus: (612) 437-2909 fles: (672) 435.5417
, ,
) fiereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was
prepared by me or under mgdirect supervisiomand that - J
I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws at (u = fir. orrAwro er: C.F.G.
the Stateot Minnesota,
or?rE' 5-II-84
date S s . Reg. . 9zgq STAR - TEX
.E•,~. .r.~~-~ ;t ter, LAKEVILLE MINNESOTA.. ea-oza